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Thread: "Get stuffed"

  1. #1

    "Get stuffed"

    The Prime Minister's sombre and respectful tone when speaking in the Commons today about the findings of the first stage of the Report into the Grenfell Tower tragedy grate somewhat when you consider this;-



  2. #2

    Re: "Get stuffed"

    The fact is that even in London the fire police and ambulance service are so under resourced that its third world.
    In outlying places it's even worse

  3. #3

    Re: "Get stuffed"

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    The fact is that even in London the fire police and ambulance service are so under resourced that its third world.
    In outlying places it's even worse
    Everybody knows that they're under resourced... That's the point!

  4. #4

    Re: "Get stuffed"

    Everybody knows that's the point.
    The thing is that we can no longer afford to support the infrastructure and high standards of the past because we've lost touch with reality and proportion . Being more concerned with peculiar sexual practises, race politics and climate change than with History, Grammar or Physics, having created the professions of single parenthood and economic immigration, and having abandoned manufacturing and commerce in favour of cutting each other's hair and delivering pizzas, of course we can't afford an infrastructure.

  5. #5

    Re: "Get stuffed"

    It's a slow rot, isn't it? Socially, economically, morally and politically. Years of self-imposed austerity on the back of pretending Blighty's skint when the government can create any amount of currency to spend without the need to borrow a single penny of it. That what QE is. There's been £434 billion of that so far. Instead of the Treasury simply entering those digits at their computer terminal someone at the BoE did so as debt to transfer over to the Treasury. Simply put, the British government borrowed £434 billion from itself. What a farce! QE is also known as monetising, another polite term, when in reality it's counterfeiting. It occurs because what we term as money is currency which is debt-based confetti because it's backed by nothing tangible and is why an infinite amount can be magicked into existence. It's the same the world over and is the reason all 200+ countries carry a national debt: not one is a creditor nation.

  6. #6

    Re: "Get stuffed"

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Everybody knows that's the point.
    The thing is that we can no longer afford to support the infrastructure and high standards of the past because we've lost touch with reality and proportion . Being more concerned with peculiar sexual practises, race politics and climate change than with History, Grammar or Physics, having created the professions of single parenthood and economic immigration, and having abandoned manufacturing and commerce in favour of cutting each other's hair and delivering pizzas, of course we can't afford an infrastructure.
    You keep telling us not to trust politicians yet you're just carrying their message of not being able to afford nice things anymore. I'm just going to ignore the not-thinly-veiled bigotry in your post as that's all it deserves.

    If any of that bullshit was true, then it must have been a Christmas Miracle when Austerity PLC found £1bn to get the DUP into bed a couple of years ago.

    That £1bn was obviously found behind the sofa because we were told that there was no money available for public services and they all needed to be cut for the greater good.

    I wonder how far that £1bn would have gone in terms of funding the fire brigades and police in the UK? Could have at least upgraded the London ones to "second world" worthy, I reckon.

  7. #7

    Re: "Get stuffed"

    Same old thick, insensitive Tories, mocking Corbyn's green tie. God help us

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: "Get stuffed"

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Same old thick, insensitive Tories, mocking Corbyn's green tie. God help us
    I note you missed out the fact that Teresa May took them to task

  9. #9

    Re: "Get stuffed"

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Everybody knows that's the point.
    The thing is that we can no longer afford to support the infrastructure and high standards of the past because we've lost touch with reality and proportion . Being more concerned with peculiar sexual practises, race politics and climate change than with History, Grammar or Physics, having created the professions of single parenthood and economic immigration, and having abandoned manufacturing and commerce in favour of cutting each other's hair and delivering pizzas, of course we can't afford an infrastructure.
    Are you an economic immigrant ?

  10. #10

    Re: "Get stuffed"

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I note you missed out the fact that Teresa May took them to task
    That makes it ok then. Cheers LoM.

  11. #11

    Re: "Get stuffed"

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    You keep telling us not to trust politicians yet you're just carrying their message of not being able to afford nice things anymore. I'm just going to ignore the not-thinly-veiled bigotry in your post as that's all it deserves.

    If any of that bullshit was true, then it must have been a Christmas Miracle when Austerity PLC found £1bn to get the DUP into bed a couple of years ago.

    That £1bn was obviously found behind the sofa because we were told that there was no money available for public services and they all needed to be cut for the greater good.

    I wonder how far that £1bn would have gone in terms of funding the fire brigades and police in the UK? Could have at least upgraded the London ones to "second world" worthy, I reckon.
    Not sure what the exact 2019 figure is but the official amount Britain gave away in Overseas Aid in 2018 was £13.4 billion. That was 0.7% of Britain's GDP. While the government has had no problem slashing various budgets that citizens of this country rely on, that one has remained untouchable. Before a fan of one of the political teams weigh in, Labour would also have protected it and will if they're elected. A little context to that £13.4 billion from just that single year. UK prisons which are constantly a few hundred below maximum operating capacity (because the government supposedly hasn't the readies to build new ones) and is why magistrates and judges grasp at any feeble excuse not to imprison people who deserve to be banged-up. HMP Berwyn in North Wales is the UK's newest and largest capacity prison cost £250 million to build. That £13.4 billion could have paid for 57 other Berwyn's and with it provided a great many jobs and doubled the amount of prison spaces.

  12. #12

    Re: "Get stuffed"

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    The fact is that even in London the fire police and ambulance service are so under resourced that its third world.
    In outlying places it's even worse
    That's what you get after years of Conservative and Unionist rule in Westminster.

  13. #13

    Re: "Get stuffed"

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    That's what you get after years of Conservative rule in Westminster.

    And you think some other party would be different do you ? It wouldn't because they're all the same and they just tell different people whatever they want to hear.
    I'd ask when people will catch on to the fact that it's all a ****ing big con, but I know the answer

  14. #14

    Re: "Get stuffed"

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    It's a slow rot, isn't it? Socially, economically, morally and politically. Years of self-imposed austerity on the back of pretending Blighty's skint when the government can create any amount of currency to spend without the need to borrow a single penny of it. That what QE is. There's been £434 billion of that so far. Instead of the Treasury simply entering those digits at their computer terminal someone at the BoE did so as debt to transfer over to the Treasury. Simply put, the British government borrowed £434 billion from itself. What a farce! QE is also known as monetising, another polite term, when in reality it's counterfeiting. It occurs because what we term as money is currency which is debt-based confetti because it's backed by nothing tangible and is why an infinite amount can be magicked into existence. It's the same the world over and is the reason all 200+ countries carry a national debt: not one is a creditor nation.

    Quite right

  15. #15

    Re: "Get stuffed"

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    You keep telling us not to trust politicians yet you're just carrying their message of not being able to afford nice things anymore. I'm just going to ignore the not-thinly-veiled bigotry in your post as that's all it deserves.

    If any of that bullshit was true, then it must have been a Christmas Miracle when Austerity PLC found £1bn to get the DUP into bed a couple of years ago.

    That £1bn was obviously found behind the sofa because we were told that there was no money available for public services and they all needed to be cut for the greater good.

    I wonder how far that £1bn would have gone in terms of funding the fire brigades and police in the UK? Could have at least upgraded the London ones to "second world" worthy, I reckon.

    There's some merit in that because you're right that they manufacture money or " borrow" it from the globalists to keep nations in debt and under control. On the other hand there's only so much money creation they can get away with in a non productive society.
    The fact that they only create the money with their keyboards doesn't mean that they're going to be generous with it, in fact they use it as another control mechanism , whereas if genuine wealth is created by individuals , then it is individuals who control it

  16. #16

    Re: "Get stuffed"

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    There's some merit in that because you're right that they manufacture money or " borrow" it from the globalists to keep nations in debt and under control. On the other hand there's only so much money creation they can get away with in a non productive society.
    The fact that they only create the money with their keyboards doesn't mean that they're going to be generous with it, in fact they use it as another control mechanism , whereas if genuine wealth is created by individuals , then it is individuals who control it
    When did all of this start?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: "Get stuffed"

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    That makes it ok then. Cheers LoM.
    Nope it doesnt .Just offering a balance

  18. #18

    Re: "Get stuffed"

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Nope it doesnt .Just offering a defence
    Fixed it for you.

  19. #19

    Re: "Get stuffed"

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    When did all of this start?
    It begun a long time ago and went into overdrive when the entire world became a fiat currency only one when Nixon took the US off the gold standard in 1971.

    For a comprehensive guide read the book The Creature from Jeckyll Island. It's available at the link to be read or downloaded for free as a .pdf file. https://www.chinhnghia.com/The-Creat...rd-Griffin.pdf

    The author G Edward Griffin is also famous for another book, World Without Cancer, in which he reveals how all forms cancer can be avoided and cured. A free .pdf of that can be found via a google search, alternatively spend 55 minutes watching the film version that he narrates. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlHxVMWAOOQ

  20. #20

    Re: "Get stuffed"

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    Are you an economic immigrant ?
    Well that would depend whether you accept trampie's idea of different countries and races within the uk but I suppose in a sense I am.
    I never thought of it like that though, because I didn't need a passport or a green card to get on the train all those years ago.
    I think it's more than that though, certainly at this stage. I don't think I could live in Wales anymore to be honest.

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