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Thread: Ken Loach

  1. #51

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    I'm not so sure that labour will get smashed. The problem is from within, the membership overwhelmingly want Corbyn, some of his fellow labour MP'S have done all they can to rubbish him and get him out.
    I don't think they'll get smashed either. It'll be hung and who knows what discussions will take place either. But agree with the comments on the Labour leadership. Someone other than Corbyn would be hoping for a landslide.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Labour are about to get smashed out of sight. We are going to have a minimum 5 years of a Boris Johnson government. A nightmare thought.

    Labour have done this to themselves and it dates back to electing the wrong Milliband brother.

    Labour need to win the marginals and they are not doing that with the likes of Corbyn and Dianne Abbott at the front.

    They may even lose numbers of safe seats which will be some achievement.
    I actually think Corbyn had a window to stop the Boris , and perhaps JC task may now be slightly easier , and that was fir for him to reluctantly back Mays part remain withdrawal bill , on the guise to stop the rise of the right ERG, he could now be
    canvassing doing the right thing for the country albeit
    reluctantly and in doing so deliver a democract decesion .

    He would be in a better place now as May was very unpopular and a dead woman walking politically .

    Trouble with him and to some extent a lot of Labour voters thier hatred of anything Tory blinds them and in my opinion effects thier judgement, you can that from a few on this board and thier behaviours and childish personal attacks.

    It seems one cannot call out ones party faults , without being called a Tory , its as if your not allowed another view , or seek something better of the party you have traditionally supported .

    The biggest threat for Labour is if the Tories dont contest the Brexit seats stronlgy , yes the mood music is no pact however I wonder if the already Tories know they would never beat Labour in those leave seats but the Brexit party would.

    I would not be surprised if the Brexit party only contests leave known own areas to concentrate thier resources,rather than UK wide candidates?

    And Wales us well up for a Brexit grab , no wonder thier conference was held in Wales , they are on the sniff .

    For me Its horrible to see the demise of Labour, thats why I'm more crtical of them in thier current state as they are destroying Labour goid centralist MP's are being isolated one by one ,I've always known the Tories too be the alleged nasty ones , I'm sure like most parties there's good and bad, so its wrong to label everyone under the same badge .

    I tell you what you'd have to be driven and gavevsome balls to want to bemcone an MP in this era with its ease of use social media abuse channels.

  3. #53

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I actually think Corbyn had a window to stop the Boris , and perhaps JC task may now be slightly easier , and that was fir for him to reluctantly back Mays part remain withdrawal bill , on the guise to stop the rise of the right ERG, he could now be
    canvassing doing the right thing for the country albeit
    reluctantly and in doing so deliver a democract decesion .

    He would be in a better place now as May was very unpopular and a dead woman walking politically .

    Trouble with him and to some extent a lot of Labour voters thier hatred of anything Tory blinds them and in my opinion effects thier judgement, you can that from a few on this board and thier behaviours and childish personal attacks.

    It seems one cannot call out ones party faults , without being called a Tory , its as if your not allowed another view , or seek something better of the party you have traditionally supported .

    The biggest threat for Labour is if the Tories dont contest the Brexit seats stronlgy , yes the mood music is no pact however I wonder if the already Tories know they would never beat Labour in those leave seats but the Brexit party would.

    I would not be surprised if the Brexit party only contests leave known own areas to concentrate thier resources,rather than UK wide candidates?

    And Wales us well up for a Brexit grab , no wonder thier conference was held in Wales , they are on the sniff .

    For me Its horrible to see the demise of Labour, thats why I'm more crtical of them in thier current state as they are destroying Labour goid centralist MP's are being isolated one by one ,I've always known the Tories too be the alleged nasty ones , I'm sure like most parties there's good and bad, so its wrong to label everyone under the same badge .

    I tell you what you'd have to be driven and gavevsome balls to want to bemcone an MP in this era with its ease of use social media abuse channels.
    What’s the Brexit Party’s stance on the NHS, Transport, Environment, Education etc? Or are they just a one trick pony? Ridiculous to even contemplate voting for them, Farage (the same as Johnson) is akin to a daft dog barking like mad and chasing a bus but having no clue what to do when he caught it.

  4. #54
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Wow , quite a speech and an attack is it true ?????
    It was a widely publicised attack on Corbyn when he made it in early September. The national Tory press loved it - not just Steve Baker and his 'Spartan' ERG mates. It is no surprise at all. You only have to look for a few minutes at the track record of Ian Austin to decide whether his Parliamentary rant was true or not.

    He has previous for abusive behaviour - in the Commons and against former Labour colleagues. He is a Labour Friends of Israel stalwart and has had to apologise in the past for false claims of anti-semitism. He was a Gordon Brown tail gunner for a while but has moved rapidly further right in recent years and has supported private schools, no deal Brexit (despite backing Remain in the referendum) and was vociferous in his attacks on Corbyn for his opposition to Blair and the Iraq War when the Chilcott Report came out in 2016. He is also an expenses cheat!

  5. #55

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by jackrabbit View Post
    How can anybody out of his/her teens contemplate voting Labour, with this disgraceful charlatan in charge? Unthinkable.


    The sooner it is reflective of the decency of people like Steve Baker the better. It would then be worth voting for again.
    Was it you I saw on Sunday flying the Union Jack at the Liberty, whilst singing along to 'Hyms and Arias'??

  6. #56

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Wow , quite a speech and an attack is it true ?????
    You bet your sweet arse it’s true. Corbyn is an avowed communist who has always sided with enemies of this country. He was a particular fan of the IRA.

  7. #57

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Soul '68 View Post
    Was it you I saw on Sunday flying the Union Jack at the Liberty, whilst singing along to 'Hyms and Arias'??

  8. #58

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    What’s the Brexit Party’s stance on the NHS, Transport, Environment, Education etc? Or are they just a one trick pony? Ridiculous to even contemplate voting for them, Farage (the same as Johnson) is akin to a daft dog barking like mad and chasing a bus but having no clue what to do when he caught it.
    Farage and co are basically further to the right Tories who are and will take a significant amount of working class voters for mugs ie the 350m for the NHS. I was listening to a traditional Labour voter and member on the radio the other day and he said he could not back Labour due to Brexit. He said he would never vote for the Tories. He wasn't happy about it but said hed back the even more right wing Brexit lot. When asked why he said they didnt close the pits.

    Labour are about to be hammered and its their own doing.

  9. #59

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by jackrabbit View Post
    You bet your sweet arse it’s true. Corbyn is an avowed communist who has always sided with enemies of this country. He was a particular fan of the IRA.
    Tory ****

  10. #60

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Steve Baker, The born again Christian who opposed same sex Marriage. Fair play, you've picked a right nasty bit of work there.
    People who talk about replacing Corbyn have an incredible ability to suggest even worse candidates as his replacement

    Anyone who thinks the Labour Party will just swing back to the right following Corbyn is in for a shock. With the threshold to get on the ballot lowered, the left will find it easier to win in future due to the ideology of the membership. The main problem facing left wingers in the Labour Party was getting enough nominations from the PLP, if the threshold is lowered to 10%, any potential leader would only need around 24 nominations. There are 21 MPs in the Socialist Campaign Group alone, all of which will back a left leader who would win the vote comfortably

  11. #61

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by jackrabbit View Post
    You bet your sweet arse it’s true. Corbyn is an avowed communist who has always sided with enemies of this country. He was a particular fan of the IRA.
    Do you read the Daily Mail by any chance?

  12. #62

    Re: Ken Loach

    Corbyn was ahead of his time, was doing what Blair had to do to get the good Friday agreement 25 years before him.fact is you have to talk to people you don't like in order to reach a compromise.

  13. #63

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Steve Baker, The born again Christian who opposed same sex Marriage. Fair play, you've picked a right nasty bit of work there.
    So you’re drawing moral equivalence between supporting terrorists who bombed, killed and maimed hundreds of innocent people, with somebody expressing a denial of the validity of homosexual marriage? Who exactly has ‘picked a right nasty piece of work there’? 🤔

  14. #64

    Re: Ken Loach

    No but I was around in the 70s and 80s and had the misfortune for a time to be a resident of the London Borough of Haringey where a young hard-left councillor called J Corbyn was just starting to get noticed. So I have followed his career with some interest for some time. It might be news to you, but Cuddly Corby is a self-avowed Marxist. Do you yourself read anything apart from this board?

  15. #65

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by jackrabbit View Post
    No but I was around in the 70s and 80s and had the misfortune for a time to be a resident of the London Borough of Haringey where a young hard-left councillor called J Corbyn was just starting to get noticed. So I have followed his career with some interest for some time. It might be news to you, but Cuddly Corby is a self-avowed Marxist. Do you yourself read anything apart from this board?
    Tory ****. It wouldn't matter who was in charge of the labour party you would eat up any propaganda the tory press fed you to make yourself feel better about being a tory ****.

  16. #66

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    Do you read the Daily Mail by any chance?
    No but I was around in the 70s and 80s and had the misfortune for a time to be a resident of the London Borough of Haringey where a young hard-left councillor called J Corbyn was just starting to get noticed. So I have followed his career with some interest for some time. It might be news to you, but Cuddly Corby is a self-avowed Marxist. Do you yourself read anything apart from this board?

  17. #67

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by jackrabbit View Post
    So you’re drawing moral equivalence between supporting terrorists who bombed, killed and maimed hundreds of innocent people, with somebody expressing a denial of the validity of homosexual marriage? Who exactly has ‘picked a right nasty piece of work there’? ��
    So now he supports terrorists?

  18. #68

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Tory ****. It wouldn't matter who was in charge of the labour party you would eat up any propaganda the tory press fed you to make yourself feel better about being a tory ****.
    Very constructive and well thought-out response

  19. #69

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by jackrabbit View Post
    Very constructive and well thought-out response
    You don't deserve one you tory ****

  20. #70

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Soul '68 View Post
    Was it you I saw on Sunday flying the Union Jack at the Liberty, whilst singing along to 'Hyms and Arias'??
    Not me. I wouldn’t go near that fixture. Too many uncouth yobs in both camps. I watched it on Sky ....and enjoyed it.

  21. #71

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    You don't deserve one you tory ****
    See my reference to ‘uncouth yobs’ above

  22. #72

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by jackrabbit View Post
    No but I was around in the 70s and 80s and had the misfortune for a time to be a resident of the London Borough of Haringey where a young hard-left councillor called J Corbyn was just starting to get noticed. So I have followed his career with some interest for some time. It might be news to you, but Cuddly Corby is a self-avowed Marxist. Do you yourself read anything apart from this board?
    No he isn't, he identifies as a democratic socialist

  23. #73

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by jackrabbit View Post
    You bet your sweet arse it’s true. Corbyn is an avowed communist who has always sided with enemies of this country. He was a particular fan of the IRA.
    Yeah, what was he thinking? Talking openly to these organisations and trying to sort things out without further bloodshed (while as we now know, Thatcher was secretly meeting them, going public wouldn’t have done much for her hang ‘em high, gung ho persona). Hypothetically speaking had Corbyn, not Blair been Prime Minister perhaps there wouldn’t have been so many grieving relatives of British soldiers. Corbyn stuck to his beliefs, didn’t piss off and form another party like other shithouses have who couldn’t get their own way. He toughed it out, stuck to his beliefs and eventually became leader. Only thing I’d pull him up on is his reluctance to back ‘Remain’ 100%, which pisses me off.

  24. #74

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by jackrabbit View Post
    So you’re drawing moral equivalence between supporting terrorists who bombed, killed and maimed hundreds of innocent people, with somebody expressing a denial of the validity of homosexual marriage? Who exactly has ‘picked a right nasty piece of work there’? 🤔
    Thatcher negotiated with the IRA during the hunger strikes and she had a wonderful relationship with Mr Pinochet, he of the death squads. Corbyns actions in engaging with Sinn Fein were groundbreaking, even the SDLP followed suit and realised that the only way that there was to be peace was to talk. He was right, wasn't he?

  25. #75

    Re: Ken Loach

    I don't understand anyone with the attitude of "yeah, there is a lot of inequality in Britain at the moment, those at the bottom of the ladder have worse working conditions than a generation ago, the disabled are worse off, the NHS is on its knees, council funding has been slashed and have closed half of its amenities, but I'll vote to get rid of the NHS, to widen that equality, to make working class people worse off and work longer just because the leader who wants to change things for the better has some dubious things in his past".

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