No, it's not saying that at all.
I think many people, including Jews , are often much too thin skinned about perceived racism. What we're talking about here is a political philosophy which holds a particular race to be bad, and that's important because we have seen it lead to serious persecution and genocide in fairly recent times.
There's no history of Moslems being rounded up , imprisoned and executed by European socialists in modern times, and we aren't hearing it said then defended by a particular extremist political party.
It's also true to say that Islam is a religion rather than a race, so it's not quite the same thing, and without defending any unreasonable behaviour, it is true that some Moslems have acted violently against civilians in democratic countries. Therefore ,some hostility toward them might be connected to this fact. Jews, on the other hand ,commit no offence except for being Jews.

You can also see this in the Middle East, where a conflict exists between the only democracy in the region and radical Islam with all its cruel behaviour and jihad against civilians and liberal laws. Corbyn and Labour supports the side which executes homosexuals, stones women to death for being raped and encourages wife beating.
They don't support these things anywhere else, so we must wonder whether they do so simply because the side opposing them are Jews.
In short though, anti semitism is particularly important only because we know that it presents a real physical danger to millions of people.