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Thread: Jewish group walks away from Labour

  1. #126
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Ask the Labour party they suspended him ,then tried to reinstate him ,got rebuffed by the courts ,what a lovely man and party they are these days by trying to reinstate him they clearly can't see any problems with this antisemitism :

    And as Boris has a rightful being challenged by the courts its only right I hare the courts view on his behavior and that of the Labour party attempt to reinstate him ::


    An MP has lost his High Court bid to be reinstated to the Labour Party after he was suspended in an anti-Semitism row.

    Chris Williamson was suspended in February after claiming Labour had "been too apologetic" in its response to criticism of handling allegations.

    He was reinstated in June but was suspended again after a backlash from MPs, peers and Jewish groups.

    However the judge also ruled Labour acted unlawfully when it reopened the disciplinary case against the MP.

    The Derby North MP, who raised more than £60,000 to fund his legal challenge, remains suspended from the party but he said he would continue to fight to clear his name.

    'No reason for reopening case'
    In his ruling, Mr Justice Pepperall said the Labour Party "acted unfairly in that there was no proper reason for reopening the case against Mr Williamson".

    However, he said there was "nothing in the new allegations, the timing of the letter of 3 September or the decision to suspend that entitles me to take the view upon the papers that the Labour party is acting either unfairly or other than in good faith".

    "I therefore refuse relief in respect of Mr Williamson's recent re-suspension. The new disciplinary case must run its course," he said.

    Mr Justice Pepperall said: "It is important to stress at the outset of this judgement that this case is not about whether Mr Williamson is, or is not, anti-Semitic or even whether he has, or has not, breached the rules of the Labour Party.

    "The issue is whether the party has acted lawfully in its investigation and prosecution of such charges against Mr Williamson."
    No answer then. Not surprised.

  2. #127

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post



    These uploads could go on for hours and nasty Boris gets warned about disrespectful language.

    Its so inconsistent

    Even the uber Left, pro Palestinian leader of the lib dems thinks Corbyn and Labour are anti Semitic .
    Eric splits hairs between Nazis and socialists , but the only people supporting Herr Corbyn's dream seem to be socialists

  3. #128

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    It goes way beyond that, Eric. The crux of his argument (or assertion) is not just that socialists are nazis and nazis are anti-semites, therefore socialists are anti-semites, but that the British Labour Party - or at least large parts of it - are planning a bloodbath against Jewish people! He's pumping out this shit whilst wallowing in holocaust denial and anti-semitic tropes (that would have him on a disciplinary charge if he was a member of the British Labour Party!) and proudly announcing a hierarchy of racism that marginalises brown skinned victims. I don't think it is physical incapacity that is the problem, but cognitive incapacity maybe. Either that or extreme trolling by a very sad case. At the risk of feeding the troll:



    What are you on about anti Semitic tropes ? You're just making up plain lies now, the last resort of the scoundrel when found out !

  4. #129

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Even the uber Left, pro Palestinian leader of the lib dems thinks Corbyn and Labour are anti Semitic .
    Eric splits hairs between Nazis and socialists , but the only people supporting Herr Corbyn's dream seem to be socialists
    You know Swinson is just making political capital from it.

  5. #130

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    No one should be objective about something they've considered for over half a century then decided upon. What you mean is that we have differing opinions on the matter, which I doubt could be resolved by anyone changing their mind.

    Forget Hitler then ,for the purposes of this conversation . Stalin was certainly a socialist , and he probably killed more Jews than Hitler.
    What socialist policies did put in place that killed people? Authoritarian leaders murder people, Pinochet was an arch capitalist and liked to kill people, no one is claiming he did that because he believed in free market economics.

  6. #131
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    So LOM, no answer then to my question of what he said or did that was anti-semitic. Not surprised.


    In 2017 Williamson described antisemitism as being "utterly repugnant and a scourge on society, which is why I stand in absolute solidarity with anyone who is subjected to antisemitic abuse". He added that his critics' "accusations of anti-Semitism (against him) were positively sinister" and "highly offensive and hurtful" in suggesting "that I was an anti-Semite myself, yet I have fought racism all my adult life".

    In February 2019, Williamson was criticised for booking a room in the Houses of Parliament for a screening of Witch Hunt, a film about suspended party member Jackie Walker, to be hosted by Jewish Voice for Labour. At the same time, a video was published by The Yorkshire Post of him telling a Momentum meeting in Sheffield that the party was being "demonised as a racist, bigoted party", partly because, in response to criticism, the party had "given too much ground (and) been too apologetic", going on to say "We've done more to address the scourge of anti-Semitism than any other political party."

    Williamson apologised for his comments saying: "I deeply regret, and apologise for, my recent choice of words when speaking about how the Labour Party has responded to the ongoing fight against antisemitism inside of our party. I was trying to stress how much the party has done to tackle anti-Semitism". On 27 February 2019, he was put under formal notice of investigation, and later that day suspended from the party.

    The court case you quote resulted in a ruling that Labour's re-suspension after his readmitance in June was unlawful - a victory of sorts for Williamson although not the way the national press reported it. He was re-suspended in September for very similar reasons to the first time and the court said that disciplinary action must take its course.

    Paul Evans (TOBW) wrote in another thread on the anti-semitism crisis in Labour that Chris Williamson on the radio came over to him as very unsympathetic. I can't remember the exact words he used but the impression was that Williamson was strident and not very personable. He is clearly an embarrassment to the Labour leadership who didn't want any defence of the party's actions or push back against those denouncing them. Paul's comments fit with my own impression of Chris Williamson. But I have never seen any evidence of anti-semitic words or actions from him, despite the avalanche of condemnation from the media and his political enemies.

  7. #132
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

  8. #133

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    No one should be objective about something they've considered for over half a century then decided upon. What you mean is that we have differing opinions on the matter, which I doubt could be resolved by anyone changing their mind.

    Forget Hitler then ,for the purposes of this conversation . Stalin was certainly a socialist , and he probably killed more Jews than Hitler.
    Uncle Joe didn't discriminate against who he killed. He was happy to murder anyone without fear or favour

  9. #134

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Even the uber Left, pro Palestinian leader of the lib dems thinks Corbyn and Labour are anti Semitic .
    Eric splits hairs between Nazis and socialists , but the only people supporting Herr Corbyn's dream seem to be socialists
    Jo Swinson Uber Left 😱 Gosh you've got a lot to learn about politics haven't you!

  10. #135

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    It goes way beyond that, Eric. The crux of his argument (or assertion) is not just that socialists are nazis and nazis are anti-semites, therefore socialists are anti-semites, but that the British Labour Party - or at least large parts of it - are planning a bloodbath against Jewish people! He's pumping out this shit whilst wallowing in holocaust denial and anti-semitic tropes (that would have him on a disciplinary charge if he was a member of the British Labour Party!) and proudly announcing a hierarchy of racism that marginalises brown skinned victims. I don't think it is physical incapacity that is the problem, but cognitive incapacity maybe. Either that or extreme trolling by a very sad case. At the risk of feeding the troll:


    I've noticed he's steadfastly refused to offer any comment on the Armenian genocide despite my asking him his views on the topic twice. In his defence it's likely he's not aware of the story but instead of googling Latin phrases if he only bothered to google this awful episode of human cruelty he may gain a useful insight into other tragedies which never seem to gain as much publicity.

  11. #136

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    I can only say that you're a sad little git Dorcas

  12. #137

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    So LOM, no answer then to my question of what he said or did that was anti-semitic. Not surprised.


    In 2017 Williamson described antisemitism as being "utterly repugnant and a scourge on society, which is why I stand in absolute solidarity with anyone who is subjected to antisemitic abuse". He added that his critics' "accusations of anti-Semitism (against him) were positively sinister" and "highly offensive and hurtful" in suggesting "that I was an anti-Semite myself, yet I have fought racism all my adult life".

    In February 2019, Williamson was criticised for booking a room in the Houses of Parliament for a screening of Witch Hunt, a film about suspended party member Jackie Walker, to be hosted by Jewish Voice for Labour. At the same time, a video was published by The Yorkshire Post of him telling a Momentum meeting in Sheffield that the party was being "demonised as a racist, bigoted party", partly because, in response to criticism, the party had "given too much ground (and) been too apologetic", going on to say "We've done more to address the scourge of anti-Semitism than any other political party."

    Williamson apologised for his comments saying: "I deeply regret, and apologise for, my recent choice of words when speaking about how the Labour Party has responded to the ongoing fight against antisemitism inside of our party. I was trying to stress how much the party has done to tackle anti-Semitism". On 27 February 2019, he was put under formal notice of investigation, and later that day suspended from the party.

    The court case you quote resulted in a ruling that Labour's re-suspension after his readmitance in June was unlawful - a victory of sorts for Williamson although not the way the national press reported it. He was re-suspended in September for very similar reasons to the first time and the court said that disciplinary action must take its course.

    Paul Evans (TOBW) wrote in another thread on the anti-semitism crisis in Labour that Chris Williamson on the radio came over to him as very unsympathetic. I can't remember the exact words he used but the impression was that Williamson was strident and not very personable. He is clearly an embarrassment to the Labour leadership who didn't want any defence of the party's actions or push back against those denouncing them. Paul's comments fit with my own impression of Chris Williamson. But I have never seen any evidence of anti-semitic words or actions from him, despite the avalanche of condemnation from the media and his political enemies.
    I think Chris Williamson was never viewed as the contrite supplicant begging for forgiveness from the Jewish community which would have suited Labour hierarchy's naive attempt to get this issue done and dusted and thrown on the back burner. He was probably too honest for his own good and much less pliable than was wished for.

  13. #138

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Uncle Joe didn't discriminate against who he killed. He was happy to murder anyone without fear or favour
    You seem to say that with some empathy. In fact he discriminated a lot but let's not let the facts get in the way. Have you ever thought of stalking people on some other message board ?
    Or maybe you already do that ?

  14. #139

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    You seem to say that with some empathy. In fact he discriminated a lot but let's not let the facts get in the way. Have you ever thought of stalking people on some other message board ?
    Or maybe you already do that ?
    No I don't find stalking very interesting thanks. Are you so hostile to anyone who questions your views?

  15. #140

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    No, especially when they do it rationally and they're not closet anti Semites or nutters who stalk people

  16. #141

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    I can only say that you're a sad little git Dorcas
    No I'm as happy as hell Ronnie, especially when I expose fascists. Oh and I'm a big guy by the way so not so little.

  17. #142

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Yeah that's it - expose the facsists by going for the Jews.
    I mean I'm only guessing ,and I've got better things to do really, but I don't think I believe you're " a big guy " , unless you mean fat. It's a known fact that socialists are usually physically weak men - that's why they're attracted to the idea of someone else providing for them.
    I'd guess that you're either a schoolteacher or someone who couldn't even manage that , but remains locked in a nostalgic fantasy of your high point in life when you were in school.
    I mean , this is all very rude and frank, but it's always been a trait of my personality that I tend not to take shit from anyone so what's good for the goose s good for the gander.
    Only difference is that I'm solid and you're fake. I expect you've got a history of making unfortunate people and kids feel bad about themselves with your empty bullshit but you'll hit a wall with me on any level so don't tell me you're " a big guy" .

    I keep telling you, go and stalk someone else because all you'll get out of me is being told to **** right off. Maybe pick on someone weaker ?

  18. #143

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Yeah that's it - expose the facsists by going for the Jews.
    I mean I'm only guessing ,and I've got better things to do really, but I don't think I believe you're " a big guy " , unless you mean fat. It's a known fact that socialists are usually physically weak men - that's why they're attracted to the idea of someone else providing for them.
    I'd guess that you're either a schoolteacher or someone who couldn't even manage that , but remains locked in a nostalgic fantasy of your high point in life when you were in school.
    I mean , this is all very rude and frank, but it's always been a trait of my personality that I tend not to take shit from anyone so what's good for the goose s good for the gander.
    Only difference is that I'm solid and you're fake. I expect you've got a history of making unfortunate people and kids feel bad about themselves with your empty bullshit but you'll hit a wall with me on any level so don't tell me you're " a big guy" .

    I keep telling you, go and stalk someone else because all you'll get out of me is being told to **** right off. Maybe pick on someone weaker ?
    Ha ha you just love the ad hominem abuse don't you Ronnie because you haven't the wherewithal to construct an intelligent debate. Good luck loser!

  19. #144

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    No, you're not kidding anyone . Like so many freaks you accuse people of what you do yourself.
    You don't do debate, intelligent or otherwise. You just get hold of ( wrong) personal details about people and start posting them in some half arsed attempt to be sinister ,which is VERY creepy, then you try to make them feel unhappy or insecure.
    Who knows how many teenagers you've head ****ed, because you probably get lucky sometimes!
    Unfortunately , because you're stupid like most bullies ,you've got no ****ing idea who or what you're dealing with, and you've got no possible chance of competing with me on any level so forget it.
    It's a nuisance because I've got better things to do than arguing the toss with some stalking nutter who I wouldn't ordinarily speak to, but I'll do it for the sake of weaker people you might latch on to.
    Keep on with the crap and you'll keep getting the same answer.

  20. #145

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    No, you're not kidding anyone . Like so many freaks you accuse people of what you do yourself.
    You don't do debate, intelligent or otherwise. You just get hold of ( wrong) personal details about people and start posting them in some half arsed attempt to be sinister ,which is VERY creepy, then you try to make them feel unhappy or insecure.
    Who knows how many teenagers you've head ****ed, because you probably get lucky sometimes!
    Unfortunately , because you're stupid like most bullies ,you've got no ****ing idea who or what you're dealing with, and you've got no possible chance of competing with me on any level so forget it.
    It's a nuisance because I've got better things to do than arguing the toss with some stalking nutter who I wouldn't ordinarily speak to, but I'll do it for the sake of weaker people you might latch on to.
    Keep on with the crap and you'll keep getting the same answer.
    You're obviously a deranged piece of shit with delusions of grandeur but without the ability to play the role. Well I'm afraid it's time to put you back in your little box and therefore you're back on ignore. You were given a chance to redeem yourself but failed miserably.

  21. #146

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Can we end this lunacy about Jo Swinson being "uber left" now please.Swinson voting record.jpg

  22. #147

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    You're obviously a deranged piece of shit with delusions of grandeur but without the ability to play the role. Well I'm afraid it's time to put you back in your little box and therefore you're back on ignore. You were given a chance to redeem yourself but failed miserably.

    No you did. As I said, you're not kidding anyone, and it's not up to you to award "redemption" to me or anyone else. I wish you were being truthful about putting me on ignore but in any case stop stalking me and trying to pry into me and keep up the pretence by not addressing me. I won't add to that in the hope that you'll have no further excuse to keep on

  23. #148

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Can we end this lunacy about Jo Swinson being "uber left" now please.Swinson voting record.jpg

    Well, these things are relative . The whole of Uk politics , on the tail of EU politics has moved so far to the left that British society is unrecognisable from the country which was one of the icons of the free world . I shouldn't really have added the prefix of "uber" because it's nothing more than a fashionable buzz word, but by traditional standards she's quite lefty.
    There are conservatives now that I'd regard as left leaning, so she's hardly unique being drawn to one side by this very destructive invisible magnate.
    Fortunately though, it's not representative of everyday regular people, just the Westminster bubble , so that's our best hope.

    I don't personally support any political party but in this case we need a clear conservative win to force the elitist politicians to heed the vote we had. Beyond that , I think that anyone who trusts any of them is daft because all they'll ever produce is hot air and social divisions from which they'll personally benefit .

  24. #149

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    A courageous stand by yet another labour figure. There's little doubt that this Nazi revival we've seen examples of in this thread is being seen for what it it at this point.


    "Mr Austin’s greatest concern is the rise of antisemitism in the Labour Party. “Most shamefully of all they have allowed a party with the proudest record of fighting racism and standing up for equality to be poisoned with racism against Jewish people and it is a complete and utter disgrace,” he said."

  25. #150

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    A courageous stand by yet another labour figure. There's little doubt that this Nazi revival we've seen examples of in this thread is being seen for what it it at this point.


    "Mr Austin’s greatest concern is the rise of antisemitism in the Labour Party. “Most shamefully of all they have allowed a party with the proudest record of fighting racism and standing up for equality to be poisoned with racism against Jewish people and it is a complete and utter disgrace,” he said."
    If he hates racists he wouldn't have just taken a job working for the party that brought you windrush and the pm who makes Muslims the punchline of his jokes.

    Strange move. So many potential masts to nail his colours to and he chooses Boris??

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