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Thread: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

  1. #1

    Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    See extract from an exchange in the House of Lords below;-


    There is a petition asking Number 10 that the Russian interference report be released before the General Election which can be accessed at


    if anyone wants to sign it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    leave the chap alone he is trying to run a country , its like A Trump groundhog day

  3. #3

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    I can't get the link to work, but I'm guessing they're already cooking up reasons to dispute the election result if they lose

  4. #4

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    leave the chap alone he is trying to run a country , its like A Trump groundhog day

  5. #5

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    I can't figure out why anybody wouldn't want to see a report of this nature before casting their vote. Maybe Ronnie and LoM can explain?

  6. #6

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    PM Johnson should be impeached for Boris Russia Collusion, and lardy & cyril should be the ringmasters.

  7. #7

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    Yeah well that's the point,isn't it ?
    Start talking bullshit about Russia before the election so they can think up reasons to not accept the democratic outcome.

  8. #8

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Yeah well that's the point,isn't it ?
    Start talking bullshit about Russia before the election so they can think up reasons to not accept the democratic outcome.
    It's the oldest trick in the book, and sometimes they go a bit too far just like they did in America.

  9. #9

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    Same management team now though, so it's all interchangeable .
    The Russians are popular bogey men with the kind of stupid people who unwittingly vote for George Sorros - I think it must be all the James Bond movies.

  10. #10

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    I'm puzzled, if this matter is as straightforward as the threesome who you just knew would react as they are doing make out, why is Johnson making it look suspicious by blocking the release of the report?

  11. #11

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I'm puzzled, if this matter is as straightforward as the threesome who you just knew would react as they are doing make out, why is Johnson making it look suspicious by blocking the release of the report?
    Because the anti-Brexit opposition want to weaponize the data and add lots of spin and innuendo as they attempt to construct a negative narrative in the run-up to the election, after which it will be too late to correct the record. Have you learned nothing from the attempted Trump takedown?

  12. #12

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    Well also, in matters of intelligence it's frequently better not to broadcast what you know , ( which also shows what you don't know). In fact ,you can probably infer that if they're talking about anything publicly it's almost certainly bollocks.

  13. #13
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Same management team now though, so it's all interchangeable .
    The Russians are popular bogey men with the kind of stupid people who unwittingly vote for George Sorros - I think it must be all the James Bond movies.
    And there's another one!

  14. #14

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    Oh, did I mis spell Soros ? How terrible !
    Is that really a point worth making ?

  15. #15
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Oh, did I mis spell Soros ? How terrible !
    Is that really a point worth making ?
    Nothing to do with spelling.

  16. #16

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Because the anti-Brexit opposition want to weaponize the data and add lots of spin and innuendo as they attempt to construct a negative narrative in the run-up to the election, after which it will be too late to correct the record. Have you learned nothing from the attempted Trump takedown?
    It's so ironic that you talk about spin and innuendo when that's exactly what you've relied on when it comes to Trump and Russia. You keep on presenting a version of the findings of the report into the subject that the author of it has said is not what he intended, so you're doing exactly what you accuse those of wanting publication of the report into possible Russian interference in UK elections/referendums of wanting to do.

    For myself, I just want to find out what the report says. The delay in publication was the lead story on Newsnight last night and the opinion was expressed that it could well be that Johnson is doing more harm to himself by blocking publication than he would have done by just okaying the report.

    I also think it is worth recording that for the third night in four since the election campaign started there was no Government spokesperson on the programme to defend/represent them. Although last night there wasn't a repeat of the "we asked the Government to provide a representative, but we're told there was no one available" cop out we heard on Tuesday and Thursday, it does sound like they are frightened to face any cross examination if possible and let's face it, if you take away all of the alt right narrative, that's all your "defence" of their position amounts to isn't it.

  17. #17

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Nothing to do with spelling.
    It's like there's a tick list that has to be gone through isn't it.

  18. #18

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    People are wondering by not realising the report what is Boris hiding ?

  19. #19

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Nothing to do with spelling.
    You couldn't actually make it up...

  20. #20
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    I can't figure out why anybody wouldn't want to see a report of this nature before casting their vote. Maybe Ronnie and LoM can explain?
    Its fake news , bit like those who said the Russians were never invloved in the Salisbury poisoning.

  21. #21

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Its fake news , bit like those who said the Russians were never invloved in the Salisbury poisoning.

    I feel so reassured you said it and no longer have to question why every government member is avoiding the subject because you said ‘it’s fake news’

    Plus for good measure your usual MO of the pop at Corbyn.

    The Express is a good read I take it this morning? 😂😂😂

  22. #22

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Its fake news , bit like those who said the Russians were never invloved in the Salisbury poisoning.
    Who said the Russians weren't involved in Salisbury?

  23. #23

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Who said the Russians weren't involved in Salisbury?

    I think the Russians said it didn't they ?
    I've heard a lot of people say it actually.
    What do you think Eric ?

  24. #24

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    I think the Russians said it didn't they ?
    I've heard a lot of people say it actually.
    What do you think Eric ?
    I don't think there is much doubt that there was russian involvement. I remember the majority of parliament pointlessly sabre-rattling and Boris lying about what a scientist at porton down had told him. Was an interesting few weeks before we all forgot about it and moved onto the next thing.

  25. #25

    Re: Johnson solely responsible for delaying publication of Russia report.

    I'm not bating you Eric, but I'm genuinely interested what has led you to the conclusion that the Russians are guilty.
    You don't strike me as the sort of chap who just believes what the state says you see.
    I wouldn't ask most people here because I know the answer in their cases.

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