While this appointment is underwhelming you’d think that VT is out of order for not parachuting Mourinho into the hot seat with £500 million in his back pocket.

Has anybody thought that perhaps we need to start cutting cloth again after NW’s overspend and the due Sala payment?

I’ve read just about every linked manager getting ridiculed. When did we become entitled? What I haven’t read is who exactly we should employ and how they would set about playing slick passing football with our present squad. So please tell me how this would work. Remember Trollope and the Wales way? Like it or not we need some kind of continuity and, if NH is the “hoofball merchant” that the experts on here are confidently predicting, then surely that’s not so far of the target. We need to avoid getting drawn into a relegation battle and isn’t that precisely what NW did for us with his “hoofball”?Be careful what you all wish for.