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Thread: Jewish group walks away from Labour

  1. #276

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Jewish people aren't endowed with a higher intellect at all Dorcus, there are cultural and environmental reasons for successes and failures and I have read about both as regards them and others, false eugenics is a dangerous route to go down.
    The Labour party is fast becoming the party of the middle classes, appealing to civil servants of all grades, teachers, nurses, office workers, middle management etc, if we were having this online chat a few decades ago yes but moving up to middle class I don't think is one of them at this point in time.

  2. #277

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    Jewish people aren't endowed with a higher intellect at all Dorcus, there are cultural and environmental reasons for successes and failures and I have read about both as regards them and others, false eugenics is a dangerous route to go down.
    The Labour party is fast becoming the party of the middle classes, appealing to civil servants of all grades, teachers, nurses, office workers, middle management etc, if we were having this online chat a few decades ago yes but moving up to middle class I don't think is one of them at this point in time.

    I'm glad to see you challenge Stalkus' race theories Trampie, because I still don't think you're actually one of the racists in that party.
    Although I usually disagree with you I have the impression that you're well intentioned.
    You're right of course that in reality there are plenty of Jewish people who are neither rich nor particularly clever, but the socialist mind becomes jealous when they see hard workers succeed , and of course some Jews are successful. Now, when socialist envy is combined with low intelligence, it can quickly conclude that the Jews are bad because " they are all rich ".
    I'll tell you why this is dangerous . It's because it's exactly the same thinking which hitler exploited in 1930's Germany, starting with the kind of stuff we've heard from Corbyn and gradually building until the Jews are seen as the ones who are responsible for all poverty and failure in society.
    Any socialist needs someone else to blame if he ****s things up - that's a fair definition of socialism. It's a very evil philosophy which causes and has caused millions of deaths , many wars and endless human suffering. Well, we can absorb that in a democracy when they just hate anyone who's done better than them and dream of the day they can collectively mug the successful people, but when one group like the Jews are singled out we know what can happen .

    Maybe you think I'm exaggerating by comparing Corbyn to hitler, but I'm not you see. This apparently low level anti semitism must be firmly rejected at an early stage or it can grow quickly.

    Right here, we see two chatters ( not you ) defending it... Repeatedly "accusing" me of being Jewish and going on to say " your sort" think and do so and so. We see the worse of the two in the post above saying that Jews are " not ethnically British", and that they have a different intellect than others.

    It's not nice Trampie, and I think you're better than listening to their poison

  3. #278
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    I'm glad to see you challenge Stalkus' race theories Trampie, because I still don't think you're actually one of the racists in that party.
    Although I usually disagree with you I have the impression that you're well intentioned.
    You're right of course that in reality there are plenty of Jewish people who are neither rich nor particularly clever, but the socialist mind becomes jealous when they see hard workers succeed , and of course some Jews are successful. Now, when socialist envy is combined with low intelligence, it can quickly conclude that the Jews are bad because " they are all rich ".
    I'll tell you why this is dangerous . It's because it's exactly the same thinking which hitler exploited in 1930's Germany, starting with the kind of stuff we've heard from Corbyn and gradually building until the Jews are seen as the ones who are responsible for all poverty and failure in society.
    Any socialist needs someone else to blame if he ****s things up - that's a fair definition of socialism. It's a very evil philosophy which causes and has caused millions of deaths , many wars and endless human suffering. Well, we can absorb that in a democracy when they just hate anyone who's done better than them and dream of the day they can collectively mug the successful people, but when one group like the Jews are singled out we know what can happen .

    Maybe you think I'm exaggerating by comparing Corbyn to hitler, but I'm not you see. This apparently low level anti semitism must be firmly rejected at an early stage or it can grow quickly.

    Right here, we see two chatters ( not you ) defending it... Repeatedly "accusing" me of being Jewish and going on to say " your sort" think and do so and so. We see the worse of the two in the post above saying that Jews are " not ethnically British", and that they have a different intellect than others.

    It's not nice Trampie, and I think you're better than listening to their poison
    Poisonous bollocks from beginning to end. Again.

  4. #279

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Who can forget this brave lady standing up to fascist bullies.

  5. #280

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Poisonous bollocks from beginning to end. Again.
    He's exceeded even himself this time. He's a knobhead with deep seated problems. I wish he would keep his dangerous filth to himself.

  6. #281

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    No surprise who thinks complaining about anti semitism and racism is "poisonous". Pity they don't apply that description to anti semitism itself.

  7. #282
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    No surprise who thinks complaining about anti semitism and racism is "poisonous". Pity they don't apply that description to anti semitism itself.
    Complaining about anti-semitism and racism is right and laudable.

    What you do is poisonous.

  8. #283

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    'Farage under fire for conspiracy claims linked to antisemitism'


    I'll just leave this riiiiight here.

  9. #284

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Complaining about anti-semitism and racism is right and laudable.

    What you do is poisonous.

    Catching anti Semites and racists is the thing which is right and laudable .
    You don't like it though, do you ?

  10. #285
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    Seems like you are wrong 'life on mars', back in 2015 with Ed Miliband of Jewish descent in charge of Labour, Jewish people were nearly all going to vote for a right wing party in the form of the Conservative party according to a poll done for the Jewish Chronicle, no doubt those figures are higher now, one reason given is those British Jews were concerned about Israel.
    Jews after the war were traditionally looking for a safe place and a home as the right wing pursued them .

    Before that Mosley in the guise as a neo socialist also pursued them .

    Extreme Islam, far right and far left, all pursue the hatred towards them its all very sad .

  11. #286
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    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    'Farage under fire for conspiracy claims linked to antisemitism'


    I'll just leave this riiiiight here.
    Its supports my understand far left and right hatred can merge, layered with extreme islam what a wonderful life they have .

    """Thousands back call for armed security outside Jewish schools and synagogues
    Golders Green resident Moses Hoffman said the UK should follow other European countries by providing armed security outside schools and synagogues""

  12. #287
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    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    ""Holocaust a normal event "" ,not sure of his politics i'm guessing he is not right wing though


    Extinction Rebellion founder told he is ‘not welcome’ in movement after Holocaust comments
    Roger Hallam could face expulsion after claiming Nazi genocide of six million Jews was ‘almost a normal

  13. #288

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    I'm honestly surprised to see that there's so much anti semitism on this board , but more so that the extreme factions of labour , ( not many of them) , are happy to voice it pretty openly. There's a couple on the edge who've got more sense than to admit it openly, but they're not going to condemn it either.
    I don't think there are all that many Jews in South Wales are there ? Therefore it's probably an ideological thing with them.

    In any case, is there a case now for something like this in Cardiff to help combat it ?

  14. #289
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    I'm honestly surprised to see that there's so much anti semitism on this board , but more so that the extreme factions of labour , ( not many of them) , are happy to voice it pretty openly. There's a couple on the edge who've got more sense than to admit it openly, but they're not going to condemn it either.
    I don't think there are all that many Jews in South Wales are there ? Therefore it's probably an ideological thing with them.

    In any case, is there a case now for something like this in Cardiff to help combat it ?

    Let me just check now it is 2019 .

    Isn't this Diane Abbott's patch ??

  15. #290

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Yeah the truth of the matter is that the Shomrim are primarily concerned with anti Semites attacking Jewish people, but they're very popular with the community at large because they'll help anyone and deal with all crimes.

  16. #291

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    " for the many, not just the Jew !"

    Corbyn's rally was somewhat ruined when Jewish and anti racist protestors picketed the entrance and he was shamed by a question from the audience.


  17. #292

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Let me just check now it is 2019 .

    Isn't this Diane Abbott's patch ??
    No, that video is from 2010 actually. That's years before Jeremy Corbyn was the Labour leader and the party handled the antisemitism issue so badly that it has helped lead to the sort of lunatic theorising seen further up this page by Ronnie Bird - the real Ronnie Bird was a decent, likeable man and it's a disgrace that his name is being used to peddle such offensive drivel.

  18. #293

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    No, that video is from 2010 actually. That's years before Jeremy Corbyn was the Labour leader and the party handled the antisemitism issue so badly that it has helped lead to the sort of lunatic theorising seen further up this page by Ronnie Bird - the real Ronnie Bird was a decent, likeable man and it's a disgrace that his name is being used to peddle such offensive drivel.
    Amen to that. Corbyn could have handled the anti semitism issue far better but the ludicrous comparison with Hitler or suggesting we need a vigilante brigade in Cardiff specifically to deal with this is utter nonsense.

  19. #294

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    No, that video is from 2010 actually. That's years before Jeremy Corbyn was the Labour leader and the party handled the antisemitism issue so badly that it has helped lead to the sort of lunatic theorising seen further up this page by Ronnie Bird - the real Ronnie Bird was a decent, likeable man and it's a disgrace that his name is being used to peddle such offensive drivel.

    Well the fact that the Shomrim are still there and still necessary after 8 or 9 years of Corbyn hardly vindicates him. In fact they're much bigger and busier now and many think that's because the views of violent anti Semites have been encouraged by Corbyn.

    I remember that the real Bob Wilson was, ( unusually then), a graduate and quite an intelligent and successfull man, so it's fortunate for you that similarity to the person you use as a screen name isn't required . It's not reasonable or intelligent ,incidentally , to personally insult people who take a different view to you.
    I hope and believe that people who know me consider me a decent man by the way, but I don't have to defend myself and I think we know what motivates such strong language and allegations against someone we don't even know.

    It seems to me that I've disturbed a little hornets nest of like minded extremists here, but I'm hardly the only one who thinks labour and Corbyn are dangerously anti Semitic. Are they all bad and offensive ?

    To me it's unbelievable that anyone could make light of anti semitism or the idea that it can become serious so soon after what happened in Germany and the occupied countries. Be aware, however , that there'd be a strong and decisive reaction long before it reached that point again.

  20. #295

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    No, that video is from 2010 actually. That's years before Jeremy Corbyn was the Labour leader and the party handled the antisemitism issue so badly that it has helped lead to the sort of lunatic theorising seen further up this page by Ronnie Bird - the real Ronnie Bird was a decent, likeable man and it's a disgrace that his name is being used to peddle such offensive drivel.
    I wonder how relatives or friends of Ronnie would feel if they come on here and see his good name used in this way (and it's not am outrageous concept). I have this individual on 'ignore' myself.

  21. #296

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Amen to that. Corbyn could have handled the anti semitism issue far better but the ludicrous comparison with Hitler or suggesting we need a vigilante brigade in Cardiff specifically to deal with this is utter nonsense.

    I honestly don't know how many Jewish people there are in Cardiff. I'm thinking that it's not many, but I may be wrong. If I'm right though, then there's probably not a danger to them at the moment.
    I posted the clip as a warning of the direction things can take rather than a suggestion.
    What I do know is that I've been genuinely shocked and dismayed by some of the comments here and very very surprised that so many will defend ,dismiss or deny anti semitism.
    If we'd not witnessed such vilification of a minority ending in extreme violence and cruelty then perhaps we wouldn't have to be vigilant, but when such talk goes unchallenged it really can get out of hand very quickly. You may well be familiar with the way the catholic minority were gradually marginalised in N.I and how that went from the level of denial and dismissal we witness here to a war.

    In Germany and elsewhere it's gone even further against Jews when scapegoating and low level targeting hasn't been rejected whilst it's still controllable.
    All I'm asking - all many many people are asking is that the problem is recognised and sincerely addressed, but I get told that I'm not a decent man and that my protests are "poisonous " or "utter nonsense".

  22. #297

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    I'm not a conservative , but I note that their candidate for Leeds North East has been immediately suspended for anti semitism.
    That's the way to deal with it, not hedging your bets.

  23. #298

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    I wonder how relatives or friends of Ronnie would feel if they come on here and see his good name used in this way (and it's not am outrageous concept). I have this individual on 'ignore' myself.
    I've had him on ignore for a while and I think TOBW had mentioned that he does the same. Apart from a select few who hang on his coat tails, it wouldn't surprise me if the loon's just ranting to himself!

  24. #299

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    No you haven't . Nor have your other identities

  25. #300

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    I've had him on ignore for a while and I think TOBW had mentioned that he does the same. Apart from a select few who hang on his coat tails, it wouldn't surprise me if the loon's just ranting to himself!
    And he has company in that respect. I see one other individual's name (without my seeing the posts concerned as he is the other person I have on ignore) starting a thread and then seemingly responding himself two or three times consecutively. Amusing.

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