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Thread: Election result prediction

  1. #1

    Election result prediction

    Hate to say it but the nasty party by twenty seats

  2. #2

    Re: Election result prediction

    I hate to say it. A landslide. If Brexit goes tits up the Tories won't have anyone esle to blame

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by dandywarhol View Post
    I hate to say it. A landslide. If Brexit goes tits up the Tories won't have anyone esle to blame
    Time for brave choices ,and strong bold leaders .

  4. #4

  5. #5

    Re: Election result prediction

    That's the prediction on current polls, but I really wouldn't want to call this one.
    It could go a number of ways. Either a very high turn out because people want to resolve Brexit or a very low one because they're sick of it.
    You'd think that Corbyn would be marmalised with his mad soviet style agenda but maybe people are daft enough to like it at this point in dumbing down .

  6. #6

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    That's the prediction on current polls, but I really wouldn't want to call this one.
    It could go a number of ways. Either a very high turn out because people want to resolve Brexit or a very low one because they're sick of it.
    You'd think that Corbyn would be marmalised with his mad soviet style agenda but maybe people are daft enough to like it at this point in dumbing down .
    As a labour voter those figures are very very worrying , this is what happens when idiots like Diane Abbott and the shadow chancellor are led by a man who has principles but no backbone

    All is not lost , may have a massive lead in 2017 and she fell on her arse but this time I can't see anything but a Tory majority

    But the size of that predicted majority plus the collapse of the labour vote in South Wales , Scotland and the industrial areas of England means , in my opinion , a new centre left party must emerge as I think if the results are as predicted , the Labour party is dead

    Bridgend , torfaen ..........conservative ?

    Newport ......Wrexham ........conservative ?

    It's almost beyond belief

    I hope the best brains of the centerist Labour party reach out and appeal to the millions of people who don't vote conservative and form a rainbow alliance , it's the only hope now traditional labour voters have turned their back on labour

    God help the poor and less well off , God help the NHS

  7. #7

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Time for brave choices ,and strong bold leaders .
    Leaving the EU is going to wreck this already fragile country

    It won't bother the Tory Eton lot , they will still holiday in the west indies every winter

  8. #8

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    As a labour voter those figures are very very worrying , this is what happens when idiots like Diane Abbott and the shadow chancellor are led by a man who has principles but no backbone

    All is not lost , may have a massive lead in 2017 and she fell on her arse but this time I can't see anything but a Tory majority

    But the size of that predicted majority plus the collapse of the labour vote in South Wales , Scotland and the industrial areas of England means , in my opinion , a new centre left party must emerge as I think if the results are as predicted , the Labour party is dead

    Bridgend , torfaen ..........conservative ?

    Newport ......Wrexham ........conservative ?

    It's almost beyond belief

    I hope the best brains of the centerist Labour party reach out and appeal to the millions of people who don't vote conservative and form a rainbow alliance , it's the only hope now traditional labour voters have turned their back on labour

    God help the poor and less well off , God help the NHS

    It shouldn't really worry you. In fact there's no difference who wins in most cases. The parties produce a pantomime for public consumption but in fact they like each other much more than they like you and me and they almost never do the stuff they've promised.
    I think this is an exception because we need the conservatives to win in order for the country to be governable again - otherwise it's more ****ing about and forming gangs to try and stop Brexit during which nothing else gets done.
    In general though, politicians don't solve problems , they nurture them because discontent is the raw material they use to manufacture personal wealth and power. There's not a bit of difference between any of them except for the occasional super predator like Tony Blair or Margaret Thatcher.
    Nor are they clever or intelligent. They have one gift, which is to manipulate the public with empty rhetoric, but you'd be shocked if you saw just how ****ing plain stupid a lot of them are when it comes to any other activity, or trying to hold a conversation without the use of seven word strap lines from central office.
    I've had the dubious pleasure of speaking to many of them down the years both professionally and socially, and this is my honest conclusion.

  9. #9

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    As a labour voter those figures are very very worrying , this is what happens when idiots like Diane Abbott and the shadow chancellor are led by a man who has principles but no backbone

    All is not lost , may have a massive lead in 2017 and she fell on her arse but this time I can't see anything but a Tory majority

    But the size of that predicted majority plus the collapse of the labour vote in South Wales , Scotland and the industrial areas of England means , in my opinion , a new centre left party must emerge as I think if the results are as predicted , the Labour party is dead

    Bridgend , torfaen ..........conservative ?

    Newport ......Wrexham ........conservative ?

    It's almost beyond belief

    I hope the best brains of the centerist Labour party reach out and appeal to the millions of people who don't vote conservative and form a rainbow alliance , it's the only hope now traditional labour voters have turned their back on labour

    God help the poor and less well off , God help the NHS
    I'm a bit surprised at your apparent dislike for McDonnell Sludge. I think he's the brains behind the project and to me he knocks spots off anything they've got on the opposing side. However, I agree wholeheartedly with your comments on Diane Abbott.

    I'm pessimistic about the forthcoming result too and at this point in time I would be overjoyed with a Tory minority government. It may be the best we can hope for. It seems to me like there are millions of hoodwinked turkeys around who will vote for Christmas. Good luck to them I say when they suffer the ravages of the Tories over the next five years.

    Nevertheless, there is always some hope. There are an awful lot of undecideds still and the recent surge in voter registration amongst younger age groups augurs well for Labour. Also, I'm still of the opinion that we may see a surprise anti-Johnson backlash by females generally because of his personal behaviour. The announcement of compensation to WASPI women might go a long way to help in this regard.

    I'm still pessimistic but will continue to cling on to the hope we can prevent the cataclysm of a Tory majority so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. By the way, another point to make is how poor the Lib Dems have been under Jo Swinson and how she and they may well rue their stance against Labour by not shoring up the Remain vote. A big help to the Tory filth in my opinion.

  10. #10

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    As a labour voter those figures are very very worrying , this is what happens when idiots like Diane Abbott and the shadow chancellor are led by a man who has principles but no backbone

    All is not lost , may have a massive lead in 2017 and she fell on her arse but this time I can't see anything but a Tory majority

    But the size of that predicted majority plus the collapse of the labour vote in South Wales , Scotland and the industrial areas of England means , in my opinion , a new centre left party must emerge as I think if the results are as predicted , the Labour party is dead

    Bridgend , torfaen ..........conservative ?

    Newport ......Wrexham ........conservative ?

    It's almost beyond belief

    I hope the best brains of the centerist Labour party reach out and appeal to the millions of people who don't vote conservative and form a rainbow alliance , it's the only hope now traditional labour voters have turned their back on labour

    God help the poor and less well off , God help the NHS
    I hope that in the next few years there is some sort of realignment so that the more left wing tories and the more centrist/soft left (hate that phrase but needs must) can form some of grouping which can negate the more right wing tories and the more left wing Labour party.

    I know it sticks in your craw to have centre left Labour people allying with conservatives (or ex conservatives as they would be)but unless there is some sort of alliance at the centre I am not sure there would be the number to prevent extremism on either side.

  11. #11
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Election result prediction

    Post the EU vote and the election of Mr. Trump, the polls should never be trusted again until the 6 media corporations are broken up.

    Will be a close one IMO, Johnson has been disastrous during this campaign.
    Steptoe has mopped up the students with his free wifi, 'er indoors' has just shown me an article in which he is promising to do something with pensions for the grippers.
    No overall winner with Labour forming a Gov with the backing of the SNP who will get their vote of independence as part of the deal.

  12. #12

    Re: Election result prediction

    I am not convinced this will be as much of a whitewash as it looks like, might be blind optimism on my part though.

  13. #13

    Re: Election result prediction

    If the bookies' odds featured here (https://www.oddschecker.com/politics...ion/most-seats) is an accurate guide then the Tories will win circa 370 seats, Labour somewhere between 200-205. Anything sub 209 seats will be Labour's worst showing since the 1930s.

  14. #14
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Election result prediction

    I expect a Tory majority of 50. But that is also what I expected up until the exit poll in 2017.

    Not confident that the poll gap will narrow anything like as much this time - although probably a bit

    Brexit Party is bombing (hence the latest 19 point Tory lead) but the Lib Dems are making a mess of their campaign and the new voter registrations should help Labour (read somewhere that 300,000 new registrations went through in a single day last week).

    Corbyn is at his best when on the stump, and the manifesto is a positive. He is poor as a party manager, not good in Parliamentary exchanges, avoids conflict too much, but is a natural when talking ideas and policies in the campaign. The manifesto costings and Brexit neutrality vulnerabilities have been partly closed off by this weekend (Tories can't attack on costings and investment when they're promising loads of spending themselves). He and Labour will improve their position up to 12 December, but even if Johnson is let loose before the cameras (gets free of his minders) I can't see him screwing it up enough to repeat Theresa May's calamity.

  15. #15

    Re: Election result prediction

    On my several times per week vox pop jaunts to different Wetherspoon boozers from Barry to Newport through the many Cardiff ones and including those as far north as Brecon I've never known such a level of anti-Labour sentiment. People I've spoken to were scornful of all the parties but almost without exception their ire was greatest for the red team.

    It's not as pronounced at the UK-wide online sources I use to gauge sentiment but there has been a similar let's punish Labour attitude.

  16. #16
    International jon1959's Avatar
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  17. #17

    Re: Election result prediction

    I think my red lot are going to get a right leathering

    And those working class labour voters who jump ship to the Tories because of brexit have shat on their own doorstep

    Don't cry wolf when it all goes tits up for you when the Tories get hold of the NHS etc ........its already been proved the new money Johnson was promising was utter bollocks

  18. #18
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    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    As a labour voter those figures are very very worrying , this is what happens when idiots like Diane Abbott and the shadow chancellor are led by a man who has principles but no backbone

    All is not lost , may have a massive lead in 2017 and she fell on her arse but this time I can't see anything but a Tory majority

    But the size of that predicted majority plus the collapse of the labour vote in South Wales , Scotland and the industrial areas of England means , in my opinion , a new centre left party must emerge as I think if the results are as predicted , the Labour party is dead

    Bridgend , torfaen ..........conservative ?

    Newport ......Wrexham ........conservative ?

    It's almost beyond belief

    I hope the best brains of the centerist Labour party reach out and appeal to the millions of people who don't vote conservative and form a rainbow alliance , it's the only hope now traditional labour voters have turned their back on labour

    God help the poor and less well off , God help the NHS
    Top post 👍

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    On my several times per week vox pop jaunts to different Wetherspoon boozers from Barry to Newport through the many Cardiff ones and including those as far north as Brecon I've never known such a level of anti-Labour sentiment. People I've spoken to were scornful of all the parties but almost without exception their ire was greatest for the red team.

    It's not as pronounced at the UK-wide online sources I use to gauge sentiment but there has been a similar let's punish Labour attitude.
    I have heard the same from traditional Labour voters they either say, hate Corbyn, cant vote Labour , wont be voting at all , they have let us down, all very negative and I'm surrounded by Labour voters in my life and work , or shall we re name them ex Labour voters .

    In Wales I would not be shocked if a Brexit MP or two gets in, Liberals see gain seats , and even some Tories having better results than expected.

    The north east of England is going to be a bad day for Labour.

    They are finished in Scotland.

    However they still have the the metropolitan cities I guess where threr is a high ethic and muselin voters like the Peterborough voters . ( i guess anti semitsim doesnt hurt them so in areas those )

    Ive been shouted down on this board for suggesting Corbyn or his type of politics is not good for Labour, lets see what the 12th brings instead of launching into the new nasty left tirade and calling moderate socialist Tories.

  20. #20

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I have heard the same from traditional Labour voters they either say, hate Corbyn, cant vote Labour , wont be voting at all , they have let us down, all very negative and I'm surrounded by Labour voters in my life and work , or shall we re name them ex Labour voters .

    In Wales I would not be shocked if a Brexit MP or two gets in, Liberals see gain seats , and even some Tories having better results than expected.

    The north east of England is going to be a bad day for Labour.

    They are finished in Scotland.

    However they still have the the metropolitan cities I guess where threr is a high ethic and muselin voters like the Peterborough voters . ( i guess anti semitsim doesnt hurt them so in areas those )

    Ive been shouted down on this board for suggesting Corbyn or his type of politics is not good for Labour, lets see what the 12th brings instead of launching into the new nasty left tirade and calling moderate socialist Tories.

    I happened to drive through the Asian area of Peterborough this afternoon LOM , and I saw my first labour poster this time, although there was only one of them and in the past there'd have been lots.

  21. #21

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I have heard the same from traditional Labour voters they either say, hate Corbyn, cant vote Labour , wont be voting at all , they have let us down, all very negative and I'm surrounded by Labour voters in my life and work , or shall we re name them ex Labour voters .

    In Wales I would not be shocked if a Brexit MP or two gets in, Liberals see gain seats , and even some Tories having better results than expected.

    The north east of England is going to be a bad day for Labour.

    They are finished in Scotland.

    However they still have the the metropolitan cities I guess where threr is a high ethic and muselin voters like the Peterborough voters . ( i guess anti semitsim doesnt hurt them so in areas those )

    Ive been shouted down on this board for suggesting Corbyn or his type of politics is not good for Labour, lets see what the 12th brings instead of launching into the new nasty left tirade and calling moderate socialist Tories.
    The polls suggest many labour strongholds in Wales are going to go Tory

    Even in the valleys

    Its very worrying

    Imagine torfaen in Gwent having a Tory mp ?

    It won't be long before those people in such areas will be cursing themselves for voting Tory as the Westminster Eton lot cut off the valleys for good and European money is no longer forthcoming

    Too late to complain then though

    What really started the rot for labour was Scotland and now its going to spread to Wales

    It beggars belief how working class welsh people can vote Tory , mind you thatcher bribed them with the right to buy council houses and now the Tories have bribed them with brexit

    How have the valleys been affected by immigration ? The valleys were built on immigration from Ireland and the west of England

    The only immigrants of latter type in the valleys are kebab shop owners , Indian doctors and the odd taxi driver

    There are not areas of the valleys " swamped" by immigrants and the valleys get massive aid from Europe so what on earth did these areas vote to leave the EU and now appear to be turning blue ?


  22. #22

    Re: Election result prediction

    In fact it would be intelligent for the valleys to vote conservative.
    Labour do and spend nothing there because they take the seats for granted , but the conservatives would probably push the boat out to hang on to them. There'd be an inrush of factories and an international airport in Tonypandy before the next election !

    I keep telling you that all politicians are self seeking crooks, and it's therefore a good idea to get something out of them in exchange for what they want rather than just giving them the power they crave for nothing.

  23. #23

    Re: Election result prediction

    Tonypandy is too hilly for an international airport

    It would have to be in the lower valleys , bit flatter there

  24. #24

    Re: Election result prediction

    I was thinking of the old Mid Rhondda Field. You make an excellent point, but I didn't say there'd be aeroplanes did I ?
    The main thing would be the duty free lounges and there's no reason that you couldn't pick up and drop off passengers in nets hung from Chinook helicopters.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Tonypandy is too hilly for an international airport

    It would have to be in the lower valleys , bit flatter there
    On a serous note and away from political allegiances and point scoring ,does anyone think Labour has been a good force for Wales , in the last 10 years ?

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