Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
What measures are you using to make that assessment?

Well, providing you have the common sense to buy good healthcare cover, which is cheaper than your nation insurance contributions, there's not much treatment you can't get, and get without waiting or begging.
If you call a doctors office they'll usually tell you to come round immediately - if not you call another one. They'll treat you with respect and the place will be clean. If you need some hospital treatment they'll RECOMMEND a hospital , call them up and they'll ASK YOU when you can come in. When you get there they'll again speak to you like a human being rather than a retard or a beggar and it'll be clean and organised. They'll have all sorts of scanners and modern machines in house and you'll have your own room if you have to stay there.
I could go on....

Now all this relies on you having the freedom and common sense to get medical cover, ( or not), and I know it doesn't sit comfortably in the socialist mind to allow people adult decisions like that, but the fact is that it's much better.