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Thread: Election result prediction

  1. #51

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Just so I have it straight, you know Johnson is a liar. You know he'll come unstuck if asked questions about his lies. So you want him to avoid scrutiny to maximise the chances that this untrustworthy man (whom you don't even trust to speak) gets to lead the country for five years.

    And this because you don't want Corbyn (which I can understand) and do want Brexit (which this untrustworthy man has promised he will deliver, despite having failed less than a month ago).

    "You get what you deserve" seems apt. It's just a shame that it drags everyone else down too.

    Of course he's a ****ing liar Lardy !!!
    He's a politician , and that's what they do - all of them .
    I wouldn't trust any of them to run a chip shop but in this case some of his aims coincide with the best interests of the nation, ( in my opinion).
    It's Hobson's choice between 3 arseholes representing three organised crime outfits, so all you can do is pick the one least likely to inflict too much suffering on the nation.

    I wouldn't trust Jeremy Corbyn to sit the right way round on a toilet seat, and Jo Swindon should be working in Greggs the Bakers wearing plastic Christmas antlers and calling people "luv".

    None of it's very impressive though, is it ?

  2. #52

    Re: Election result prediction

    Isn't Leanne Wood a genuine conviction politician Ronnie ?, she is the real deal, been a genuine activist basically all her adult life.

  3. #53

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Of course he's a ****ing liar Lardy !!!
    He's a politician , and that's what they do - all of them .
    I wouldn't trust any of them to run a chip shop but in this case some of his aims coincide with the best interests of the nation, ( in my opinion).
    It's Hobson's choice between 3 arseholes representing three organised crime outfits, so all you can do is pick the one least likely to inflict too much suffering on the nation.

    I wouldn't trust Jeremy Corbyn to sit the right way round on a toilet seat, and Jo Swindon should be working in Greggs the Bakers wearing plastic Christmas antlers and calling people "luv".

    None of it's very impressive though, is it ?
    This is exactly what I was expecting. The "they're all liars" excuse.

    There's different categories of lies. You're a liar for saying you like your wife's new haircut when you don't. You're a liar for promising 50,000 new nurses when you know full well the plan is way below that. Are they the same level of lie?

    Ronniebird is ok with it because his guy is leading the polls. Will he be ok with it in future when it's someone who will do severe damage to his way of life?

    Of course he won't. Then he'll have a real problem with lying politicians.

    As the Manics sang, if you tolerate this...

  4. #54

    Re: Election result prediction

    And to come back to my original point, Corbyn and Swinson etc have gone to Andrew Neil, despite being useless, liars, everything else Ronnie accuses them of being.

    Johnson won't.

    That should tell you something about his calibre vs theirs.

  5. #55

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    This is exactly what I was expecting. The "they're all liars" excuse.

    There's different categories of lies. You're a liar for saying you like your wife's new haircut when you don't. You're a liar for promising 50,000 new nurses when you know full well the plan is way below that. Are they the same level of lie?

    Ronniebird is ok with it because his guy is leading the polls. Will he be ok with it in future when it's someone who will do severe damage to his way of life?

    Of course he won't. Then he'll have a real problem with lying politicians.

    As the Manics sang, if you tolerate this...
    We need the Tories to win, so that we can get rid of the Tories and Labour. While we are in the EU it doesn't matter who is in control, because Brussels will be pulling the strings.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    If that idiot Boris gets in by fifty plus seats I hope that's the back of Corbyn , Abbott and the rest of the lunatic fringe

    Hopefully the party will adopt a more moderate stance to attract liberal voters as the liberal party is finished for good after clegg got into bed with the Tories and swinsom turned out to be hopeless

    The Labour party needs someone like David milliband of old to sweep up the middle ground

    Brexit has totally fecked up this country and those labour voters who have switched to the Tories over this matter will have to answer to their grandchildren when the Tories preside over this disaster , called by a Tory to save his own arse yet playing directly into the xenophobia and little Britain attitude of a worryingly large proportion of the population

    It's all going tits up !

    Don't come running when the shit hits the fan under this lot , too late to cry then

    As for Corbyn , I am voting labour but what a plank he's proving to be
    Perhaps your better tactic is too swallow hard vote for Mr Johnson to deliver a crushing blow to the Mr Corbyn political agenda , which would bring forth a kinder centralist Labour Party which most of us would like . Sadly David Miliband's time has gone,
    his brother saw to that and brought in Mr Corbyn via his membership rules change , that dragged in the loons and extremist that are now self destroying
    that party that many supported .

    A modern thinking centralsit like David Milliband woukd be in power on the 12th with a massive majority which would my dream.

  7. #57

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Perhaps your better tactic is too swallow hard vote for Mr Johnson to deliver a crushing blow to the Mr Corbyn political agenda , which would bring forth a kinder centralist Labour Party which most of us would like . Sadly David Miliband's time has gone,
    his brother saw to that and brought in Mr Corbyn via his membership rules change , that dragged in the loons and extremist that are now self destroying
    that party that many supported .

    A modern thinking centralsit like David Milliband woukd be in power on the 12th with a massive majority which would my dream.
    I can't see how it's compatible for you to agree with everything Wales Bales says (I can't remember you posting anything critical of his opinions on here), and also genuinely believe in what you've said there.

  8. #58

    Re: Election result prediction

    While there's always talk about not believing the polls from the parties that are behind in them, I think you only need to look at Labour's decision to change their approach on Brexit the morning after that You Gov poll was released to realise that they were spooked by it.

    Who knows, the You Gov poll may turn out to be wrong, but the sheer size of the sample used makes you doubt it and the conclusion I draw from it is that no matter what happens/has happened during the campaign, the only thing that matters to a sizeable minority of those intending to vote is to "get Brexit done".

    This election has always been about Brexit to one side of the divide and unless the other side realises this and people take on board what can be done by voting tactically, we are going to have a majority Conservative Government.

  9. #59

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    This is exactly what I was expecting. The "they're all liars" excuse.

    There's different categories of lies. You're a liar for saying you like your wife's new haircut when you don't. You're a liar for promising 50,000 new nurses when you know full well the plan is way below that. Are they the same level of lie?

    Ronniebird is ok with it because his guy is leading the polls. Will he be ok with it in future when it's someone who will do severe damage to his way of life?

    Of course he won't. Then he'll have a real problem with lying politicians.

    As the Manics sang, if you tolerate this...

    You misunderstand me completely .

    I'm far from okay with the fact that the only available choices for election are liars and crooks, but it is nonetheless a fact, and therefore in practical terms we can only reluctantly accept the least bad option.

    I know nothing whatever about the "maniacs" except that I think it's a pop group. However , the partial lyric you quote expresses my opinion quite well. Point being that we have to put up with this bent political system because we tolerate it. I wouldn't tolerate it myself but unfortunately the general public do.
    Occasionally in the affairs of man great changes take place as they did in 1776 and things improve for a certain amount of time, but for most of history it's been a case of greedy manipulative crooks furthering their own interests over a gullible or cowed population with lies or brute force.

    As long as people believe some of the utter shit they're told by the current political elite there's no chance whatsoever of improving anything and therefore there's no alternative but to do the best you can to preserve you're own independence and liberty in the prevailing circumstances. As long as people jump into line like lemmings to vote for their allotted party on a tribal basis, those parties will continue to rule over them like mediaeval barons and nothing whatever will change.

  10. #60

    Re: Election result prediction

    What about Liz Saville Roberts Ronnie the first person to speak Irish in Parliament, English born and bred, Welsh university educated and has lived in Wales for decades, she is an impressive performer.

  11. #61

    Re: Election result prediction

    I assumed, wrongly it seems, because Corbyn chose to be tormented by Andrew Neil then he'd done so because the other party leaders had also agreed to be subjected to a similar ordeal.

    Earlier in this thread posted last Sunday I linked to the most seats odds. Then the best value was Conservative 1-16, Labour 12-1. Today it's Conservative 1-20, Labour 17-1.

  12. #62
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I assumed, wrongly it seems, because Corbyn chose to be tormented by Andrew Neil then he'd done so because the other party leaders had also agreed to be subjected to a similar ordeal.

    Earlier in this thread posted last Sunday I linked to the most seats odds. Then the best value was Conservative 1-16, Labour 12-1. Today it's Conservative 1-20, Labour 17-1.
    Are you suggesting its a very wise choice by Mr Johnson ?

  13. #63

    Re: Election result prediction

    It's an incredible indictment of Labour and Corbyn's leadership to be such an underdog with less than a fortnight before the ballot.

    Though it makes no material difference who wins because whether the cactus-shaped foot long dildo is red or blue in colour the ramming will be equally painful for 99% of the population.

  14. #64

    Re: Election result prediction

    Corbyn and Abbott and the rest of the crew have been dreadful

    Caroline Lucas please join the labour party and become leader

  15. #65

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    What about Liz Saville Roberts Ronnie the first person to speak Irish in Parliament, English born and bred, Welsh university educated and has lived in Wales for decades, she is an impressive performer.

    A lot of them have been impressive performers. Hitler was an impressive performer, but they're still all the same.

  16. #66

    Re: Election result prediction

    Her voting record isn't very impressive in my opinion. She wants to prosecute British soldiers, stop all combat operations abroad and unilaterally get rid of our nuclear deterrent.
    What is it which impresses you about her Trampie ?

  17. #67

    Re: Election result prediction

    Imperialism is a terrible thing.

  18. #68

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    Imperialism is a terrible thing.

  19. #69

    Re: Election result prediction

    Imperialism makes the World a less safer place, not only is it usually bad for the colonised but it can be bad for the imperialists when there is a backlash.

  20. #70

    Re: Election result prediction

    Very interesting discussion to have some time Trampie.
    The Monty Python clip is a fantastic educational aid without particularly intending to be.

    Like war, imperialism is bad on the face of it. Worse than that, it's evil in many ways. On the other hand, it's part of the nature of mankind and human progress is impossible without it. It's the way in which old and often barbaric cultures are replaced with more advanced ones.
    On the whole it eventually improves the lot of the conquered ,but of course that's usually a painful process , as is the inevitable decline of the conquerer.
    Without it perhaps Druids would still be performing human sacrifice and forbidding reading or writing in this country.

    Each generation believes that the nature of the world has changed according to the prevailing view, but it never does.

  21. #71

    Re: Election result prediction

    The Cons are currently big odds on to gain the most seats but that does not necessarily mean a win for the Cons away from the betting World if they cannot form a Government and the second biggest party can.

  22. #72

    Re: Election result prediction

    Interesting set of polls this weekend - still a big lead for the Tories in most of them, but.........


  23. #73

    Re: Election result prediction

    I wonder how it will be received tomorrow when Mr Corbyn starts off suggesting unaccountable police powers to deal with terrorists but then goes on to sympathise with the terrorists and blame Britain for provoking them

  24. #74
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    I happened to drive through the Asian area of Peterborough this afternoon LOM , and I saw my first labour poster this time, although there was only one of them and in the past there'd have been lots.
    In Cardiff North which has always been a marginal .

    The Tories are not trying not a single leaflet ,we have seen some Liberals ones 3 Labour ones

    The welsh Labour MP Anna McMorrin is a real good lady .

    In the last election Mr Johnson and Mr Corbyn appeared in the constituency and the battleground was much more aggressive , I wonder if the issue is being decided by the fact it was 60 % remain and 39% leave ?

  25. #75
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Election result prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    I wonder how it will be received tomorrow when Mr Corbyn starts off suggesting unaccountable police powers to deal with terrorists but then goes on to sympathise with the terrorists and blame Britain for provoking them
    All those videos, news reports arrests , and comments were made up


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