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Thread: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

  1. #1

    Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Been cleared of Manslaughter.


  2. #2

    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    One of my best mates at college was crushed at Hillsborough

    In the October of our first year I dragged him along to gigg lane bury to watch the bluebirds

    He was a good lad but failed his first year and went back to Liverpool

    In my last year I went to watch city again at gigg lane where I had seen them with divvy

    At half time there were mutterings amongst the city support that something as happening at Hillsborough

    A week later I went to see him in hospital in Sheffield , he was in a coma

    He came out of it several Years later but he is now brain damaged and requires 24 hour care

    I still send and receive a Xmas card to his family

    It seems today that a jury has made a decision based on the evidence put before them

    Whether this is the end of the matter remains to be seen

    May those who lost their lives at a football match that day rest in peace

  3. #3

    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Blimey that’s horrendous. Of course it’s justice for the 96 but also people such as your friend who suffered life changing injuries also.
    It’s unbelievable that the court cases and inquiries are still going on 30 years later, who knows where they families go from here.

  4. #4

    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    I always get a bit twitchy five minutes from fulltime in the Canton when everyone congregates by the steps. Christ knows how many times I've seen some pissed up podgy bloke swaying from side to side by row L.

    Fortunately, we never score late goals otherwise its a disaster waiting to happen.

  5. #5

    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Quote Originally Posted by B. Oddie View Post
    I always get a bit twitchy five minutes from fulltime in the Canton when everyone congregates by the steps. Christ knows how many times I've seen some pissed up podgy bloke swaying from side to side by row L.

    Fortunately, we never score late goals otherwise its a disaster waiting to happen.
    The stadium is appalling regarding evacuating it en masse. God help us if an emergency happens.

  6. #6

    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    The stadium is appalling regarding evacuating it en masse. God help us if an emergency happens.
    At least the stands are not constructed of wood (as some are even today) and we are not hemmed in by fencing and prevented from getting on the pitch. Gotta say, the CCS pitch was completely invaded in what seemed like seconds after our two promotions.

  7. #7
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    What bothers me there are so many others that surely had responsibility on that dreadful day , wasn't the the stadiums health and safety officer found guilty of a minor safety breach ?

  8. #8

    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    I know this is going to be unpopular with some on here, but many people have blood on their hands from that awful day.
    None more so than every football hooligan of that era. Once again the majority of well behaved fans, had to suffer for the actions of a few.
    If those metal fences hadn’t have had to be erected, not a single fan would have died that day.

  9. #9

    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    I know this is going to be unpopular with some on here, but many people have blood on their hands from that awful day.
    None more so than every football hooligan of that era. Once again the majority of well behaved fans, had to suffer for the actions of a few.
    If those metal fences hadn’t have had to be erected, not a single fan would have died that day.
    I for one agree with you.There is a reason why football fans were policed the way they were . The answer was the way some behaved.
    The terrible thing is innocent people lost their lives partly because of the hooligans that were around in those days.

  10. #10

    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Quote Originally Posted by valley boy View Post
    I for one agree with you.There is a reason why football fans were policed the way they were . The answer was the way some behaved.
    The terrible thing is innocent people lost their lives partly because of the hooligans that were around in those days.
    The jury had to decide if Duckenfield was solely responsible for the victims deaths. There were too many other factors and other people involved for him not to be solely responsible so I'm not surprised at the verdict.

  11. #11
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    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    I know this is going to be unpopular with some on here, but many people have blood on their hands from that awful day.
    None more so than every football hooligan of that era. Once again the majority of well behaved fans, had to suffer for the actions of a few.
    If those metal fences hadn’t have had to be erected, not a single fan would have died that day.
    Absolutely , well done , very brave of you to say it .

  12. #12
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Quote Originally Posted by The Bloop View Post
    The jury had to decide if Duckenfield was solely responsible for the victims deaths. There were too many other factors and other people involved for him not to be solely responsible so I'm not surprised at the verdict.
    You can't pin sole responsibility to a single man, yes he made mistakes so do many others , and dare I say do did some fans behaviours , in an era which is best laid to rest

    Awful tragedy as was the Heysel Stadium disaster when Juventus fans were trying to escape from Liverpool fans.

  13. #13

    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    You can't pin sole responsibility to a single man, yes he made mistakes so do many others , and dare I say do did some fans behaviours , in an era which is best laid to rest

    Awful tragedy as was the Heysel Stadium disaster when Juventus fans were trying to escape from Liverpool fans.
    What on earth has Heysel got to do with what happened at Hillsborough? Seems to me that you're trying to deflect blame on to the Liverpool fans for what happened in April 1989.

    Erecting fences and putting people in pens was a way of dealing with hooliganism in the 70s and 80s and, surely, the lesson of Hillsborough is that it was a failed plan - something had to be done about dealing with hooliganism, but the "answer" the authorities came up with to it caused the death of ninety six innocent people.

    I agree that it would be wrong to pin all of the blame for what happened on Duckenfield, but, as you point out, the only person who has been shown to be to blame through the courts for what happened is Sheffield Wednesday's safety officer and then it was for a minor Health and Safety offence.

    It is disgraceful that almost thirty one years after the event, there is still no person or party who have been found to be legally responsible for the entirely avoidable deaths of all of those people - I don't blame the families of the dead and the injured for reacting like they did after hearing yesterday's verdict.

  14. #14

    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    What on earth has Heysel got to do with what happened at Hillsborough? Seems to me that you're trying to deflect blame on to the Liverpool fans for what happened in April 1989.

    Erecting fences and putting people in pens was a way of dealing with hooliganism in the 70s and 80s and, surely, the lesson of Hillsborough is that it was a failed plan - something had to be done about dealing with hooliganism, but the "answer" the authorities came up with to it caused the death of ninety six innocent people.

    I agree that it would be wrong to pin all of the blame for what happened on Duckenfield, but, as you point out, the only person who has been shown to be to blame through the courts for what happened is Sheffield Wednesday's safety officer and then it was for a minor Health and Safety offence.

    It is disgraceful that almost thirty one years after the event, there is still no person or party who have been found to be legally responsible for the entirely avoidable deaths of all of those people - I don't blame the families of the dead and the injured for reacting like they did after hearing yesterday's verdict.
    Let's go further and remind ourselves the authorities supported by some tabloids attempted to deflect any blame by alleging the fans were guilty of hooliganism which was a contributory cause of the disaster. Additionally, some even alleged this hooliganism continued throughout the event. All these allegations were found to be utter bollocks and forwarded by the authorities in an attempt to cover up any blame attached to them. The disaster was caused by negligence. Pure and simple.

    This is only a personal opinion but South Yorkshire Police constabulary during the 80s were right cuunts. They acted more like ****ing storm troopers than a police force, not only with football fans.

  15. #15

    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    It's also worth remembering that it's taken 30 years to get here. Imagine having spent basically half your life fighting this as well as grieving. Imagine having to fight the closed ranks of the government and the police, with the media making things worse by skewing public opinion to the point that three decades on people are still bringing up hooliganism*

    Hats off to the families. They are strong folk.

    *Referring to life on mars's comments, not William T's.

  16. #16
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    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    You can't pin sole responsibility to a single man, yes he made mistakes so do many others , and dare I say do did some fans behaviours , in an era which is best laid to rest

    Awful tragedy as was the Heysel Stadium disaster when Juventus fans were trying to escape from Liverpool fans.
    I thought it was later shown that they were fans of another European club posing as Liverpool fans. But I'm willing to corrected.

  17. #17
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    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Quote Originally Posted by The Bloop View Post
    The jury had to decide if Duckenfield was solely responsible for the victims deaths. There were too many other factors and other people involved for him not to be solely responsible so I'm not surprised at the verdict.
    The worst thing this man did was that having made a probably genuine mistake he lied about opening the gate and then sought to blame innocent people for the resulting chaos and mayhem.
    He was charged with the wrong offence. The level of proof for negligent manslaughter is so high no police officer has ever been convicted of it (nor even charged I think).
    His biggest crime was denying the truth and then conspiring with others in the Police force to manipulate the evidence to cast the blame on other people, perverting the cause of justice These are people who are supposed to reveal other peoples fault and they deliberately hide their own
    It is one of the things that make a great swathe of the population have no faith in the modern police force.

  18. #18

    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    The worst thing this man did was that having made a probably genuine mistake he lied about opening the gate and then sought to blame innocent people for the resulting chaos and mayhem.
    He was charged with the wrong offence. The level of proof for negligent manslaughter is so high no police officer has ever been convicted of it (nor even charged I think).
    His biggest crime was denying the truth and then conspiring with others in the Police force to manipulate the evidence to cast the blame on other people, perverting the cause of justice These are people who are supposed to reveal other peoples fault and they deliberately hide their own
    It is one of the things that make a great swathe of the population have no faith in the modern police force.
    Indeed , he should along with others who altered their logbooks , have been charged with perverting the course of justice , stupid as the decision to open the gates may seem now , the crush outside was so intense it was lifting police horses off the ground ......he panicked and ordered the gates to be opened , believing it would ease the crushing

    It didn't , leading to many deaths

    But after all these years it can be understood why he did it

    What was criminal was that he and others tried to cover up the fact that this decision had been made

    Can they charge him and others with perverting the course of justice or lying in public office ? That I don't know but it would be something for the families

  19. #19

    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Indeed , he should along with others who altered their logbooks , have been charged with perverting the course of justice , stupid as the decision to open the gates may seem now , the crush outside was so intense it was lifting police horses off the ground ......he panicked and ordered the gates to be opened , believing it would ease the crushing

    It didn't , leading to many deaths

    But after all these years it can be understood why he did it

    What was criminal was that he and others tried to cover up the fact that this decision had been made

    Can they charge him and others with perverting the course of justice or lying in public office ? That I don't know but it would be something for the families
    I agree. The opening of those gates were pivotal to what caused the panic and the crushing. A mistake that while totally made on the spot, and under immense pressure, resulted in the deaths.
    I think most folk, whilst utterly devastated by the aftermath, would surely have had some sympathy with Duckenfield if he’d put his hands up straight away and admitted the mistakes.
    The lying, cover ups and false story’s since, has created mass grief, stress and anger. Those poor family’s have been through a living hell.
    If we don’t have honesty in life, we have nothing.

  20. #20

    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    What on earth has Heysel got to do with what happened at Hillsborough? Seems to me that you're trying to deflect blame on to the Liverpool fans for what happened in April 1989.
    I'm 100% convinced LoM is a closet Man United fan. I've asked him several times previously when he's posted about Man Utd and Liverpool in differing lights. He's never responded.

  21. #21
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    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    I'm 100% convinced LoM is a closet Man United fan. I've asked him several times previously when he's posted about Man Utd and Liverpool in differing lights. He's never responded.
    Sorry Cardiff City born and bred all my life, and I attend the games.

    Sorry i didnt see your prevous questions hence the lack of a response , I tend not to track specific individuals.

  22. #22
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    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    What on earth has Heysel got to do with what happened at Hillsborough? Seems to me that you're trying to deflect blame on to the Liverpool fans for what happened in April 1989.

    Erecting fences and putting people in pens was a way of dealing with hooliganism in the 70s and 80s and, surely, the lesson of Hillsborough is that it was a failed plan - something had to be done about dealing with hooliganism, but the "answer" the authorities came up with to it caused the death of ninety six innocent people.

    I agree that it would be wrong to pin all of the blame for what happened on Duckenfield, but, as you point out, the only person who has been shown to be to blame through the courts for what happened is Sheffield Wednesday's safety officer and then it was for a minor Health and Safety offence.

    It is disgraceful that almost thirty one years after the event, there is still no person or party who have been found to be legally responsible for the entirely avoidable deaths of all of those people - I don't blame the families of the dead and the injured for reacting like they did after hearing yesterday's verdict.
    I was simply pointing out that in both incidents Heysel in 85 Hillsborough was 89 saw fans effected by behaviours and poor saftey and policing, not sure what point you are making , in both incidents lives were sadly lost , authorities ,stadiums and peoples behaviours are at fault.

  23. #23

    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    You can't pin sole responsibility to a single man, yes he made mistakes so do many others , and dare I say do did some fans behaviours , in an era which is best laid to rest

    Awful tragedy as was the Heysel Stadium disaster when Juventus fans were trying to escape from Liverpool fans.
    Fair play you are a clueless chump. In your head you think you obviously know more than. the findings of the Taylor report and the inquest result of 2016.

    You’ve then brought Heysel into it with a not so thinly veiled ‘well it was Liverpool fans there too, I’m just saying’ type post.

    If this was 1989 I dare say you’d be sharing that link from The Sun saying ‘The Truth’ as you seem to like sharing drivel from right wing media outlets.

  24. #24

    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Absolutely , well done , very brave of you to say it .
    Totally agree with this statement. Liverpool fans did play a part in this tragedy. Glad Duckenfield was found not guilty. It was not purely his fault. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

  25. #25

    Re: Hillsborough Police Chief Verdict

    Quote Originally Posted by Talksport View Post
    Totally agree with this statement. Liverpool fans did play a part in this tragedy. Glad Duckenfield was found not guilty. It was not purely his fault. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
    They certainly did.
    96 of them were killed because of a ****ing incompetent Police Officer

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