Jon, I certainly don't regard wealth as a measure of anyone's worth, nor do I admire it - it's very over rated. However , since that's what he's chosen to go after , the fact that he's succeeded so dynamically shows that he's a winner in his chosen field. Similarly , when he entered politics he succeeded against all the odds.

Powerful men can certainly do stuff which I'd start complaining about, but it's not for me to go searching for fault or scrutinising the day to day activities of the President of the USA. Ultimately he's a human being like everyone else and he's done and said dumb things from time to time in his long life.

On the whole I think he's a decent man for a politician ,and like many people I agree with a lot of what he says and does. Of course he does some eccentric stuff but I'm afraid to tell you that many people identify with that humanity, find it quite funny when he outrages the sanctimonious political elite, and appreciate his ability to get things done.

Unlike some of his predecessors he hasn't gone round indiscriminately bombing and invading third world countries or killing hundreds of thousands of people for no valid reason. He's brought back a lot of jobs and cut taxes and he's generally doing a good job for the people who voted for him.
You want him to do a good job for Mexican immigrants, de Christianisation and some borderless international socialist paradise , but that's not what he or those who elected him want and he's defying the globalist puppet masters by looking after his own country first and applying common sense and reality over the impractical obsessive visions of dead socialists. You don't like that, so the answer is to win elections really , rather than try and cheat by launching endless personal attacks and smear campaigns against the man who got elected .