Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
There's always been those whose claims are rejected, or under scrutiny, or failed because of a system error, etc, because it's a gigantic bureaucracy and was that way before the advent of Universal Credit. The case you touched upon is indicative of one of the most common doubts when people are suspected of being shacked-up together while claiming separately, invariably from different households, instead of as a couple at the same address. From reading forums it's often due to someone moving out but continues to have some correspondence delivered to their former abode. You likely know .gov has something known as the General Matching Service that collate a vast amount of data.
I'm giving you anecdotal evidence of what kind of effect UC is actually having on people and your response is basically "it's always been this way".

Well, it hasn't.

UC is a massive cluster**** and has even brought DWP staff to the point where they have spoken to the press about how badly it is managed and how convoluted the system is.

I've been dealing with UC claimants for 2/3 years on a daily basis and I still can't fully grasp how it all works as the rules change all of the time too.

Back to the original point... Poverty is on the rise because of austerity and Tory policies (don't get me started on ESA and PIP decisions).

I don't know how to argue this any further as it's just a fact. I've seen it get worse over the last 5-6 years.

You're entitled to your opinion, but that's all it is in this case. I'm telling you what actually goes on and that you're so wrong about how people's lives are being affected.