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Thread: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

  1. #26

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    Not a chance. The Conservatives are toxic in the valleys and the Brexit Party will be standing there, that'll split the Brexit vote

    Talk of the Tories gaining Labour heartlands and former mining communities is wide of the mark, they tried the same strategy last time and failed miserably
    A lot of working class labour voters in the valleys voted to leave , they may fall for the Tory spin machine , hold their noses and vote Tory , believing Boris and his bullshit bus that is saying they will get brexit done , in about ten years I suspect

    I am not saying pontypridd and ogmore and merthyr and cynon valley will go true blue but I definitely think labour votes will be lost to the Tories in the valleys

  2. #27

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    A lot of working class labour voters in the valleys voted to leave , they may fall for the Tory spin machine , hold their noses and vote Tory , believing Boris and his bullshit bus that is saying they will get brexit done , in about ten years I suspect

    I am not saying pontypridd and ogmore and merthyr and cynon valley will go true blue but I definitely think labour votes will be lost to the Tories in the valleys
    People said the same about the 2017 election, when push comes to shove people can't stomach voting for them, also the Brexit Party will be standing in the Valleys, that's where the leave vote would be more likely to go

    Also important to note that a lot of leave voters were people who didn't normally vote, so when people say "There's 52% of the population who'll vote X because of the Referendum" its not entirely true

  3. #28
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    Mar 2016

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Swinson claimed she was 'forced' to vote the way she did as she was a government minister. What she meant was she chose to do so to maintain her higher ministerial pay and perks.
    yes inddeed

  4. #29
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    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    A lot of working class labour voters in the valleys voted to leave , they may fall for the Tory spin machine , hold their noses and vote Tory , believing Boris and his bullshit bus that is saying they will get brexit done , in about ten years I suspect

    I am not saying pontypridd and ogmore and merthyr and cynon valley will go true blue but I definitely think labour votes will be lost to the Tories in the valleys
    yep and I see the headline returns in the Tory blueprint

    Raising the National Insurance threshold, which the independent Institute for Fiscal Studies says will save workers about £85 per year
    Ending the automatic release of serious violent and sexual offenders
    Increasing the amount migrants pay for using the NHS
    Finalising an agreement with mobile operators over countryside coverage
    The Conservatives have also said they would introduce a number of pieces of legislation in the 100-day timeframe to take the first steps on other promises including:

    A law to raise minimum per pupil funding in schools
    A law to ensure £33.9bn is put into the NHS each year by 2023
    A new points-based immigration system
    The roll-out of gigabit broadband

  5. #30

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    A lot of working class labour voters in the valleys voted to leave , they may fall for the Tory spin machine , hold their noses and vote Tory , believing Boris and his bullshit bus that is saying they will get brexit done , in about ten years I suspect

    I am not saying pontypridd and ogmore and merthyr and cynon valley will go true blue but I definitely think labour votes will be lost to the Tories in the valleys
    Agreed. Impossible to conceive a Tory MP will be returned at the constituencies you mentioned and plenty more besides in South Wales at this General Election or any future ones because, let's be frank, a red rosette could be pinned on a Labour candidate who's a serial axe murderer and they would still canter home.

  6. #31

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Dopey you for thinking that your not voting will serve as a very specific protest. Sorry to burst your bubble.
    As I stated, the primary reason for not voting is it would be a waste of my time.

    An extract from the late comedian George Carlin's polemic The American Dream sketch - "Forget the politicians. They are irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice! You have owners! They own you!"

    Who are the owners? Bankers. Multinational corporations. Major landowners. Liz from Buck House is also with them behind the curtain having a chuckle. That same Liz who's head of state but who no-one has ever voted for. Which reminds me, in addition to secret ballots being a lie so is the 'Britain is a democracy' bullshit we're constantly subjected to.

  7. #32

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    yep and I see the headline returns in the Tory blueprint

    Raising the National Insurance threshold, which the independent Institute for Fiscal Studies says will save workers about £85 per year
    Ending the automatic release of serious violent and sexual offenders
    Increasing the amount migrants pay for using the NHS
    Finalising an agreement with mobile operators over countryside coverage
    The Conservatives have also said they would introduce a number of pieces of legislation in the 100-day timeframe to take the first steps on other promises including:

    A law to raise minimum per pupil funding in schools
    A law to ensure £33.9bn is put into the NHS each year by 2023
    A new points-based immigration system
    The roll-out of gigabit broadband
    And you believe that bullshit ?

    They also said they were going to build twenty new hospitals

    They have now admitted it will be six

  8. #33

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Will be voting Plaid. I'm not necessarily a big supporter of independence however Plaid will take a long time to get the MPs/AMs to genuinely advocate a indy ref, they have said they need at least 2 full Welsh Assembly terms before they would realistically like independence.

    Other than that, they are a socialist party, I genuinely like the majority of their manifesto and ultimately they are the only party that will speak for Wales and push for investment in Wales. They are also pretty much the only party who haven't lied to peoples faces and backstabbed the public in any way (probably as they have never had significant powers).

    Time to give a chance to Plaid (and in 2021).

  9. #34

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by Wozza16 View Post
    Will be voting Plaid. I'm not necessarily a big supporter of independence however Plaid will take a long time to get the MPs/AMs to genuinely advocate a indy ref, they have said they need at least 2 full Welsh Assembly terms before they would realistically like independence.

    Other than that, they are a socialist party, I genuinely like the majority of their manifesto and ultimately they are the only party that will speak for Wales and push for investment in Wales. They are also pretty much the only party who haven't lied to peoples faces and backstabbed the public in any way (probably as they have never had significant powers).

    Time to give a chance to Plaid (and in 2021).
    They are a genuinely socialist party

    And that appeals to me

    But they are an independence party to the core and I can't vote for that

  10. #35

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    I've sent off my postal vote for Plaid

    Only party who cares about Wales

  11. #36
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    Mar 2016

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Agreed. Impossible to conceive a Tory MP will be returned at the constituencies you mentioned and plenty more besides in South Wales at this General Election or any future ones because, let's be frank, a red rosette could be pinned on a Labour candidate who's a serial axe murderer and they would still canter home.
    What a sad state of affairs in a modern soceity has a country we suffer from wanting a change , instead we just keep thinking about the coal and steel era and its dying embers of life , strangley the green agenda seems to support the removal of the heavy industrial manufacturing world .

  12. #37
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    Mar 2016

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    I've sent off my postal vote for Plaid

    Only party who cares about Wales
    Thankfully you have a broader mind than most .

    Well done City123

  13. #38

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    I've sent off my postal vote for Plaid

    Only party who cares about Wales
    They have no chance whatsoever of achieving their aim , which is an independent Wales, I wouldn't be surprised if their share of the vote goes down

  14. #39

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    As I stated, the primary reason for not voting is it would be a waste of my time.

    An extract from the late comedian George Carlin's polemic The American Dream sketch - "Forget the politicians. They are irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice! You have owners! They own you!"

    Who are the owners? Bankers. Multinational corporations. Major landowners. Liz from Buck House is also with them behind the curtain having a chuckle. That same Liz who's head of state but who no-one has ever voted for. Which reminds me, in addition to secret ballots being a lie so is the 'Britain is a democracy' bullshit we're constantly subjected to.
    So the alternative would be to get more public ownership of land and assets?

  15. #40

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    They have no chance whatsoever of achieving their aim , which is an independent Wales, I wouldn't be surprised if their share of the vote goes down
    You don't fancy independence, Sludge? Might be better than being England's poor relation. Scotland could go that way if Johnson gets in and we at least have a claim to such a thing.

  16. #41

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    They have no chance whatsoever of achieving their aim , which is an independent Wales, I wouldn't be surprised if their share of the vote goes down
    Support for it is growing, there's been 3 marches in the past year each one attracting thousands of people and polling is showing support at around 25%, with one poll getting 33%

    But you're right, let's all just vote Labour again, because its worked so well these past few decades

  17. #42
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    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    Support for it is growing, there's been 3 marches in the past year each one attracting thousands of people and polling is showing support at around 25%, with one poll getting 33%

    But you're right, let's all just vote Labour again, because its worked so well these past few decades
    Labours management of Wales is not great , but that doesn't matter as they are our favourite team.

  18. #43
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    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdman Of Alcathays View Post
    So the alternative would be to get more public ownership of land and assets?
    Yes very federalist someone has to.own something though , the clever ownership trick is to make it prosper without government control and tax payers burden , and to spread that wealth to the needy in society .

  19. #44

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    Support for it is growing, there's been 3 marches in the past year each one attracting thousands of people and polling is showing support at around 25%, with one poll getting 33%

    But you're right, let's all just vote Labour again, because its worked so well these past few decades
    I am not saying labour is the answer but its better than the Tories

    And that's what its looks like we are getting

    You have no chance of increasing the plaid cymru influence in Wales really

  20. #45

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Confronted with the shambles of successive Tory governments over the last decade to enter a general election with them 10pc ahead in the polls either the general public or other political parties have lost their head. For me it's the latter. The Jeremy Corbyn Labour Party has been the most ineffectual and ineffective opposition to the chaos and embarrassment that has been perpetrated in our country's name over the last 4 years.

    In sadness quite a bit of me wants Johnson to own the bullshit and false get it done hope he is pedalling so he can be held to account for the snake oil salesman he is, Still I owe it to my kids to try and register a vote that tries to give them the best future. Strangely in my constituency that means voting for the Labour candidate. Most of my life that would have been done willingly rather than reluctantly. If one outcome of the election is that Corbyn falls on his sword then it won't be a total disaster for me.

  21. #46

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Confronted with the shambles of successive Tory governments over the last decade to enter a general election with them 10pc ahead in the polls either the general public or other political parties have lost their head. For me it's the latter. The Jeremy Corbyn Labour Party has been the most ineffectual and ineffective opposition to the chaos and embarrassment that has been perpetrated in our country's name over the last 4 years.

    In sadness quite a bit of me wants Johnson to own the bullshit and false get it done hope he is pedalling so he can be held to account for the snake oil salesman he is, Still I owe it to my kids to try and register a vote that tries to give them the best future. Strangely in my constituency that means voting for the Labour candidate. Most of my life that would have been done willingly rather than reluctantly. If one outcome of the election is that Corbyn falls on his sword then it won't be a total disaster for me.
    Broadly speaking, I agree with that, but I'm still struggling to bring myself around to voting Labour.

    Sadly, I'm 100 per cent in the category discussed on Newsnight last night whose vote is going to be cast on the negative basis of trying to prevent a party from forming a majority Government rather than the positive approach which should, surely, be the way to go.

    Yesterday's events gave us an insight into Johnson's character with the manner in which he sought to "deal" with awkward questioning (what on earth was he thinking of?) and his party's response to the situation as they tried to fabricate a story about a punch being thrown at one of their staff tells you all you need to know about the lowlife in high places of the what's in it for me party.

    Backed by compliant political correspondents at the BBC and ITV, the lie would have been accepted as fact if the "punch" had not been filmed and, instead of nothing whatsoever appearing on the front pages of the Telegraph, Times, Mail, Express and Sun about what is being called Johnson's most awkward day of the campaign so far, those papers would have, doubtless, had lurid headlines about the assault on one of Matt Hancock's team plastered over their front pages.

    There was a discussion on polling on Radio 5 I listened to yesterday and the thing which surprised me the most was that, apparently, 40 per cent of those who are going to vote were unable to name a single issue or event that had surfaced during the election campaign. That, for me, goes to the heart of why I think we're going to get a majority Conservative Government come Friday, but I live in a small amount of hope that the UK electorate will restore my faith in them and evict this disgrace of a Prime Minister and the party of spivs, shysters and no mark opportunists he leads.

  22. #47

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Lib Dems tactically.

  23. #48

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Broadly speaking, I agree with that, but I'm still struggling to bring myself around to voting Labour.

    Sadly, I'm 100 per cent in the category discussed on Newsnight last night whose vote is going to be cast on the negative basis of trying to prevent a party from forming a majority Government rather than the positive approach which should, surely, be the way to go.

    Yesterday's events gave us an insight into Johnson's character with the manner in which he sought to "deal" with awkward questioning (what on earth was he thinking of?) and his party's response to the situation as they tried to fabricate a story about a punch being thrown at one of their staff tells you all you need to know about the lowlife in high places of the what's in it for me party.

    Backed by compliant political correspondents at the BBC and ITV, the lie would have been accepted as fact if the "punch" had not been filmed and, instead of nothing whatsoever appearing on the front pages of the Telegraph, Times, Mail, Express and Sun about what is being called Johnson's most awkward day of the campaign so far, those papers would have, doubtless, had lurid headlines about the assault on one of Matt Hancock's team plastered over their front pages.

    There was a discussion on polling on Radio 5 I listened to yesterday and the thing which surprised me the most was that, apparently, 40 per cent of those who are going to vote were unable to name a single issue or event that had surfaced during the election campaign. That, for me, goes to the heart of why I think we're going to get a majority Conservative Government come Friday, but I live in a small amount of hope that the UK electorate will restore my faith in them and evict this disgrace of a Prime Minister and the party of spivs, shysters and no mark opportunists he leads.
    Do you want a hung parliament rather than our disgrace of a leader of the opposition and his shower?

  24. #49

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Do you want a hung parliament rather than our disgrace of a leader of the opposition and his shower?
    Given a choice of Labour or Tory, it's Labour every day of the week - the fact that I'm still unsure whether to vote for them yet tells you what I think of the choice on offer mind.

  25. #50

    Re: So who are you voting for then ? Cards on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Given a choice of Labour or Tory, it's Labour every day of the week - the fact that I'm still unsure whether to vote for them yet tells you what I think of the choice on offer mind.
    Corbyn and his team are crap , the liberals are useless but even a fractured rainbow alliance is better than the lying tories from local representatives to the prime minister to the tory media , tosses the lot of them

    But it's too late now , it's going to be a tory majority and those idiots in bridgend who vote tory wont get any sympathy from me when they have to go for advice from the council for housing or the local citizens advice bureau for help with their benefits after they have lost their job , only to find it's been shut due to tory central government cuts , no sympathy at all

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