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Thread: The Donald Trump thread

  1. #5276

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Sondland is no longer batting for trump. Who's going to be next?
    Wow, the president of the United States is telling people what to do. How dare he!

  2. #5277
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Wow, the president of the United States is telling people what to do. How dare he!
    Just to let you know, your messages are full, wouldn't want you to miss any love letters from Lardy.

  3. #5278

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    This is going to take some explaining, are there any Trump Russia Conclusion experts in the house?

  4. #5279

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

  5. #5280

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Hey lardy, are you there? We may need your help!

  6. #5281
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Another excellent fred by Brian Cates.

  7. #5282

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Another excellent fred by Brian Cates.
    So Schiff's whistleblower, the IC IG, and Strzok/Muellers's forger-in-chief were all working together and go back a long way? Man, this is deep

  8. #5283
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    So Schiff's whistleblower, the IC IG, and Strzok/Muellers's forger-in-chief were all working together and go back a long way? Man, this is deep
    Not sure how this will pan out but, TBF to Stealth Jeff, when he puts his theory up, it's researched with his source info included, unlike the majority who refer to unnamed sources, he's put his neck on the line loads of times and generally comes up with a near or exact outcome, December is going to be very interesting with the IG and FISA stuff imminent.

  9. #5284
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Yesterday Trump tweeted this mock up of himself as Rocky.

    Homage to Putin's airbrushed hard-man pictures?

    This cretin has his finger on the nuclear button.


    I would feel safer with Tango Man!

    tango man.jpg

  10. #5285

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Yesterday Trump tweeted this mock up of himself as Rocky.

    Homage to Putin's airbrushed hard-man pictures?

    This cretin has his finger on the nuclear button.


    I would feel safer with Tango Man!

    tango man.jpg
    Yeah, what a cretin !
    One of the richest men in the world who became the President of the most powerful Nation on earth

    You should write in and give him some tips - and don't forget to tell him how bad Israel is

  11. #5286
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Yeah, what a cretin !

    One of the richest men in the world who became the President of the most powerful Nation on earth

    You should write in and give him some tips - and don't forget to tell him how bad Israel is

    Good point. I forgot that money is proof of intelligence or wisdom or honourable behaviour.

    I also forgot that he was intelligent enough to be born the son of a millionaire, was handed so much money that he was worth $1m at age 8, then borrowed $60m from dad Fred and forgot to pay it back (about the time he invented a bone spur in his foot to complete his draft dodging) and went on to use his ill-gotten wealth and connections to build a property empire based on not paying his debts and (some say) laundering money for his friends (those Russians really love to overpay for Florida real estate don't they)..... He wrote the book on that and needs no tips.

    As to being President of the USA, the con artist certainly got rid of the Republican competition, and won the electoral college vote (if not the popular one) but since then the description 'cretin' is surely a generous one?

  12. #5287

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Indeed !
    When all is said and done who is better off ? Donald Trump with his mansions, private jets and control over the World's greatest ever military power , or you with your extreme socialist principles and dreams of nationalising the Internet ?

    Oh, hang on...... It's him isn't it ?

  13. #5288

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Good point. I forgot that money is proof of intelligence or wisdom or honourable behaviour.

    I also forgot that he was intelligent enough to be born the son of a millionaire, was handed so much money that he was worth $1m at age 8, then borrowed $60m from dad Fred and forgot to pay it back (about the time he invented a bone spur in his foot to complete his draft dodging) and went on to use his ill-gotten wealth and connections to build a property empire based on not paying his debts and (some say) laundering money for his friends (those Russians really love to overpay for Florida real estate don't they)..... He wrote the book on that and needs no tips.

    As to being President of the USA, the con artist certainly got rid of the Republican competition, and won the electoral college vote (if not the popular one) but since then the description 'cretin' is surely a generous one?
    Not to mention he was so intelligent he mismanaged several businesses and went bankrupt multiple times. I bet he's got an IQ as high as 75.

  14. #5289

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    No, seriously Jon, I don't mean to demean you, but it's honestly a bit daft for you to be calling a man like that " a cretin". You might disagree with him politically but you have a tendency to name call anyone who doesn't agree with you at the best of times and this is a pretty silly example.
    Have you ever thought of arguing a point rather than hurling abuse against those you disagree with ?

  15. #5290
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    No, seriously Jon, I don't mean to demean you, but it's honestly a bit daft for you to be calling a man like that " a cretin". You might disagree with him politically but you have a tendency to name call anyone who doesn't agree with you at the best of times and this is a pretty silly example.
    Have you ever thought of arguing a point rather than hurling abuse against those you disagree with ?
    You haven't demeaned me. You have just doubled down on the things you most admire - wealth (though maybe some smoke and mirrors?) and power - however acquired and however misused. How about responding to the substance of this section of Trump and all his works? Did you like the 'Rambo' body tweet? Good way for the US President to spend his time and communicate with the Twitter world and beyond? Is the mentality behind that something you admire? Or is his reported wealth the end of the story?

  16. #5291

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Jon, I certainly don't regard wealth as a measure of anyone's worth, nor do I admire it - it's very over rated. However , since that's what he's chosen to go after , the fact that he's succeeded so dynamically shows that he's a winner in his chosen field. Similarly , when he entered politics he succeeded against all the odds.

    Powerful men can certainly do stuff which I'd start complaining about, but it's not for me to go searching for fault or scrutinising the day to day activities of the President of the USA. Ultimately he's a human being like everyone else and he's done and said dumb things from time to time in his long life.

    On the whole I think he's a decent man for a politician ,and like many people I agree with a lot of what he says and does. Of course he does some eccentric stuff but I'm afraid to tell you that many people identify with that humanity, find it quite funny when he outrages the sanctimonious political elite, and appreciate his ability to get things done.

    Unlike some of his predecessors he hasn't gone round indiscriminately bombing and invading third world countries or killing hundreds of thousands of people for no valid reason. He's brought back a lot of jobs and cut taxes and he's generally doing a good job for the people who voted for him.
    You want him to do a good job for Mexican immigrants, de Christianisation and some borderless international socialist paradise , but that's not what he or those who elected him want and he's defying the globalist puppet masters by looking after his own country first and applying common sense and reality over the impractical obsessive visions of dead socialists. You don't like that, so the answer is to win elections really , rather than try and cheat by launching endless personal attacks and smear campaigns against the man who got elected .

  17. #5292

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Hasn't Trump been married 3 times with 2 divorces behind him creating a string of broken homes, that does not seem ideal for starters.

  18. #5293

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    lardy & Cyril are quiet today

    At least 17 significant errors in the Carter Page FISA warrant application!

  19. #5294

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Sneak preview: All 4 anti-Trump FISA warrants were illegal. Awaiting comment from lardy & cyril!

    Thanks for the preview. Anyone posting this after the report must look like a bit of a dipstick tonight!

  20. #5295

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Judgement day for lardy & cyril is coming soon!

    Yeah Right!

  21. #5296

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Thanks for the preview. Anyone posting this after the report must look like a bit of a dipstick tonight!
    You may want to wait for Durham's take on things before you get too cocky

  22. #5297

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    9 December 2019.

    I have the utmost respect for the mission of the Office of Inspector General and the comprehensive work that went into the report prepared by Mr. Horowitz and his staff.

    However, our investigation is not limited to developing information from within component parts of the Justice Department. Our investigation has included developing information from other persons and entities, both in the U.S. and outside of the U.S.

    Based on the evidence collected to date, and while our investigation is ongoing, last month we advised the Inspector General that we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened.

    John H. Durham, U.S. Attorney.


  23. #5298

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    You may want to wait for Durham's take on things before you get too cocky
    You mean that the bombshell you have been predicting for the last 4 years because you had the inside track was not the real bombshell but it might be on the next stop on the line? Each time Libya/Pizza/Awan/Uranium One/Foundation/Storm/Nunes/Q/ Hurricane/ you buy this shit and each time when the balloon bursts in your face it's the real thing is not real?

    The Inspector General has made you look the impressionable fool you are. I guess it's possible that Trump's poodle will try to find some additional dirt but surely we must both agree that the indepedent IG you prayed would come up with a conclusion that supported two years of your stupidity has done his job?

  24. #5299

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    You mean that the bombshell you have been predicting for the last 4 years because you had the inside track was not the real bombshell but it might be on the next stop on the line? Each time Libya/Pizza/Awan/Uranium One/Foundation/Storm/Nunes/Q/ Hurricane/ you buy this shit and each time when the balloon bursts in your face it's the real thing is not real?

    The Inspector General has made you look the impressionable fool you are. I guess it's possible that Trump's poodle will try to find some additional dirt but surely we must both agree that the indepedent IG you prayed would come up with a conclusion that supported two years of your stupidity has done his job?
    You still don't get it, do you

  25. #5300

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    [QUOTE=Wales-Bales;5027486]You still don't get it, do you

    Sneak preview: All 4 anti-Trump FISA warrants were illegal. Awaiting comment from lardy & cyril!

    Educate me

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