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Thread: Is there a future for the labour party ?

  1. #1

    Is there a future for the labour party ?

    I hope so but I have my doubts , too many splits

    I think there is a possible emerging gap for an alternative party to attract the majority of this country that didn't vote tory , well over half of the electorate didn't

    If people in the middle and left could shake hands and form a new anything but tory party , there may be a chance

    We are not going to stop brexit , we are not going to get PR , getting rid of corbyn McDonnell, Abbott etc from the labour party and electing a moderate leader like Rachel Reeves.....a Harvard economics consultant ......would be a start ......and teaming up with the progressive liberals might be worth a try

    If momentum force the labour party to elect another far left leader we have had it

  2. #2

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I hope so but I have my doubts , too many splits

    I think there is a possible emerging gap for an alternative party to attract the majority of this country that didn't vote tory , well over half of the electorate didn't

    If people in the middle and left could shake hands and form a new anything but tory party , there may be a chance

    We are not going to stop brexit , we are not going to get PR , getting rid of corbyn McDonnell, Abbott etc from the labour party and electing a moderate leader like Rachel Reeves.....a Harvard economics consultant ......would be a start ......and teaming up with the progressive liberals might be worth a try

    If momentum force the labour party to elect another far left leader we have had it
    Wait until the cataclysmic disaster of a Tory majority unfolds. You can bet your bottom dollar those poor deluded voters who took a punt on a psychopathic liar will hasten back to the bosom of Labour in droves. The leadership of the Labour party is secondary to the realization of what a full on Tory government means to the lower strata of society.

  3. #3

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    Sadly Labour has not learned the lessons of the past, under Michael Foot labour was unelectable and allowed Thatcher a free role to do virtually has she liked. 30 odd years on and we're back to a very similar situation with a Labour leader very similar to Foot and with the same result. They've got to go back to the middle ground as they did in the mid 90's, if they remain as they are sadly I fear that there will be quite a few of us who will never see a Labour government again in our lifetime.

  4. #4
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    I'm sure there is a future for the Labour Party - but hopefully not by reinventing Blairism in a world where those certainties and conventions of the post war period have been ripped up by populism, social media and new global threats.

    I don't want to see a Labour Party that starts illegal wars, one that relies on donations from the likes of Bernie Eccleston (in return for....) or that decides its election manifesto on the basis of what will get the least grief from The Sun.

    I do want a party that continues to build a mass membership and celebrates member democracy (in place of MP cliques), one that puts forward radical transformative policies, and one that is internationalist in outlook. It needs to use its talents better, understand the role of a parliamentary leader (not the same as a campaigner) and to work on its communications.

    Labour may benefit from a period of reflection and rebuilding whilst Boris Johnson tries to be all things to all people (but mainly himself) and screws up Brexit. I doubt the Tory voting millions in former Labour seats will benefit though.

  5. #5

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I hope so but I have my doubts , too many splits

    I think there is a possible emerging gap for an alternative party to attract the majority of this country that didn't vote tory , well over half of the electorate didn't

    If people in the middle and left could shake hands and form a new anything but tory party , there may be a chance

    We are not going to stop brexit , we are not going to get PR , getting rid of corbyn McDonnell, Abbott etc from the labour party and electing a moderate leader like Rachel Reeves.....a Harvard economics consultant ......would be a start ......and teaming up with the progressive liberals might be worth a try

    If momentum force the labour party to elect another far left leader we have had it
    I think some Tories would join too.

  6. #6

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    I'd say of course so.Johnson's bullshit will unravel.The next parliament will be a 4 and a bit unless he wants to risk another December election.
    Hes got to sort Brexit.Find 30000 nurses.Bare in mind you need a degree to become a nurse.
    Build 40 hospitals and bring bring 1000s of jobs to the poorest areas of the U.K which voted Tory.

  7. #7

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I hope so but I have my doubts , too many splits

    I think there is a possible emerging gap for an alternative party to attract the majority of this country that didn't vote tory , well over half of the electorate didn't

    If people in the middle and left could shake hands and form a new anything but tory party , there may be a chance

    We are not going to stop brexit , we are not going to get PR , getting rid of corbyn McDonnell, Abbott etc from the labour party and electing a moderate leader like Rachel Reeves.....a Harvard economics consultant ......would be a start ......and teaming up with the progressive liberals might be worth a try

    If momentum force the labour party to elect another far left leader we have had it
    Rachel Reeve was the Labour shadow secretary for work and pensions when she said “We are not the party of people on benefits. We don’t want to be seen, and we’re not, the party to represent those who are out of work.”
    She is a Tory like most Labour MP's, there is little point in voting Labour if they are nothing more than another Tory party.

  8. #8

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    The right wing media, the Zionists and Labours own Red Tories have done a number on Corbyn, it is now not possible for a left wing Labour party to win a General Election, the people that control media outlets including online as well as the written press will see to that, so England is a lost cause, the future is for Welsh Labour to come out in favour of Welsh independence [they are already making rumblings] and then perhaps Wales can have a centre-left Government instead of right wing Government which England will serve up.

  9. #9

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    Rachel Reeve was the Labour shadow secretary for work and pensions when she said “We are not the party of people on benefits. We don’t want to be seen, and we’re not, the party to represent those who are out of work.”
    She is a Tory like most Labour MP's, there is little point in voting Labour if they are nothing more than another Tory party.
    Good shout, she's not worth a light! I think people are overreacting here; our time will come again. Never ever dilute socialism into red Toryism. It'll make you subservient forever. Tony B Liar is a prick and a very wealthy one to boot!

  10. #10

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    As the first past the post system does a disservice to minor parties it's likely that Labour won't be dealt a mortal blow and it will remain at least the second party for the forseeable future. It needs to clean up its act if we don't want what seems to be a one-party state to all intents and purposes....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    How many elections do Labour need to lose before the light bulb goes on , they have lost so many now , the two in recent years of May and Johnson were against a poor failing poor Tory party party , before that there were 2 against Cameron .

    People of this country dont want the left policies on offer, that is very clear after 4 election defeats on the trot .

    Tony Blair had huge majorities of 179 then 167 before his decline .

    If the Labour Party had elected David Milliband instead of Ed this mysery would not be upon us .

    You need to ask ones self where did so many million Labour votes go in two years.

    Hoping the Tories will self destruct is not the answer.

    The grown up approach is too appeal to the electorate , not take them for granted, get rid of momentum , and its cult like student protest agenda, reengage with its real heartlands by getting rid of its London elitism badge .

    Drop the politics of envy and jealousy, be bold with tangible and workable policies not wish lists that you could drive a bus through.

    Stop blaming wealthly people for the countries problems .

    Be forward thinking not seek policies from decades past.

    If they don't this government is there for 10 years or more,
    and worryingly with no viable opposition.

  12. #12

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    England is a lost cause, Wales needs independence if we are to ever again have a Socialist Government.

  13. #13

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    England is a lost cause, Wales needs independence if we are to ever again have a Socialist Government.
    Will the Welsh electorate ever vote for independence? Probably not.

  14. #14

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    It depends on how badly the majority of the population is doing at the time.

  15. #15

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    It depends on how badly the majority of the population is doing at the time.
    Well less than 10% voted for Plaid Cymru this time around so it's not imminent.

  16. #16

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    It would be many years away if at all, the vote the other day was a General Election vote, not an independence referendum vote, Wales voted for a Welsh Assembly with over 50% of the vote back in the day yet Plaid have never got anywhere near that kind of figure, so Plaids vote share is only a small indication.

  17. #17

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    England is a lost cause, Wales needs independence if we are to ever again have a Socialist Government.
    NEVER going to happen.

    Wake up and smell the coffee comrade

  18. #18

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    NEVER going to happen.

    Wake up and smell the coffee comrade
    It might happen it might depend on whether Scotland and N.Ireland go and if they do go whether or not they are successful and if Wales is struggling with Wales continually voting for a leftish Labour party and England continually voting for a rightish Conservative party then the conditions might be right.

  19. #19

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    It might happen it might depend on whether Scotland and N.Ireland go and if they do go whether or not they are successful and if Wales is struggling with Wales continually voting for a leftish Labour party and England continually voting for a rightish Conservative party then the conditions might be right.
    Never going to happen plaid are just a minority party for welsh nationalists , when push comes to shove they can only rely on their heartlands and even then its a struggle ......how on earth isn't plaid cymru taking Anglesey

  20. #20

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Never going to happen plaid are just a minority party for welsh nationalists , when push comes to shove they can only rely on their heartlands and even then its a struggle ......how on earth isn't plaid cymru taking Anglesey
    Its not about Plaid Cymru, if Welsh Labour back Welsh independence like they backed the Welsh Assembly in 97 then its game on.

  21. #21

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    Quote Originally Posted by bluebirdsover.... View Post
    Sadly Labour has not learned the lessons of the past, under Michael Foot labour was unelectable and allowed Thatcher a free role to do virtually has she liked. 30 odd years on and we're back to a very similar situation with a Labour leader very similar to Foot and with the same result. They've got to go back to the middle ground as they did in the mid 90's, if they remain as they are sadly I fear that there will be quite a few of us who will never see a Labour government again in our lifetime.
    I think the Tories have got the "middle ground" covered now, so it's pointless Labour going there anyway. So is the Labour party in effect irrelevant now? Obviously the Tories HAVE to deliver now as, as another poster has pointed out, the traditional Labour voters in the North will desert them in 5 years time and we will be back to square one.

  22. #22

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    I think the Tories have got the "middle ground" covered now, so it's pointless Labour going there anyway. So is the Labour party in effect irrelevant now? Obviously the Tories HAVE to deliver now as, as another poster has pointed out, the traditional Labour voters in the North will desert them in 5 years time and we will be back to square one.
    Putting things into a Welsh context an expert on the box the other day was talking about it being a big step to abandon a party that you have always voted for that perhaps your parents had always voted for but once the spell is broken then those voters are in play the next time round, they might well not vote for the party that they have left and they might not vote for the party they had just voted for but they might vote for another party - I wonder if the home team Plaid Cymru could profit ?, time will tell.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    Putting things into a Welsh context an expert on the box the other day was talking about it being a big step to abandon a party that you have always voted for that perhaps your parents had always voted for but once the spell is broken then those voters are in play the next time round, they might well not vote for the party that they have left and they might not vote for the party they had just voted for but they might vote for another party - I wonder if the home team Plaid Cymru could profit ?, time will tell.
    You might also see more Welsh voters now following the examples set in the Midlands and the North , worrying times.

  24. #24

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    I doubt it as Wales largely resembles the famed 3 Wales model map.

  25. #25

    Re: Is there a future for the labour party ?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    Putting things into a Welsh context an expert on the box the other day was talking about it being a big step to abandon a party that you have always voted for that perhaps your parents had always voted for but once the spell is broken then those voters are in play the next time round, they might well not vote for the party that they have left and they might not vote for the party they had just voted for but they might vote for another party - I wonder if the home team Plaid Cymru could profit ?, time will tell.
    A lot can happen in the next 5 years, so who knows?

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