Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
Phillips is distrusted by the membership. She has no chance of becoming leader.
I’m not a fan. She seems to be on the verge of tears every time she speaks.
I agree.

She is very good with the one liners and the pithy interventions in parliament (that sound spontaneous but probably aren't). She has a high approval rating from the centrist media (which will play well with Paul and Sludge who want middle ground). But she has a lot of baggage herself from previous speeches and select committee interventions (the Tory press will rip her apart), she has threatened to walk away from Labour a few times (won't play well with the membership), has been calculatedly disloyal and has acted appallingly to some of her colleagues (Diane Abbott may be an easy target but Jess Phillips was out of order). She does also seem flakey - and a bit like Boris Johnson she seems to want the job but not to want to do the work that goes with it.


I would prefer Lisa Nandy if candidates close to the current leadership are rejected - which I hope they aren't.