Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
I've known completely normal people who have come from families so dysfunctional that if you put it in a novel no one would believe it. Don't confuse mental health and unhappiness. Some of the people seeking solace from life's problems via drugs and prescriptions would be better off taking responsibility for their own health and mental state.
Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
We don’t put our newborn babies into care. We look after them and nurture them and organise our working day around them. So why are we quick to put our parents into care ?

Loads of new born babies are put into care and have a shocking and traumatic childhood

A lot of old folk have big families who can’t be bothered to look after them when they most need it.
Most countries in Europe and all over the world look after their ageing and I’ll parents/grandparents, and many have them living with them.
If this was common practice here, then there would be more funds available for old folk with no families.
Same as the NHS. You can throw as much cash as you can at it, but if folk use it thoughtfully and sparingly, as it’s meant to be, and take a bit of responsibility for their health, it would thrive.
Unemployment benefit. In the 80’s most folk were horrified to have to rely on this, where as now a lot of people treat it as a way of life.

Thatcher brought in incapacity benefit to keep the unemployment figures down , it was prevalent in the heavy industry areas where work had taken its toll on the workforce , it wasn't a choice

I’m no Tory voter and never have been, but I get fed up of folk laying the blame at there Door all the time. It’s easy to blame someone else all the time. Labour have been in power many times in my lifetime, and things have never been great under them either.
It’s a hard job trying to keep 60m people happy.
Ffs sake we can’t keep 100 posters on here happy and in agreement!
The folk in life who most need funds and help have long been swamped by the greedy and the lazy, but hey, it’s so much easier to blame the governments.
Gross exaggeration, most people on benefits are neither greedy nor lazy , the sun , daily mail and stupid benefit scroungers programmes make it seem so