Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
No one chooses to be sexually abused making them leave home and turn to drugs to escape the pain either

Jesus ****ing christ I am talking to ****ing idiots
Oh my God, and I thought you’d already reached peak gullibility. Who raped her? The uncle or the stepfather. It was the uncle originally. Why wasn’t the relative, or relatives if they were both raping her, made to leave the home and go straight to prison. You say the social services put her in care and you also say she left home herself. Which is it? If she was trying to "escape the pain" of memories of having sex with these men why would she choose a career involving sex with countless other perverts. You’d think that would be the last thing she wanted.

Let me give you an a more believable scenario. The mother was unable to control her and asked social services to look after her because she was out every night with a druggie band of scumbags and pimps.

Try a little experiment when you next meet one of these druggie beggars on the street. Tell them that you are absolutely skint and you have just heard that your mother is dying in an old folks home in Porthcawl and you need £10 to get there. Tell them that they are your last hope. Beg them for the money. They are probably sitting on a £100 donated by people like you.This is the response you’d get : "F off you B or I’ll set the dog on you". They have no pity for anyone but themselves. Don’t fall for their hard luck tales.