Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
One thing I am mindful of as I get older is that our time on this planet is finite. Yes, it's an obvious thing to say but we sometimes take life for granted, particularly when we are young. As I'm in decent health and fit enough to do all the things I want to do whilst being just two years off the State Pension age I find myself getting happier year on year. I am cramming in more and more travel and events knowing that the balloon may go up at any time or decrepitude may suddenly ensue. (Ironically, I cashed in my two years of superannuated pension when I was twenty as I didn't think I would live this long!).

I am far less grumpy than I used to be and if people want to celebrate a birthday good luck to them, you old curmudgeon.

Sending you a bottle of Sanatogen and a Werther's Original, Divine Wright..... but do cheer up, old bean
That’s what I mean about bday indifference being socially problematic.

It’s just that birthdays are as inconsequential as valentines day for me. Not that I hate them, I just don’t see it as something worth acknowledging, let alone celebrating.

I have lived for 39 years but I prefer to look on existence as a continuous, mutating thread instead of one year plonked on top of another.

I’m ok with celebrating naturally occurring, seasonal events like solstices, equinox and the likes. Don’t see much point beyond that.