Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
There is a reasonable bit of meat there to get your teeth into. You said intelligence sources from NATOME countries provided the evidence of the imminent threat that Suleimani was posing which justified his assassination. Trump went on Fox News to say that this imminent threat involved attacks on four US embassies.

His own Secretary of Defense said he had no evidence of this. Congressmen and Senators from both sides of the aisle said that nowhere in the inadequate intelligence briefings that they received from the Trump administration did this appear.

Until now you have railed against flimsy or false reasons for warlike acts. You said you stopped voting Labour after Blair and Iraq. This follows a similar pattern and we know how your truffle hound mind loves a pattern. Why not do some digging and put your sceptical mind at rest rather than superficial responses that sit 180 degrees from your previous reactions?