Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
Gambling ads, takeaway food ads etc, all online stuff, governments don’t want people using cash anymore. They don’t want a punter going in the bookies with £50 cash, doing £30, keeping £20 back for a takeaway later on in the evening, and when the cash is gone, it’s gone. They’d rather us rack up debt on debit/credit cards, spend what we haven’t got. Keeps the workers under control, being in debt, terrified to rock the boat at work when conditions deteriorate, can’t afford to upset management, out of work, out of a home etc. Thatcher used the same logic with ‘right to buy’, get the working man in debt and they’ll behave themselves whatever shit is thrown at them.
I agree with your remarks. Although the debt slavery game is ubiquitous and we're all victims because without a single exception every country worlwide is mired with a huge national debt, including dinky ones like Kuwait that's knee-deep in oil, which citizens are compelled to service via taxes.

Almost a century ago Henry Ford, founder of the car company, warned of what the endgame, which we're on the precipice of, will be: 'The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debts.'