Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
My point was there are ways around every scenario you made. No bank card? Borrow off a mate..get a bar tab...
Have your mobile? Use your banking app or even use your phone to pay...
I get ‘borrow off a mate’, that the scenario has been around for centuries, the other things I have no clue about but they seem like the type of things that we’ve alluded to in this thread, they’re stealthily putting people in debt rather than the cash method that’s also been around for centuries, ‘when you’re spent up, go home, don’t put yourself in deeper water’, especially when you had a few pints and caution is thrown to the wind.........until you check your balance!!!! Perhaps you, again, haven’t paid enough attention to what’s been posted i.e. cash as opposed to other means of paying, which is getting folk into deep shite on card only gambling sites, card only takeaway services, using your card on evenings out etc.