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Thread: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

  1. #26

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    I posted above dear, you must be getting sloppy in your old age.

    By the way I’m looking forward to your next Sludge instalment as that always brings a tear of laugher to my monobrowed chops ����
    Apologies for the oversight. Saw Sludge earlier as it happens. Will post a summary within a few hours.

  2. #27

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Apologies for the oversight. Saw Sludge earlier as it happens. Will post a summary within a few hours.
    These updates are on a par with the much missed Penarth Kev’s Deep In The Bowels 😉👍

  3. #28

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    It appears the trade deal is the same one that May turned down, so at least we will get to witness the genius of Trumponomics close up! I hope it fails, otherwise you lot are in for a hammering on a similar scale to lardy's Trump Russia Collusion Delusion

  4. #29

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It appears the trade deal is the same one that May turned down, so at least we will get to witness the genius of Trumponomics close up! I hope it fails, otherwise you lot are in for a hammering on a similar scale to lardy's Trump Russia Collusion Delusion
    As long as you’re happy WB I’m happy for you that you’ll be able to take such great pleasure.
    Delighted for you mate honest 👍

  5. #30

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    As long as you’re happy WB I’m happy for you that you’ll be able to take such great pleasure.
    Delighted for you mate honest ��
    Thanks mate, much appreciated, but would it be too much to ask for a great awakening to take place among the political heavyweights on here? Opposite viewpoints are contintinually derided, and we always knew there would eventually come down to winners and losers, so are people going to continue to believe these batshit crazy theories that are perpetuated by certain individuals, or are they going to modify their thought processes? I do realise it's a big jump for people to realise that they have been lied to. How about you, will you still be wearing lardy's "Trump Russia Collusion Is Real" t-shirt that you got for Christmas?

  6. #31

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Thanks mate, much appreciated, but would it be too much to ask for a great awakening to take place among the political heavyweights on here? Opposite viewpoints are contintinually derided, and we always knew there would eventually come down to winners and losers, so are people going to continue to believe these batshit crazy theories that are perpetuated by certain individuals, or are they going to modify their thought processes? I do realise it's a big jump for people to realise that they have been lied to. How about you, will you still be wearing lardy's "Trump Russia Collusion Is Real" t-shirt that you got for Christmas?

    If you trace my thoughts on the Russia trump thing I said all along I will wait to see what the investigation says so you’re spinning a tale if you think I said otherwise you mischievous scamp 😉👍I did say what Mueller said in that his report did not exonerate Trump as what Trump said.

    But there we are case closed as they say.

  7. #32

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    No one is strictly speaking ever exhonerated other than by a Court verdict. Police enquiries and the Mueller enquiry either find the evidence to prosecute or they don't, but in common parlance we often say that they've been exhonerated by this process.

    Mueller is being as disingenuous therefore in answering that question in that way as those who asked it.

    The whole enquiry was politically based and generated, and if they'd found any credible evidence they'd certainly have indicted or launched impeachment.

  8. #33

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    The whole enquiry was politically based and generated, and if they'd found any credible evidence they'd certainly have indicted or launched impeachment.
    Are your two "they"s the same group?

  9. #34

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    No one is strictly speaking ever exhonerated other than by a Court verdict. Police enquiries and the Mueller enquiry either find the evidence to prosecute or they don't, but in common parlance we often say that they've been exhonerated by this process.

    Mueller is being as disingenuous therefore in answering that question in that way as those who asked it.

    The whole enquiry was politically based and generated, and if they'd found any credible evidence they'd certainly have indicted or launched impeachment.
    The reason he worded it like that was to give some amunition to congress so that they could begin impeachment hearings in the run-up to the 2020 elections. They are desparate to get rid of Trump, because he can expose all of their malfeasance. Unfortunately, they have all been caught!

    Is Fox News still a dirty word on here?

  10. #35

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Anyway, Trump's plan with Johnson is a big part of the de-Globalization process, and UK will be a gateway into and out of the EU market for the US. America also needs the UK as a strong partner in NATO, and on the Security Council, so we do have some bargaining power.

    Furthermore, Germany are about to turn on the funny money printing presses, along with possible negative interest rates, so I think it is fair to say that Trump has got the EU and China in a bit of a pickle at the moment, with no more free lunches on the table.

    Of course it's not great for the multinational corporations, but it will be good for the US and UK economies.

  11. #36

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Trump on China

  12. #37

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    What a guy !

  13. #38

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    What a guy !
    Communist China have a plan to be the preeminent superpower by 2050. It looks like president trump is the only person in the world who is prepared to stand up to them. For some reason nearly all of the posters on here want him to fail. Just let that sink in for a moment. You would think that bob and lardy were making billions of dollars from globalisation, just like the other wealthy elite players do, but the fact is this money is being taken from us as a country, and from America, and many other countries too.

  14. #39

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Communist China have a plan to be the preeminent superpower by 2050. It looks like president trump is the only person in the world who is prepared to stand up to them. For some reason nearly all of the posters on here want him to fail. Just let that sink in for a moment. You would think that bob and lardy were making billions of dollars from globalisation, just like the other wealthy elite players do, but the fact is this money is being taken from us as a country, and from America, and many other countries too.
    The issues here are very clear to a rational mind, and it's not just China, but it's unimaginably rich Western globalist backers who would benefit from such developments - plans really. As you say, these kids are not only excluded from these benefits , but would suffer particularly from them, so obviously we must ask why they would be so enthusiastic about seeing their own liberties and incomes destroyed.
    Well, as I've mentioned, that can only be because their conclusions and opinions have been given to them rather than arrived at on their own.

  15. #40

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    The issues here are very clear to a rational mind, and it's not just China, but it's unimaginably rich Western globalist backers who would benefit from such developments - plans really. As you say, these kids are not only excluded from these benefits , but would suffer particularly from them, so obviously we must ask why they would be so enthusiastic about seeing their own liberties and incomes destroyed.
    Well, as I've mentioned, that can only be because their conclusions and opinions have been given to them rather than arrived at on their own.
    I singled out China because they are a nation who have imperialist ambitions. Once they achieve the status of dominant Superpower, they will start exercising that power around the world (they already have in the South China Sea). I just feel a bit sad for bob and lardy, that they won't be around to witness the Chinese flag flying above Buckingham Palace, and every other public building. No doubt they will have a monument to commemorate the useless idiots though

  16. #41

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Talking of useful idiots, I tend to think that China will quickly turn its back on Soros and Al Gore etc once they've served their purpose.
    I do think though that China could be discouraged from all this if the price of working with globalists became too high, and stopping the trade advantages which these globalists create for them would go a long way in that direction .

    Actually, the history of communist takeovers is that they execute the "useful fools" or put them in labour camps because they've been conditioned to be disruptive to society and that process is irreversible .

  17. #42

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Talking of useful idiots, I tend to think that China will quickly turn its back on Soros and Al Gore etc once they've served their purpose.
    I do think though that China could be discouraged from all this if the price of working with globalists became too high, and stopping the trade advantages which these globalists create for them would go a long way in that direction .

    Actually, the history of communist takeovers is that they execute the "useful fools" or put them in labour camps because they've been conditioned to be disruptive to society and that process is irreversible .
    Not to mention the Biden and Kerry kids who got over a billion.

  18. #43
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    LONDON (Reuters) - Britain and the United States are discussing a partial trade accord that could take effect on Nov. 1, the day after Britain is due to leave the European Union, a senior Trump administration official said on Tuesday.

    Thank you America a good friend indeed ,more pressure on EU , great tactics.

    Gloves off time .

    We get out ,trade deal with USA ,we should award them Greenland for thier effort .

  19. #44
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    Mar 2016

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I singled out China because they are a nation who have imperialist ambitions. Once they achieve the status of dominant Superpower, they will start exercising that power around the world (they already have in the South China Sea). I just feel a bit sad for bob and lardy, that they won't be around to witness the Chinese flag flying above Buckingham Palace, and every other public building. No doubt they will have a monument to commemorate the useless idiots though
    Nah Trump USA project is underway and although Democrats don't like to admit it ,they secretly know China needs controlling hence trade war , or lets not forget the strangely timed Hong Kong troubles,North Korea , American war games in the surrounding seas,new trade deals with Japan , all keeping the little pesky undemocratic buggers busy.

    You thank the Chinese for the steel indusrty woes.

  20. #45

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Thank you America a good friend indeed ,more pressure on EU , great tactics.

    Gloves off time .

    We get out ,trade deal with USA ,we should award them Greenland for thier effort .

  21. #46
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Anyway, Trump's plan with Johnson is a big part of the de-Globalization process, and UK will be a gateway into and out of the EU market for the US. America also needs the UK as a strong partner in NATO, and on the Security Council, so we do have some bargaining power.

    Furthermore, Germany are about to turn on the funny money printing presses, along with possible negative interest rates, so I think it is fair to say that Trump has got the EU and China in a bit of a pickle at the moment, with no more free lunches on the table.

    Of course it's not great for the multinational corporations, but it will be good for the US and UK economies.
    As Bruce Springsteen sang look after your own, for far too long we have been a giveaway society, lets get the economy going , decent minimum wages, better social care and policing .

    If one stays still, sometimes you can catch a cold .

  22. #47

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    LONDON (Reuters) - Britain and the United States are discussing a partial trade accord that could take effect on Nov. 1, the day after Britain is due to leave the European Union, a senior Trump administration official said on Tuesday.

    Only 17 days before the US-UK partial trade accord kicks in and nothing from MSM. Bloody typical!

  23. #48

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    As Bruce Springsteen sang look after your own, for far too long we have been a giveaway society, lets get the economy going , decent minimum wages, better social care and policing .

    If one stays still, sometimes you can catch a cold .
    No he didn’t say that. You’re saying in your outraged Daily Mail reader persona that he said that. Typical of the bluster in this country that loud mouthed middle aged men shouting off nonsense defies logic. An example Of this was that utter tut Mark Francois shouting at Femi on Good Morning Britain today.

    Springsteen actually sang We take care of our own’ as in we look after our community not spread hostile messages about looking after our own and people who say that usually do **** all for anyone anyway.

  24. #49

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Only 17 days before the US-UK partial trade accord kicks in and nothing from MSM. Bloody typical!
    There is something seriously wrong with you mate, you'd best get it checked out before it's too late

  25. #50

    Re: US-UK discussing 1st November trade deal

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    There is something seriously wrong with you mate, you'd best get it checked out before it's too late
    Similarly I hope that painful predictive discomfort eases over time.

    The pertinent thing about this is that at the time that the senior Trump administration official (sadly no longer in post) made that statement Johnson was in trouble getting a deal through the hung parliament. This statement was never realistic but aimed at the gullible who could be relied upon to spread and absorb the word.

    Fast forward a few months and the withdrawal agreement is sailing through and we will leave the EUin two weeks time. Now that this is certain there is no sign of this nonsensical offering. In its place are threats that if we don't fall in line with its position on Iran then there will be negative consequences for hopes of a trade deal.

    Cynics might say that the good cop was seeking to make sure we left the EU and the bad cop is now taking advantage of us striking out on our own.

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