Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
Sorry to play the cracked record, but this thread is about Meghan Markel. I do not deny that all those things listed are things which ordinary people of colour might suffer from. The lady in the audience claimed that criticism of Meghan Markel arises from racist thinking. The actor guy challenged that. I did not hear any evidence that racism was behind the hounding, only opinions. I do not read any of the tabloid newspapers so I may have missed it.
No, you've changed it now to being specifically about Meghan Markle, whereas before you raised the point about her, and a more general point about, in your own words, in the very first paragraph of the thread :

"I wonder is anyone else getting tired of hearing people using the race card when they disagree with someone?"

It's been pointed out multiple times in this thread that there are very valid reasons for people "playing the race card" and it's not "PC gone mad" and you've now changed your tune to "I was only talking about Meghan Markle"