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Thread: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

  1. #101

    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    Actually the first paragraph in the thread is you complaining about people "playing the race card" - all those things he mentioned are the reasons why "the race card" as PC GONE MAD'ers like you like to call it, is actually a thing that exists
    Sorry to play the cracked record, but this thread is about Meghan Markel. I do not deny that all those things listed are things which ordinary people of colour might suffer from. The lady in the audience claimed that criticism of Meghan Markel arises from racist thinking. The actor guy challenged that. I did not hear any evidence that racism was behind the hounding, only opinions. I do not read any of the tabloid newspapers so I may have missed it.

  2. #102

    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    Sorry to play the cracked record, but this thread is about Meghan Markel. I do not deny that all those things listed are things which ordinary people of colour might suffer from. The lady in the audience claimed that criticism of Meghan Markel arises from racist thinking. The actor guy challenged that. I did not hear any evidence that racism was behind the hounding, only opinions. I do not read any of the tabloid newspapers so I may have missed it.
    Do you believe that the press and government and the establishment are free of racism?

  3. #103

    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Do you believe that the press and government and the establishment are free of racism?
    I would like to say in this day and age yes, but I cannot be sure of course. We still have blokes making monkey noises at football matches in the UK for heavens sake, which I simply cannot fathom.

  4. #104

    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    I would like to say in this day and age yes, but I cannot be sure of course.
    I’ll give you some advice mate, they 100% aren’t.

  5. #105

    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    She just doesn’t want to live the royal life now it would seem, don’t really blame her, she’d rather live back the other side of the Atlantic.
    Tough one for Harry, but reckon he’s always wanted to F off and go and live in a Canadian mountain lodge in the rockies somewhere anyway...he clearly hates the tabloids.

  6. #106

    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    She just doesn’t want to live the royal life now it would seem, don’t really blame her, she’d rather live back the other side of the Atlantic.
    Tough one for Harry, but reckon he’s always wanted to F off and go and live in a Canadian mountain lodge in the rockies somewhere anyway...he clearly hates the tabloids.
    After what happened to his mum when he was 11 or 12, who can blame him? Imagine what it must be like for him seeing it all start to happen again with his wife.

  7. #107

    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    Did anyone watch Question Time last night? I wonder is anyone else getting tired of hearing people using the race card when they disagree with someone. Here is the clip from last night:


    Like the actor guy, I am a white male although I would not classify myself as particularly priviliged other than being so grateful for good health in my advanced years! Whatever my feelings about Meghan Markel are, they have nothing whatsoever to do with her colour. I guess if I make only positive comments about her that's fine, but if I criticise her for anything then it must be because she is of mixed race. PC gone mad again.
    Yes, everyone is getting tired of it, but the way out of that is to recognise why people are talking about it and what we can do to improve things. It doesn't mean agreeing with everything, but it does means listening rather than shutting down the conversation or denying people's experience. So the question should be whether Laurence Fox is listening to what's being said or saying he doesn't need to for whatever reason.

  8. #108

    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    After 2 attempts you still didn't answer my question.
    A hypothetical question with not just one “if”, but two “ifs” in it. That question?

    And if you really want an answer I don’t think it would matter. The media and public seem to like Kate for her personality. She plays it safe. She received some criticsm early doors I seem to recall but she seems to have won them over. The Royals are always there to be shot at regardless of skin tone.

    Clearly there are elements of racism in some cases in the right wing media, I just don’t think there is in this particular case. It’s not like she’s copping it and he isn’t. He’s getting pelters too.

    She’s perhaps getting it more as her own “family” seem hell bent on washing their dirty washing in the tabloids for their own financial gain.

  9. #109
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    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Isn't it mad everyone knows this about her and has such stong opinions?

    David Beckham has cheated on his wife multiple times but is a national treasure
    Who with?

  10. #110
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    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    It's well known and I actually know someone who's shagged him.

    But it goes for loads of celebs, loads of people have been divorced/cheated and don't get the targetted abuse she does.

    The thing that shocks me is quite how many people care and have a strong opinion on this.
    If its so well known you can name them can you?

  11. #111
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    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    Because at the time he was rumoured to be having an affair with her we didnt have the media platforms that we have now and Joe Public couldnt vent their spleen to thousands online.

    She was the "villain" for a very long time. Especially when he was still married to Diana as she was the media darling.
    An additional facet of their relationship was that a lot of people realised they had been very close/possibly lovers long before Di appeared, and she was told to back off. It was her he wanted all along

  12. #112

    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    Igoverner was giving us the definition of a word in order to say it doesn't mean something over here.

    I could put up the definition of the Oxford dictionary definition of the word 'monkey' and say it isn't racist... But I think the majority of people would agree that if you called a black person that word then it would be racist due to it's connotations.

    Uppity means the same in the US as it does here but the connotations of it being linked with racism are obviously much stronger over there.
    They may be much stronger over there, but that’s because it simply doesn’t mean the same thing over here. What’s so difficult to understand about that?
    It’s a moot point. Grasping at straws reaches new levels on this board regularly.

  13. #113
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    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Blue View Post
    Perhaps it’s not all down to racism but it is a hugely significant factor with the right wing press and their vile readers.
    Why are people who read the right wing press automatically vile? Why do people always seem to have to politicise everything?

  14. #114
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    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    I think she is way more privilaged than me or my wife.
    she married him and immediately had a house and residency status in UK which she wasn't entitled to.
    The law states that if a Brit marries a foreigner he has to be married to her for at least 2 years before she can apply for a visa to live in UK, and he has to complete lots of forms and give absolute proof of income/wealth and pay a deposit for medical care before the visa application can even be considered.
    that law applies to them as much ax it does to you or me but it was completely forgotten, whereas I had to do all these things and spend thousands of pounds in order to acheive the same thing.
    yes she is privilaged. Do you think it would have helped me not do all this if my wife was black?

  15. #115
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    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Are you serious? Uppity has a long history of being used as in a racist way. There is a long history of this.
    Where is this history chronicled?

  16. #116

    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Who with?
    Rebecca Loos for one.

  17. #117

    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    Sorry to play the cracked record, but this thread is about Meghan Markel. I do not deny that all those things listed are things which ordinary people of colour might suffer from. The lady in the audience claimed that criticism of Meghan Markel arises from racist thinking. The actor guy challenged that. I did not hear any evidence that racism was behind the hounding, only opinions. I do not read any of the tabloid newspapers so I may have missed it.
    No, you've changed it now to being specifically about Meghan Markle, whereas before you raised the point about her, and a more general point about, in your own words, in the very first paragraph of the thread :

    "I wonder is anyone else getting tired of hearing people using the race card when they disagree with someone?"

    It's been pointed out multiple times in this thread that there are very valid reasons for people "playing the race card" and it's not "PC gone mad" and you've now changed your tune to "I was only talking about Meghan Markle"

  18. #118

    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    No, you've changed it now to being specifically about Meghan Markle, whereas before you raised the point about her, and a more general point about, in your own words, in the very first paragraph of the thread :

    "I wonder is anyone else getting tired of hearing people using the race card when they disagree with someone?"

    It's been pointed out multiple times in this thread that there are very valid reasons for people "playing the race card" and it's not "PC gone mad" and you've now changed your tune to "I was only talking about Meghan Markle"
    Pointed out by who? Experts? Or 2 bit nobody’s on a football MB?

  19. #119

    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    Pointed out by who? Experts? Or 2 bit nobody’s on a football MB?
    The people that he invited to have a conversation about it with him

  20. #120

    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    The people that he invited to have a conversation about it with him
    Yes. But your saying “it’s been pointed out” as if certain posters opinions are gospel.

  21. #121

    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Blue View Post
    Perhaps it’s not all down to racism but it is a hugely significant factor with the right wing press and their vile readers.

    What a pathetic catch-all statement. Have you ever read a 'right-wing' newspaper or do you get physically sick as soon as you cast your eyes on the evil newsprint ? Poor love.

    Initially Meghan was not treated badly by the tabloid press but in recent times her high mindedness and diva-like demands for privacy has irked the British public and this is the primary reason for her fall from grace. To the vast majority of people (including the right wing press and its "vile" readers) her skin colour is irrelevant.

  22. #122

    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    No, you've changed it now to being specifically about Meghan Markle, whereas before you raised the point about her, and a more general point about, in your own words, in the very first paragraph of the thread :

    "I wonder is anyone else getting tired of hearing people using the race card when they disagree with someone?"

    It's been pointed out multiple times in this thread that there are very valid reasons for people "playing the race card" and it's not "PC gone mad" and you've now changed your tune to "I was only talking about Meghan Markle"
    For the umpteenth time - what is the title of this thread? Of course I was referring specifically to Meghan Markel!!!!!!!!! The "people" I am referring to was clearly the lady who was obviously getting quite angry when she spoke and was adamant that the abuse of Meghan Markel was racial. The actor guy disagreed with her so she then played the "but you are a priviliged white middle class bloke" card - might that not be considered a racist comment too?

  23. #123

    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    "Ma'am, grown men are talking about me on a football message board"

  24. #124

    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    Yes. But your saying “it’s been pointed out” as if certain posters opinions are gospel.
    I see Gofer Blue has been registered on this board since 2009, so he should know how threads like the one he started here always end up - pages and pages of people going through slightly different versions of the same story, so I have a bit of a problem with the air of bemused innocence he has been putting over regarding the way the thread has developed.

    I'd just like to ask a couple of questions. Firstly, isn't Laurence Fox implicitly accepting the concept of "white privelidge" with his I was born this way line? Second, regarding "uppity", can I ask what word first springs to mind to the contributors of this thread as the most likely one to follow it? For me, it's obvious and I'd be fascinated to know what those arguing about that word think is a more common accompaniment of it.

  25. #125

    Re: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I see Gofer Blue has been registered on this board since 2009, so he should know how threads like the one he started here always end up - pages and pages of people going through slightly different versions of the same story, so I have a bit of a problem with the air of bemused innocence he has been putting over regarding the way the thread has developed.

    I'd just like to ask a couple of questions. Firstly, isn't Laurence Fox implicitly accepting the concept of "white privelidge" with his I was born this way line? Second, regarding "uppity", can I ask what word first springs to mind to the contributors of this thread as the most likely one to follow it? For me, it's obvious and I'd be fascinated to know what those arguing about that word think is a more common accompaniment of it.
    Not bemused innocence at all, more frustration with folk who apparently cannot/will not see what the OP has written. I accept your point though Bob, this is often the way threads develop - I guess it's just very frustrating when I am the OP on this occasion!

    Re: Laurence Fox: I think the poor bloke was simply saying sorry lady but this is how I am, I cannot change it. I don't know if he was accepting any kind of concept.

    Re: uppity. the only meaning I have ever come across until this thread was a word used to describe a snobbish person. I'm sure someone will now come along and say that as a closet racist I would say that wouldn't I!

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