Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
Because I'd like to hear it from the horses mouth ,we have no knowledge of his political allegiance, he serves the country , he should serve himself up as a witness, perhaps he doesn't exist ?
First of all - google 'whistleblowers protection USA and then 'threats against whistleblower Trump'.

Then imagine how worthwhile it would be to hear this:

"Hi everyone, I'm Johnny Whistleblower. I overheard a conversation between members of staff regarding the President abusing his power in office by withholding approved military aid to try to get a foreign nation to investigate a political rival... in order to personally gain an advantage for the President. All of the information that I provided led to investigations and witnesses confirming said information, that the President attempted to convince the Ukrainian head of state to investigate his political opponent by withholding $400m that was approved by congress... but don't worry about those facts, ask me about whether I voted for Al Gore".

Can you see how ridiculous that is? (likely a redundant question).

Also... the Republicans in the senate haven't agreed to allow witnesses in the trial. Why do you think that is? Do innocent people forbid witnesses from proving their innocence?