Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
Nothing better to do on a dull, dreary Friday morning in January than slag off the club and manager then eh ? Perhaps you want a big name manager like Solskjaer here instead. Oh sorry already tried that one haven't we and see where that got us. Harris is young, British, experienced at this level, played for the club, believes in developing the academy and bringing young players through or in other words just the type of manager everyone was crying out for previously. Perhaps you should speak to people at Derby and Stoke to see what they think about Rowetts coaching abilities as well, before you big him up too much. Don't forget, the players that are at Millwall were mostly brought in and developed by Harris, on a very small budget. To even think of not renewing your season ticket indicates to me that you are a ‘fair weather’ part time fan anyway. I would rather have only ten thousand people that love the club and support the team in the ground every week, than twenty five thousand people like you who continually moan. Christ, you even have the cheek to put forward people like Pulis for manager - after criticising Warnock and Harris’s style of play !! Priceless.
So does that mean you were slagging Ole off while he was employed by us?