Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
What does 'the middle ground' look like to you in terms of policy?
Tony Blairs successful polices might be worth digging up .
At the time I'm sure it was viewed as the middle ground party .

Before you explode on a Momentum/Corbyn type personality rant, I'm not refering to the man or the Iraq war , its the policies around health , policing, education that appealed and attracted landslide victories .

The Blair middle ground saw him in power for 10 years as PM , and Brown for 3 , sadly we will never see the like again as the Tories will now occupy the middle ground for years to come.

Labour did have a chance when selecting between the Miliband's, however , Labour once again imploded and chose the wrong leader (gosh this has a ring to it, Brown , Ed, Corbyn , dear me ,what a trio ) anyways they happened to chose the wrong one .

David Miliband , would have slaughtered Cameron , May , Boris .

Welcome to the nightmare.