Italian stallion
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This business at Reading has got me curious, and I can't remember a time where it has been discussed on here.
I define myself as White British.
Italian stallion
White Welsh. With some English mixed in. But I don't like to talk about that.
My grandparents were Irish, Came to Cardiff looking for work and lived in Newtown which was where Tyndall St is now i believe. Known as 'Little Ireland' Both my parents were born in Cardiff. Alot of people in Cardiff will have Irish or south west English ancestry due to their close proximity to the industrial jobs that were offer in South Wales.
Swedish Viking
Irish on my mother’s side (she’s Newtown & St David’s school, like a million of my mates, must have been the biggest school in the world at the time), I think my father’s lot may have been West Country, not sure. I’m sure loads in my school were similar, Cardiff born people of a certain age have similar heritage I’d imagine.
The Skint Irish Immigrants came to Cardiff, the ones with a couple of quid went to the states, they could afford the fare! It's mostly Irish and South West English in these parts, Poor people going where the work was. The Irish Immigrants had to put up with some shit.
Totally Welsh for at least 4 generations - believe there is Jamaican further back but need to confirm through one of those DNA ancestry thingies
Irish immigrants dug out cardiff docks , then they were dispersed all over the city , hence areas like ely , Canton, grangetown .....where the baseball team was called Grange Catholics......llanrhumney , splott etc all having to this day large Irish communities
From mostly to traces of: Welsh, English, Baltic, Middle Eastern.
A few things I don't have from my Swedish heritage, being over 6ft, the lack of long blond hair, looks, charm, there is no one left in our family now who knows the village we originate from, my nan told me the village name many years ago when she was in the infirmary, I didn't write it down and only remember it was about 10 miles outside Stockholm, and I did meet my great nan before she died, she was married to Frederik Nielson my great grand father but he lost his life as a sailor (UBOATED) I keep saying it is on the bucket list to get sorted but never get around to doing it. I don't think I'm part of the IKEA family