When things you try are not coming off, you try your damnedest to put it right.
For example, if the fullback just will not be beaten or plays a high line stealing the ball seemingly with ease, forces you into a poor touch/pass, you try something different and change your game to suit.

All I ever see this bloke do is the same things over and over again, trying to run through his man and getting picked off at will. When it does break down, he has no intention of trying to win it back preferring instead to let one of his teammates do that.

There is zero fight in him, jumping out of every 50/50 challenge, sometimes 60/40 in his favour.

I'm sorry but there is no excusing JM the way he plays in our team.
You don't need the technical knowledge of Sir Alex Ferguson to realise that our team is not based on talented offensive play, creating wave after wave of chances. It is bases on eleven players running their socks off for each other.

The way I see it, he either will not do the things expected of him or just hasn't got it in him. He needs to have a good look at himself whilst warming his arse on that bench,.