Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
Provide links? Ducked challenge? What are you talking about? What do you think I'm talking about? It was in bold!

I haven't said how many I think have died, I haven't denied that (completely unsurprisingly) all the deaths so far are "East Asian background". I don't know why you were expecting me to argue it or why you're triumphant that I did not.

So why do I not believe that China released this themselves "purely to kill those citizens it doesn't want live any longer"?

Firstly, releasing a virus is about the worst way to do it. It's unpredictable, and it cannot be controlled so they can't make sure the right people live and the wrong people die. They certainly wouldn't do it just before Chinese New Year when 100 million+ are travelling around the country. They can't stop it spreading to other countries and damaging their own economy.They can't stop it mutating and becoming even less controllable.

Secondly, if they were stupid enough to ignore all that and do it anyway, they'd definitely be releasing it in Taiwan or Hong Kong rather than their own backyard.

Thirdly, you've already said they are forcing people into camps while the world turns a blind eye. If that strategy works, why wouldn't they continue doing it?

I know you're sensitive about your theories, hence why you post them in the comfortable bubble of the politics forum where there are some like-minded tin foilers. Why not try it on the main board and see if anyone buys it? Be brave.
Game, Set and Match: Lardy.