Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
Non celebs do come out to family and friends though. heterosexual people don't come out because it's always been seen as the norm. Gay people come out because for some reason it's still seen as shocking to friends and family to just find out so it lets that person live openly without having to hide a huge part of their lives from those close to them.

And it's good celebs coming out because it normalises it for other gay people to come out and makes others less opposed to it.

Gay people still get assaulted by straight people for being gay fairly often, so the more it can be normalised and stop things like this happening the better.
Probably the most reasonable and factual response I’ve ever heard to this topic.
It does make me laugh when I here people say why can’t we have a straight pride or why are there rainbows painted over zebra crossings, police cars or in the local fire station? That’s actually very offensive really to even say that - straight people have been celebrated since the beginning of time and accepted in society. They can be open in public, not have to live a lie or hide who they are through fear of getting assaulted, have the law on their side, not work in fear of work place discrimination or getting fired for being gay, not have to worry about getting disowned by your family. The list goes on and on and on and people wonder why LGBT community needs to celebrate now..because it’s becoming more accepted and people are showinsupport for many who grew up in a dangerous environment years ago.

I like this quote that someone posted on Facebook a while back - Gay pride wasn’t born out of a need to celebrate being gay, but the right to exist without persecution. So instead of wondering why there isn’t a straight pride, be thankful you don’t need one.