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Thread: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

  1. #1

    Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    I have dieted before and cut out sugary drinks etc and felt better for it fairly quickly, last time I did that I also deleted all my social media accounts, as a result I was sleeping earlier and getting good sleeps, this naturally had a positive knock on effect with work, and I had more energy to enjoy myself out of work.

    Now? I eat rubbish and processes food, anything quick. I'm also over eating at meal times and have gotten into the habit of having way too much in the way of snacks etc. It's had a negative knock on effect, I have no motivation in work or my personal life, I'll do the bare minimum, and I can find it a struggle to even motivate myself when I have my kid.

    I know the first step for me is to diet, but I just can't seem to motivate myself into starting, I did the other week and the food mainly went to waste as I still ate (and bought more) crap,so last week I tried a new approach and on Monday I made a load of home cooked meals, curry and Bolognese etc, not necessarily the healthiest but a step in the right direction. Guess who are frozen pizzas and went to the chippy and binned all his pre prepared meals a few days later? Me.

    I need some inspiration.

  2. #2

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    whether your a big or small eater you need to do regular exercise . 3 times a week will help with energy levels

  3. #3

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    whether your a big or small eater you need to do regular exercise . 3 times a week will help with energy levels
    I won't stick to it or even start if I'm not eating right first

  4. #4

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Get a blood test. It could be diabetes.

  5. #5

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Hooded Claw View Post
    Get a blood test. It could be diabetes.
    It's more of a can't be bothered depressed tired than a fatigue if that makes a difference

  6. #6

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
    I have dieted before and cut out sugary drinks etc and felt better for it fairly quickly, last time I did that I also deleted all my social media accounts, as a result I was sleeping earlier and getting good sleeps, this naturally had a positive knock on effect with work, and I had more energy to enjoy myself out of work.

    Now? I eat rubbish and processes food, anything quick. I'm also over eating at meal times and have gotten into the habit of having way too much in the way of snacks etc. It's had a negative knock on effect, I have no motivation in work or my personal life, I'll do the bare minimum, and I can find it a struggle to even motivate myself when I have my kid.

    I know the first step for me is to diet, but I just can't seem to motivate myself into starting, I did the other week and the food mainly went to waste as I still ate (and bought more) crap,so last week I tried a new approach and on Monday I made a load of home cooked meals, curry and Bolognese etc, not necessarily the healthiest but a step in the right direction. Guess who are frozen pizzas and went to the chippy and binned all his pre prepared meals a few days later? Me.

    I need some inspiration.
    Sounds like you're a bit down mate if you don't mind me saying. First of all, congratulate yourself on the fact that you want to make some changes. That's positive and a move in the right direction. Secondly, make the changes slowly, start by being healthy for one day a week or just two half days and build it up in your own time. If you were training to do a marathon (and you are training your mind and your body) you wouldn't go out and run 15 miles at the first attempt, you'd slowly build up to it, 1 mile at a time, gaining confidence, self belief and starting to feel better. Thirdly-If you fail along the way don't dwell on it, concentrate on all of the good that you've done. Everyone makes mistakes or ****s up, thats just part of the process. Be kind to yourself, don't dwell on the things that make you feel shit, if you have a pizza now and again then so what.

  7. #7

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Sounds like you're a bit down mate if you don't mind me saying. First of all, congratulate yourself on the fact that you want to make some changes. That's positive and a move in the right direction. Secondly, make the changes slowly, start by being healthy for one day a week or just two half days and build it up in your own time. If you were training to do a marathon (and you are training your mind and your body) you wouldn't go out and run 15 miles at the first attempt, you'd slowly build up to it, 1 mile at a time, gaining confidence, self belief and starting to feel better. Thirdly-If you fail along the way don't dwell on it, concentrate on all of the good that you've done. Everyone makes mistakes or ****s up, thats just part of the process. Be kind to yourself, don't dwell on the things that make you feel shit, if you have a pizza now and again then so what.
    Cheers! I don't really beat myself up as such, and I don't think a full on diet would suit me so I agree a less strict plan would suit me, but it is slightly annoying when you think you have the answer but lack the motivation to begin! I'd just like to get into it enough to gradually make other changes and start to exercise, I can remember how much better I felt before, so I want that again, but not enough apparently as I can't seem to motivate myself out of neutral and actually moving!!

  8. #8

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
    Cheers! I don't really beat myself up as such, and I don't think a full on diet would suit me so I agree a less strict plan would suit me, but it is slightly annoying when you think you have the answer but lack the motivation to begin! I'd just like to get into it enough to gradually make other changes and start to exercise, I can remember how much better I felt before, so I want that again, but not enough apparently as I can't seem to motivate myself out of neutral and actually moving!!
    I hear you. Just go for a brisk walk for 20 minutes, you'll fell so much better when you get back home. I wouldn't worry about the diet just yet, start moving about a bit to get the old endorphins going, when you start to feel better then address the food, it takes as long as it takes, good luck

  9. #9

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    I have been in very similar situations,

    I notice how you say you need to sort diet before exercise, but for me it works best the other way around, if I exercise I find myself wanting to eat less crap.

    also overload food in the morning, I never used to eat breakfast, then would have massive takeaways late at night, now I force myself to eat 3 weetabix, a bowl of porridge and a banana in the morning. I have to literally leave it all out on the table the night before or otherwise I will be lazy and try to ovoid it.

    It takes that edge of hungriness away from making bad decisions later in the day.

    buy big bottles of water and keep one in your room, one in your car and one in your work place, I love how everyone knows how important water is but still never drink enough.

    finally for tea, I have started just eating a steak on its own.

    its the bread and potatoes and pasta which **** people up, since i have all my heavy food at breakfast, I then have a 400 calorie Huel meal replacement shake at lunch.

    then about 5-6ish i have a big rump steak ( grass fed) (natural fats) stick it in the pan for a few minutes well seasoned and thats that.

    As i love steak and meat, eating it clean on its own is a good way to reward myself without eating shit.

    If I have played football been to the gym and feeling I need more calories I will make up an extra meal replacements shake normally half (200 cal)

  10. #10

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    I think if it concerns you , the first thing to do is go and see your gp for a check up

    Be honest , say you feel tired all the time , he or she may ask you questions about your diet , level of exercise , stress levels etc

    It could be that a few adjustments and you will pick up

    Or he or she may suspect diabetes or an underlying low mood etc , both of which can be treated and often without medication

    Take care of yourself and if your symptoms continue , get it checked out

  11. #11

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Quote Originally Posted by chris lee View Post
    I have been in very similar situations,

    I notice how you say you need to sort diet before exercise, but for me it works best the other way around, if I exercise I find myself wanting to eat less crap.

    also overload food in the morning, I never used to eat breakfast, then would have massive takeaways late at night, now I force myself to eat 3 weetabix, a bowl of porridge and a banana in the morning. I have to literally leave it all out on the table the night before or otherwise I will be lazy and try to ovoid it.

    It takes that edge of hungriness away from making bad decisions later in the day.

    buy big bottles of water and keep one in your room, one in your car and one in your work place, I love how everyone knows how important water is but still never drink enough.

    finally for tea, I have started just eating a steak on its own.

    its the bread and potatoes and pasta which **** people up, since i have all my heavy food at breakfast, I then have a 400 calorie Huel meal replacement shake at lunch.

    then about 5-6ish i have a big rump steak ( grass fed) (natural fats) stick it in the pan for a few minutes well seasoned and thats that.

    As i love steak and meat, eating it clean on its own is a good way to reward myself without eating shit.

    If I have played football been to the gym and feeling I need more calories I will make up an extra meal replacements shake normally half (200 cal)
    For breakfast I have two weetabix , a chopped up apple and a banana , blueberries all in a big naff off bowl of milk

    Keeps me regular and I can get away with two small meals at midday and evening

    Except on a friday and saturday night

    Friday , extra large doner kebab

    Saturday , chinese

    Have it

  12. #12

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Try the ketogenic diet. Less food, more energy and it can prevent type 2 diabetes. Maybe quit drinking for a while too.

  13. #13

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    Try the ketogenic diet. Less food, more energy and it can prevent type 2 diabetes. Maybe quit drinking for a while too.
    Quit drinking for good , its fecking poison

  14. #14

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Move abroad. Get an italian or greek or spanish partner. You’ll have no option but to get into healthier eating habits.

    Whislt the above suggestion might be a bit tongue in cheek, as with any lifestyle habit, whether it be drugs, drink, exercise or eating, your setting and company can make all the difference.

    Maybe join a cookery class. Not only will you learn how to cook things that are tastier than snacky food, you’ll make friends with people that will likely have a positive attitude towards eating in general and that will likely rub off on you.

  15. #15

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Divine Wright View Post
    Move abroad. Get an italian or greek or spanish partner. You’ll have no option but to get into healthier eating habits.

    Whislt the above suggestion might be a bit tongue in cheek, as with any lifestyle habit, whether it be drugs, drink, exercise or eating, your setting and company can make all the difference.

    Maybe join a cookery class. Not only will you learn how to cook things that are tastier than snacky food, you’ll make friends with people that will likely have a positive attitude towards eating in general and that will likely rub off on you.
    Plus they are likely to be women

  16. #16

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Sounds like you’re stuck in a bit of a rut and as Tuerto has also touched on a maybe a little bit depressed. Especially when you say you can’t even motivate yourself when you’ve got your daughter. As others have said try and exercise, just walks to start with, chuck some music or a podcast on when you’re out walking. It’s not just your physical health but your mental health is much better when exercising.

    With regards the diet instead of preparing all the meals on a Monday for the rest of the week just prepare them and eat them as you go along. Ok it will take a bit more time cooking every day, but it’s only time you’ll waste on here or social media. It’s also a nice distraction I find.

  17. #17

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Some very helpful replies, I won't be that guy that replies to them all individually and floods the board. So here's a ****ing huge reply.

    Chris Lee, I have considered loading on carbs earlier in the day as I could use the sustained energy for work (which can be really ****ing easy or really hard it's a lottery) it's hard to know how much work I'll be doing. I've also been flitting between days and nights and do most of not every weekend so the routine takes a knock.

    Tuerto I walk the dog twice a day, now I'm in a more regular work pattern and don't start as early on days I'll be able to give it 20 in the morning and I'll do at least that at night and up to an hour once the weather gets better.

    NYC I've looked into the keto, it looks pretty ideal, thanks.

    Sludge, I've always had some sort of underlying mood or depression but I've always managed day to day and I've convinced myself it's diet and the hours I've been working, when I was regular days and eating well I felt great tbh. But it's worth a call, thanks.

    Divine Wright, I ****ing wish although the cooking is a good shout..

    JR, when I say I'm not motivated it's more things like going on nice days out and making a proper effort, I'm still great around the house and we still have fun, I'd just like to do more and experience nicer days out, won't be long and she won't want these days out with her dad.
    The cooking for the week was a one off trial, I'd rather do it daily tbh as it's not that difficult (when you get into the routine)

    What I've taken from this is..

    Call a GP, it could be nothing it could be something, I've always avoided them but that needs to change.

    I'm going to do a shop after work, simple meals and cook fresh each day.


    Gradually make changes.

    Thank you, thank you.

  18. #18

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Relaxation is the key mate
    I have a sauna and steam two or three times a week accompanied by a swim.
    Nothing strenuous in the swim but I’ve built up my lengths.
    Please google the health benefits of a sauna and you will be amazed - lowers cholesterol,relieves stress,reduces toxins in the blood,cleanses skin and helps induce sleep are just a few good reasons mate 👍

  19. #19

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    Try the ketogenic diet. Less food, more energy and it can prevent type 2 diabetes. Maybe quit drinking for a while too.
    This is exactly what I did 6 months ago. I've now lost 5 stone and feel amazing.

    Everything you are saying regarding motivation etc resonates with me. For me I knew that if I could go 10 days of keto it would become a habit and I'd stick with it. It's also great because at times you genuinely don't feel like you're dieting or depriving yourself. Yes, it's very limiting in terms of meal choice but I can honestly say I never felt hungry.

    A number of people have also mentioned walking, and for mental health I can think of many things more beneficial. Slap on a podcast or an audio book and just do half hour round the block - it works wonders.

    It might feel like you're in a rut but tiny changes can make a huge difference!

  20. #20

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
    I have dieted before and cut out sugary drinks etc and felt better for it fairly quickly, last time I did that I also deleted all my social media accounts, as a result I was sleeping earlier and getting good sleeps, this naturally had a positive knock on effect with work, and I had more energy to enjoy myself out of work.

    Now? I eat rubbish and processes food, anything quick. I'm also over eating at meal times and have gotten into the habit of having way too much in the way of snacks etc. It's had a negative knock on effect, I have no motivation in work or my personal life, I'll do the bare minimum, and I can find it a struggle to even motivate myself when I have my kid.

    I know the first step for me is to diet, but I just can't seem to motivate myself into starting, I did the other week and the food mainly went to waste as I still ate (and bought more) crap,so last week I tried a new approach and on Monday I made a load of home cooked meals, curry and Bolognese etc, not necessarily the healthiest but a step in the right direction. Guess who are frozen pizzas and went to the chippy and binned all his pre prepared meals a few days later? Me.

    I need some inspiration.
    How old are you?

    One day you'll find yourself in A&E, you'll hear "heart disease" ... and you'll suddenly realise it's too late.

    Get yourself a steamer and a slow cooker.

    Bin the crap food, eating shite food will catch up with you sooner or later

  21. #21

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Either of you have a link to a diet plan or a list of foods you eat please? I know a fella in my local does it but I don't see him often, and he's always saying how much better he feels

  22. #22

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Louth View Post
    How old are you?

    One day you'll find yourself in A&E, you'll hear "heart disease" ... and you'll suddenly realise it's too late.

    Get yourself a steamer and a slow cooker.

    Bin the crap food, eating shite food will catch up with you sooner or later
    Mid 30s, or 76, vepends what job I'm doing in work

  23. #23

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
    Mid 30s, or 76, vepends what job I'm doing in work
    Swim regularly. I started swimming and was knackered after 10 minutes. Now I swim for 45 mins 5 days a week.

    Kick bread into touch, and half at least, your carb intake.

    Swimming and fitness has become my new addiction.

  24. #24

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Louth View Post
    Swim regularly. I started swimming and was knackered after 10 minutes. Now I swim for 45 mins 5 days a week.

    Kick bread into touch, and half at least, your carb intake.

    Swimming and fitness has become my new addiction.
    I'm alright at cutting out bread/pasta/sugary drinks etc when I get my head into it

    Congrats on the improvement with your fitness too, that's a good achievement

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Forever tired , I think it's down to my diet.

    Your Iron intake is worth testing .

    Your stomach controls your life loses 50% of its efficiency to distribute good and bad around the body .

    Vitamin b6 is good.

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