Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
Calling people thick, remember Hillary’s deplorables ?, isn’t the way to engage voters, I would suggest it has the opposite effect and just like in Merica produced a kick back from a big sector of the electorate . You have made the valid point of the level of subsidy from the EU to Wales, but, and importantly IMO, many people in Wales never saw the benefits of this EU subsidy, we have generations of youngsters in areas of Wales not used to the concept of work because there wasn’t anything suitable to replace the traditional industries when they were removed (and all whilst the UK was in the EU), instead of competing with the leave fairy tale stories on the side of busses etc. the remain camp should have went on the offensive with the positives, ramming home achievements, this should have been the easiest vote ever for the remain side to have won but they allowed themselves to get sucked into a dirty campaign and basically ended up just calling people thick and racist and never once considering why people felt left out during the prosperity of the EU, just perhaps it was the only way the left out of Wales and areas of the North could have any effect on changing destiny even if it wasn’t going to be for the better, they made the country hear them. And did they just!!!!. It was the people of Wales who decided, the people didn’t not want to be in the club %age, but the Welsh government’s during the period of EU legislation/rule etc. should be taking a long hard look at itself at how they managed to let the people of Wales to think that they would be better off outside, they made the decisions and allocated the money.
Anyone (especially someone living in Wales) that believed Boris and Farage and allowed themselves to get riled up into a 19th century worldview is stupid. That's not my fault.