Quote Originally Posted by StraightOuttaCanton View Post
Have you ever lived outside of Wales Sludge?
I'll answer that one. He lived in Bradford for a while. He'll tell you it was while pursuing his brilliant academic career at their university. In truth, that was where he was first employed as an assistant bog cleaner (AKA deputy sanitary engineer, according to his spin). He was sacked from that role for reasons he's unwilling to divulge, but it's safe to assume they were unsavoury. He didn't mind too much about getting the elbow as "it was a shitty job, anyway" as he acknowledges. Whilst there he learnt many phrases (such as: fancy a nobbing, love? and get your drawers off) in both of the local lingos, Urdu and Punjabi.

He returned to Wales claiming to have degrees in everything from biophysics to flower arranging. It was then he joined the Cowbridge Young Conservatives, begun parting his hair down the middle and use words such as gosh and ghastly at every opportunity. He's remained a rotter ever since.