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Thread: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

  1. #351

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Believe what you want. I've proferred my best advice to you in this thread. If you choose to dismiss it then that's your choice, business and concern. Frankly, it makes no odds to me should you end up in the gutter blaming everyone and everything else for your demise.
    So what was Yanis on about then? He seems to be saying the EU will have to go cap in hand to Trump, after calling him a tw@t for the past 3 years. It should be fun

  2. #352

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    A grumpy middle-aged civil servant, and part-time socialist
    Wouldn't bet the farm on him being a civil servant but would lump on him being a desk jockey of some description.

  3. #353

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    So what was Yanis on about then? He seems to be saying the EU will have to go cap in hand to Trump, after calling him a tw@t for the past 3 years. It should be fun
    You won't like this but I gave up on Yanis' observations after around 8 mins when he made out that Don has some influence on US policy.

  4. #354

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    You won't like this but I gave up on Yanis' observations after around 8 mins when he made out that Don has some influence on US policy.
    I never give up on anybody, I like to have a large information pool that covers all angles. Yanis is one of the few who have sat around the EU magic circle and spoke about it.

  5. #355

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    A very sly chappie who has "got inside your head" it appears.
    Ain't that the truth.

  6. #356

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    European stock markets are bombing this morning; UK FTSE 100 is minus 6.3%, German DAX is down 7.7%.

  7. #357

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    European stock markets are bombing this morning; UK FTSE 100 is minus 6.3%, German DAX is down 7.7%.
    To be fair, Yanis did say the EU was going to collapse, and they haven't got any more magic money.

  8. #358

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Ah so he's been predicting things to go wrong during one of the best stock market decades of the last 150 years.

    Sounds reliable
    Organ played this card earlier in this thread. Obviously when you are far more knowledgeable and in the know than the medical, scientific and financial communities then a gold, silver and platinum metals trader could not possibly pull the wool over his eyes. I mean whats in it for Greg in trying to panic people with broadly the same message for a decade to get out of the stocks and bonds market and into the commodities he trades in?


  9. #359

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Stock markets generally trend in the same direction as the US indices as everything financial is so interconnected.

    Deutsche Bank, 'the world's most dangerous financial institution' said the IMF in 2015, it's share price is cratering right now to another all-time low. https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/DB/

  10. #360

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Organ played this card earlier in this thread. Obviously when you are far more knowledgeable and in the know than the medical, scientific and financial communities then a gold, silver and platinum metals trader could not possibly pull the wool over his eyes. I mean whats in it for Greg in trying to panic people with broadly the same message for a decade to get out of the stocks and bonds market and into the commodities he trades in?

    What took you so long, have you only just read lardy's text message?

  11. #361

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Organ played this card earlier in this thread. Obviously when you are far more knowledgeable and in the know than the medical, scientific and financial communities then a gold, silver and platinum metals trader could not possibly pull the wool over his eyes. I mean whats in it for Greg in trying to panic people with broadly the same message for a decade to get out of the stocks and bonds market and into the commodities he trades in?

    I get that you're fond of your dopey nephew, Cyril, but that's a desperate attempt at misdirection.

  12. #362

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    A very sly chappie who has "got inside your head" it appears.
    An incredible 7 of glueys last 10 posts have been about me.

  13. #363

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Bitcoin is also getting stamped on today. A 14% decline.

  14. #364

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    An incredible 7 of glueys last 10 posts have been about me.
    I'm drawn to your Shakespearean tragic hero character

  15. #365

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    An incredible 7 of glueys last 10 posts have been about me.

  16. #366
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    at least your not ignored

  17. #367

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Another 'holy feck!' day for, well everything including the perceived safe havens of gold and silver. Other commodities were smoked too as the crude oil price was shellacked for a 10% decline.

    US stock markets that jumped 10% last Friday, lost on average 12.5% today. Emergency Federal Reserve measures enacted yesterday evening failed spectacularly. There'll be steam appearing from Greg Mannarino's ears later on.

  18. #368

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Here's Greg!

    To save Cyril and others 25 minutes viewing time... he says we ain't seen anything yet, three years of Trump stock market gains erased in the past three weeks, more and more freshly counterfeited debt currency units will be thrown at propping the Ponzi up, a too much debt problem cannot be rescued by adding more debt, the virus is being used as an excuse, bankers own everything including politicians and countries through their network of central banks, world government and tyranny is their goal.

    I think he's been reading my posts here.

  19. #369

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Here's Greg!

    To save Cyril and others 25 minutes viewing time... he says we ain't seen anything yet, three years of Trump stock market gains erased in the past three weeks, more and more freshly counterfeited debt currency units will be thrown at propping the Ponzi up, a too much debt problem cannot be rescued by adding more debt, the virus is being used as an excuse, bankers own everything including politicians and countries through their network of central banks, world government and tyranny is their goal.

    I think he's been reading my posts here.

    You are being suckered by a 32 degree Freemason, Org. This could get you chucked out of the South Glamorgan Illuminati Sports and Social Club I know but don't worry your secret is safe with me!

  20. #370

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Yes, I did know he is one degree away from becoming the mafia equivalent of a made man. Naturally, when I became aware I viewed him with the gravest suspicion. I used to be chummy with a keen Mason at the local lodge who clocked out several years ago. "How old's your grandmother?" is one of the secrets he revealed. That query is one of a number asked to identify themselves as a 'fellow traveller.' He was a Thatcher lover and loathed Geoffrey Howe whom he insisted was definitely a 33rd-er and speculated he was ordered to become Brutus by the UK head honcho, the Duke of Kent.

  21. #371

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Yes, I did know he is one degree away from becoming the mafia equivalent of a made man. Naturally, when I became aware I viewed him with the gravest suspicion. I used to be chummy with a keen Mason at the local lodge who clocked out several years ago. "How old's your grandmother?" is one of the secrets he revealed. That query is one of a number asked to identify themselves as a 'fellow traveller.' He was a Thatcher lover and loathed Geoffrey Howe whom he insisted was definitely a 33rd-er and speculated he was ordered to become Brutus by the UK head honcho, the Duke of Kent.
    So, how old is your grandmother?

  22. #372

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Very predictably stocks are up across the board today after yesterday's hammering because the Federal Reserve and central banks of other countries, all of whom carry an enormous national debt, threw magic money or promised to throw magic money (i.e. more debt) at the crumbling economic and financial systems. The Yanks also pledged to give US citizens $1,000 apiece. Am not sure if it's per adult, household or full time worker. That's better known as helicopter money. As Mannarino correctly stated in the video a few posts above, we ain't seen anything yet. To bring in a new system, a digital money only one, then they must destroy the purchasing power of the US dollar to worthlessness. Once that occurs, because it's the world's reserve currency, then all other currencies will also go to nil because they're derivatives of something that has no value

    It'll be those with the greatest percentage of their former wealth tied up in cash and private pension pots who'll be launching themselves from bridges and the sills of high windows.

  23. #373

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Very predictably stocks are up across the board today after yesterday's hammering because the Federal Reserve and central banks of other countries, all of whom carry an enormous national debt, threw magic money or promised to throw magic money (i.e. more debt) at the crumbling economic and financial systems. The Yanks also pledged to give US citizens $1,000 apiece. Am not sure if it's per adult, household or full time worker. That's better known as helicopter money. As Mannarino correctly stated in the video a few posts above, we ain't seen anything yet. To bring in a new system, a digital money only one, then they must destroy the purchasing power of the US dollar to worthlessness. Once that occurs, because it's the world's reserve currency, then all other currencies will also go to nil because they're derivatives of something that has no value

    It'll be those with the greatest percentage of their former wealth tied up in cash and private pension pots who'll be launching themselves from bridges and the sills of high windows.
    Have you thought through your positioning on this yet?

    Are you more worried about Option A, Old Morg never really had much credibility anyway but going all in on CoronaVirus spelling global economic doom didn't quite materialise so what does he do for an act now or is it,

    Option B, Organ Morgan, the Sage of Sully. If only we had listened to him, alas he went down with the same ship he warned us all not to sail upon?

  24. #374

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Cyril, sat there inert and bewildered with mouth agape is not a good look or strategy.

    I read elsewhere minutes ago the very long list of countries who are urging their citizens to return home ASAP, the latest being New Zealand. Something's cooking and it smells rancid.

    If you didn't care to read the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 I linked to earlier in this thread then I can tell you Joe Soap has no rights when the state trigger emergency powers. I say none because the detail is so nebulous, no doubt deliberately so to be interpreted on the fly.

    I'm happy with my positioning. Have been for a dozen years.

  25. #375

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Another abysmal day when everything was pounded lower, including sterling, and it happened a day after the US Treasury Secretary, the British Chancellor and other financial bigwigs promised to make 'whatever it takes' and 'unlimited' liquidity/stimulus (yes, soft and cuddly words for debt) measures available. Tomorrow's stock markets futures prices indicate a repeat horror show is odds-on.

    In his brief 8-minute summary, our Greg goes further than ever before in the first 90 seconds... bar for some miracle the world's going Mad Max in short order.

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