Very predictably stocks are up across the board today after yesterday's hammering because the Federal Reserve and central banks of other countries, all of whom carry an enormous national debt, threw magic money or promised to throw magic money (i.e. more debt) at the crumbling economic and financial systems. The Yanks also pledged to give US citizens $1,000 apiece. Am not sure if it's per adult, household or full time worker. That's better known as helicopter money. As Mannarino correctly stated in the video a few posts above, we ain't seen anything yet. To bring in a new system, a digital money only one, then they must destroy the purchasing power of the US dollar to worthlessness. Once that occurs, because it's the world's reserve currency, then all other currencies will also go to nil because they're derivatives of something that has no value

It'll be those with the greatest percentage of their former wealth tied up in cash and private pension pots who'll be launching themselves from bridges and the sills of high windows.