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Thread: Spare a thought for teachers

  1. #1
    First Team
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    Apr 2016
    Phoenix, AZ

    Spare a thought for teachers

    Despite what Organ Morgan thinks, teachers are experiencing extremely difficult times and deserve massive credit.

    In Cardiff all the schools will be open until Wednesday for essential workers' kids etc then the City will try to determine the demand for meals and effectively childcare and create hubs where both can be provided. Schools may come up with rotas for who has to be in school to perform the duties but nobody is shirking or having it easy. (Headteachers BTW have to be in every day regardless.) They have no protective gear at all and are effectively in the same human Petri dish as hundreds of kids. And these teachers have vulnerable people they go home to or care for just like everyone else.

    And note this OM, after some of them have been relieved of these duties they are to be redeployed by the City to work on the bins or delivering meals etc.

    So I ask this of OM, what are you doing to match this?

  2. #2

    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Organ Morgan is a ****, he always has been just gotten away with it because he said something funny once a month.

    Teachers have it hard enough at the best of times, nothing but respect to all of them having to work through this.

  3. #3

    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Wifes on her way into her school at this moment. Staff are worried and have no idea what to expect next week.School keyworker hubs are being set up but at this moment she's not been given any information about managing the environment e.g. Social distancing. The only thing they do have is the estimated numbers of children who could attend from the two schools she's responsible for. Her biggest whine this morning is seeing one or two kids being sent whilst knowing the parents are working from home. It's staggering how people are thinking during this crisis.

    Regarding Organ Morgan, I always thought he says something's for bites? I'm sure if he'd voiced his opinions in the real world his teeth would've been rattled by now.

  4. #4

    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Maybe he does look for bites, but he always punches down. Teachers, single parents, anyone who he deems beneath him.

    Funny for some, I guess.

  5. #5

    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    He's gone remarkably quiet since he's realised that all this has exposed him for what he's really like

  6. #6

    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Organ Morgan is a ****, he always has been just gotten away with it because he said something funny once a month.

    Teachers have it hard enough at the best of times, nothing but respect to all of them having to work through this.
    I’d say “once a month” is pushing it 😁

  7. #7

    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    haha william you a have a PM

  8. #8

    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    I do wonder what Organ Morgan will post about once his fetish for Armageddon is realised.

  9. #9

    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    I do wonder what Organ Morgan will post about once his fetish for Armageddon is realised.
    I sincerely hope this virus thing blows over in a month or two so that we can all resume our cushy lifestyles. I am however prepared for an extended period of hard times.

  10. #10

    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Maybe he does look for bites, but he always punches down. Teachers, single parents, anyone who he deems beneath him.

    Funny for some, I guess.
    Eggers and garden barbeque hosts have been my fave targets down the years. I don't mind having the occasional dig at users on here but try to swerve ongoing bickering as it quickly becomes boring.

  11. #11

    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Organ Morgan is a ****, he always has been just gotten away with it because he said something funny once a month.

    Teachers have it hard enough at the best of times, nothing but respect to all of them having to work through this.

  12. #12
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    Despite what Organ Morgan thinks, teachers are experiencing extremely difficult times and deserve massive credit.

    In Cardiff all the schools will be open until Wednesday for essential workers' kids etc then the City will try to determine the demand for meals and effectively childcare and create hubs where both can be provided. Schools may come up with rotas for who has to be in school to perform the duties but nobody is shirking or having it easy. (Headteachers BTW have to be in every day regardless.) They have no protective gear at all and are effectively in the same human Petri dish as hundreds of kids. And these teachers have vulnerable people they go home to or care for just like everyone else.

    And note this OM, after some of them have been relieved of these duties they are to be redeployed by the City to work on the bins or delivering meals etc.

    So I ask this of OM, what are you doing to match this?
    I generally agree but teachers with vunerable people at home should be self isolating in accordance with goverment advice and would not be on any roster to bne at scvhool in the first please I think you will find!!

  13. #13

    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Eggers and garden barbeque hosts have been my fave targets down the years. I don't mind having the occasional dig at users on here but try to swerve ongoing bickering as it quickly becomes boring.
    As far as I am concerned you are a complete rotter

  14. #14
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    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I generally agree but teachers with vunerable people at home should be self isolating in accordance with goverment advice and would not be on any roster to bne at scvhool in the first please I think you will find!!
    I know a headteacher (living on her own) who has a brother with prostate cancer and two parents over 90 who are housebound (one with dementia and the other immobile after a 10 week stay in hospital). She went to work today. She is "rostered" to go in every day.

    STFU if you're going to post-ill informed BS.

  15. #15

    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    I know a headteacher (living on her own) who has a brother with prostate cancer and two parents over 90 who are housebound (one with dementia and the other immobile after a 10 week stay in hospital). She went to work today. She is "rostered" to go in every day.

    STFU if you're going to post-ill informed BS.
    Why are you being so aggressive?
    Xsnaggle said teachers with vulnerable people at home. Your head teacher lives alone ?

  16. #16

    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    I do wonder what Organ Morgan will post about once his fetish for Armageddon is realised.
    We had a 2017 Kia Sportage back on Thursday after 3 years on rent . I had a valuation of £14500 from "we buy any car"
    On inspection a repair to the door that the customer had done was below standard . The company who did the repair turned up late Friday after noon, apologising, saying we would have it back Monday .
    They were good ro their word and it returned in tip top shape....
    The lady in my office ran it through "we buy any cars" system yesterday , to find the car was now worth £9200

    I have seen a car drop £200 - £300 if you get your timings wrong .

    I got in touch with a friend of mine who runs a fairly well known local car dealership and he explained the car market had dropped of totally as the dealers waited for lock down .

    His initial statement said , yes the market has collapsed its Carmageddon.........

    I can laugh now.
    As an experiment I ran my own car through the system and it had dropped £12k

    If you have a spare minute might be worth depressing yourself how much your car is worth today .....
    Dont be too depressed its a false market, but it will take a wee while to recover .

    Needless to say the Kia will be staying in my yard till the market returns in a few weeks time .

  17. #17
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    I know a headteacher (living on her own) who has a brother with prostate cancer and two parents over 90 who are housebound (one with dementia and the other immobile after a 10 week stay in hospital). She went to work today. She is "rostered" to go in every day.

    STFU if you're going to post-ill informed BS.
    There is no need to start being offensive. In those circumstances she should not be going to work full stop. If she is then she should stop now. Have herseld removed from the roster.
    It doesn't take much intelligence to work that out does it?

  18. #18
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    There is no need to start being offensive. In those circumstances she should not be going to work full stop. If she is then she should stop now. Have herseld removed from the roster.
    It doesn't take much intelligence to work that out does it?
    Further to this if she goes to work she should not have contact with those relatives. or not go to work. One or the other is as plain as the nose on your face. No number of offensive remarks will alter that, it's not rocket science.

  19. #19
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    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Further to this if she goes to work she should not have contact with those relatives. or not go to work. One or the other is as plain as the nose on your face. No number of offensive remarks will alter that, it's not rocket science.
    Headteachers have been mandated by the LA to attend and they, themselves, make up the school roster for the teachers. You think she should declare, "I'm not coming in but you guys go ahead and take care of things for me"? How would that be leadership? She isn't taking care of her parents or brother, she's isolated from them despite their piteous situation. For me, she's a hero like many others who are sacrificing in these dreadful times.

    Same question to you as OM (which s/he never answered), what are you doing to help?

  20. #20

    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    As far as I am concerned you are a complete rotter
    I don't mind some banter but must protest in a hands on hips type strongest terms about being described as a rotter. Let me remind you that it's not I who in warmer months parades around their living room dressed in nothing other than a pair of yellow y-fronts.

    It would be less bizarre if they were worn as designed for rather than as an absurd form of headwear!

  21. #21
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    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    Headteachers have been mandated by the LA to attend and they, themselves, make up the school roster for the teachers. You think she should declare, "I'm not coming in but you guys go ahead and take care of things for me"? How would that be leadership? She isn't taking care of her parents or brother, she's isolated from them despite their piteous situation. For me, she's a hero like many others who are sacrificing in these dreadful times.

    Same question to you as OM (which s/he never answered), what are you doing to help?
    Yes she should either stay on the roster and not see her relatives ot see her relatives and take herself off the roster, it is simply one ot the other. If she does both she is going against government instructions.
    What I am doing to help is none of your business, or anybody elses.

  22. #22
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    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Yes she should either stay on the roster and not see her relatives ot see her relatives and take herself off the roster, it is simply one ot the other. If she does both she is going against government instructions.
    What I am doing to help is none of your business, or anybody elses.
    You've completely misread the last post I'm afraid. It's not rocket science.

    It's quite hard to figure out what you're trying to say - the grammar is so poor.

    None of my business? S/he who lives by the sword... You seem pretty keen on here generally to ante up with comments about what others should or should not do or say (including in your last post and this thread).

  23. #23

    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    You've completely misread the last post I'm afraid. It's not rocket science.

    It's quite hard to figure out what you're trying to say - the grammar is so poor.

    None of my business? S/he who lives by the sword... You seem pretty keen on here generally to ante up with comments about what others should or should not do or say (including in your last post and this thread).
    I wouldn’t waste your time trying to reason with him tbh. One of the “slower” members of ccmb.

  24. #24

    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    I wouldn’t waste your time trying to reason with him tbh. One of the “slower” members of ccmb.
    Both of them appear to be stating the obvious.

  25. #25
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    Re: Spare a thought for teachers

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    I wouldn’t waste your time trying to reason with him tbh. One of the “slower” members of ccmb.
    You think I'm one of the 'slower' ones. Who do you think are the others?
    You are a trolling keyboard warrior who's only experience of life appears to be surfing the imnternet to find something that suits your agument about a subject or to use to make someone else look stupid. What a life you lead. Should I be jealous?
    I've probably done more in my life that you ever will but because you sit here and think you're smart you think you're better than me and other people on here, you and your buddies (or are they all you?) who like to gang up on people.

    You are a joke!!

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