Quote Originally Posted by uncle bob View Post
I've had it for 4 days now.
Started off as aching bones in my fingers.
Then aching all over the next day with shivers.
Felt so drained and cold.
Took only paracetamol as was recommended and this really helped a lot.
On the 2nd night I had night sweats in bed and t-shirt I was wearing was soaking wet also the bedding and pillow case soaking.
This made things feel a lot better on the 3rd day.
Had diarrhea on 3rd day like black treacle.
Feel great as long as the paracetamol are inside you but as soon as they wear off you get the shivers again and need to sleep.
Most people that get it they reckon have a dry cough or a high fever. I think this information is incorrect.
Or misleading.
As I was not hot to touch I thought I couldn't have it.
However my cousin who is a nurse has said you don't need to be hot to have a temperature, by having the sweats at night this is a fever so basically the same thing. They should update this information as it's so misleading.
I read a story on Wales online about a woman and her husband who both had it and didn't have these symptoms that the NHS Wales website said you would have if you caught it
So - i've also been quite poorly this last week. Started off as very sore throat (which would ease after an hour or two each day), and extreme congestion. By Thursday, it was headaches, blocked ear & fatigue... I slept virtually all day Friday & Saturday. A bad cough also developed on Saturday. I'm still congested with the headaches/blocked ear/cough now - beechams are doing the trick.

I havent had a temperature at all though, and I havent had any difficulty breathing, so I doubt its Corona... but its probably one of the worst Flu bouts I have ever had...