Quote Originally Posted by tell it like it is View Post
Yeah, that must be it.

Can't be anything to do with incompetence whatsoever.

The irony is I've little doubt Labour would have won that election under David. Still, unions eh?

If I remember rightly most (if not all) unions consulted their affiliated members to decide which candidate to back. Maybe a few relied on a delegate conference.

Trades union members paying a Labour affiliation fee as part of their subs were and are part of the Labour movement and should be entitled to have a say. The electoral college formula has changed - as has the balance between MPs, individual members and affiliated members (and now registered supporters) but the principle is similar and sound.

The way you describe the process a group of 'union bosses' hid away in a smoke filled room and stitched up the leadership election. That didn't happen - and nothing like that has happened in UK Labour politics for a generation or more.