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Thread: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

  1. #1

    Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    Committee of the whole House: 23 March 2020

    Coronavirus Bill, continued

    “Statutory self-employment pay


    The Secretary of State must, by regulations, introduce a scheme of Statutory Self-

    Employment Pay.


    The scheme must make provision for payments to be made out of public funds to

    individuals who are


    self-employed, or




    The payments to be made in subsection (2) are to be set so that the net monthly earnings of an individual specified in subsection (2) do not fall below—


    80 per cent of their monthly net earnings, averaged over the last three years, or



    whichever is lower.


    No payment to be made under subsection (2) shall exceed £2,917 per month.


    A statutory instrument containing regulations under this section is subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament.

    Member’s explanatory statement

    The purpose of this amendment is to make the Government ‘top up’ self-employed workers’ earnings to the lower of 80% of their net monthly earnings averaged over three years, or £2,917 a month.

    From here


    That'll do for me, add to it a mortgage holiday, most SE should survive

  2. #2

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    There are going to be some very upset people, the ones who declare 10 grand a year to stay under the Tax bracket.

  3. #3

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    Committee of the whole House: 23 March 2020

    Coronavirus Bill, continued

    “Statutory self-employment pay


    The Secretary of State must, by regulations, introduce a scheme of Statutory Self-

    Employment Pay.


    The scheme must make provision for payments to be made out of public funds to

    individuals who are


    self-employed, or




    The payments to be made in subsection (2) are to be set so that the net monthly earnings of an individual specified in subsection (2) do not fall below—


    80 per cent of their monthly net earnings, averaged over the last three years, or



    whichever is lower.


    No payment to be made under subsection (2) shall exceed £2,917 per month.


    A statutory instrument containing regulations under this section is subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament.

    Member’s explanatory statement

    The purpose of this amendment is to make the Government ‘top up’ self-employed workers’ earnings to the lower of 80% of their net monthly earnings averaged over three years, or £2,917 a month.

    From here


    That'll do for me, add to it a mortgage holiday, most SE should survive
    Yep, thats good - I presume that as both myself and wife are directors and receive salary that we'll both qualify for the average of 80% of last three years Self Assessment Returns

  4. #4

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    There are going to be some very upset people, the ones who declare 10 grand a year to stay under the Tax bracket.
    Net earnings will I would have thought include any income - as long as it can be classed as a result of virus

  5. #5

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    Quote Originally Posted by Toadstool View Post
    Net earnings will I would have thought include any income - as long as it can be classed as a result of virus
    Self employed income is exactly that and does not include divs, interest, UK property, employment, cgt or any other type of income

  6. #6

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    Quote Originally Posted by Toadstool View Post
    Yep, thats good - I presume that as both myself and wife are directors and receive salary that we'll both qualify for the average of 80% of last three years Self Assessment Returns
    This is for self employed people, not individuals who trade via limited company. They are covered by employee regulations

  7. #7

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    not a bad result for the SE'ed today

    treated fairly and equally with the PAYE

    well done the Government

  8. #8

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    Quote Originally Posted by TISS View Post
    This is for self employed people, not individuals who trade via limited company. They are covered by employee regulations
    Not as directors they aren't...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    I wonder if those tax returns would have looked different if folk knew this was coming .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    not a bad result for the SE'ed today

    treated fairly and equally with the PAYE

    well done the Government
    This is going to hurt the country financially, as he said this and other packages are far outstripping others countries response.

    Has to be done let's hope its appreciated it's a huge gamble.

  11. #11

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    not a bad result for the SE'ed today

    treated fairly and equally with the PAYE

    well done the Government
    It’s based on profits isn’t it, rather than income? Won’t that make quite a difference in practice?

  12. #12

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    yeah looks ok in principle better than what i expected

    i wish when all this is over the government can make taxation so much easier for self employed people . i notice a few on here and other places think that a lot fiddle the books etc which isn't the case in most cases just use the current laws to gain maximum advantage

    Its the system that's wrong not the self employed people that work within the system . IR35 needs to be looked at and refined for starters .How do you tax people fairly that work with money transactions etc ?

  13. #13

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    Just watch question time tonight. Literally 1000s left out.
    Someone esle was applying for Universal. Credit took a screenshot saying they were 99000 in the Q.
    THE system was under siege before all this now its on the verge of impossible

  14. #14

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    yeah looks ok in principle better than what i expected

    i wish when all this is over the government can make taxation so much easier for self employed people . i notice a few on here and other places think that a lot fiddle the books etc which isn't the case in most cases just use the current laws to gain maximum advantage

    Its the system that's wrong not the self employed people that work within the system . IR35 needs to be looked at and refined for starters .How do you tax people fairly that work with money transactions etc ?
    IR35 itself is fine. The issue is with the determinations.

    As present contractor makes the determination. Not difficult to do, use somebody like Qdos to review the contract. Too many then leave it there - ignore working practices. Easy to get a contract giving outside determination... Got a right of substitution? Cool, but if client don't honour that then working practices trump contract every day.

    I've worked with many getting the contract correct and then quite frankly acting like client's bitch. Switch between IT projects at client request? No problem, Sir...

    HMRC are blithering idiots, that needs saying, but IR35 isn't an issue when contractor and end client understand the issues and work correctly as a B2B relationship. There are far too many contractors extracting the urine.

  15. #15

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    well i could argue all night with your logic and can see your 180 degrees where i,m coming from but you are right HMRC are idiots !

    the simple solution is stop medium and large companys stop using freelancers full stop not even giving them the option to see if they are in or out of IR35. job done

    the major problem with that is this country is seriously under skilled in science and engineering for example . the current crop of undergraduates are not up to scratch in many areas are now re skilling going back to do apprenticeships basically on the job training .freelancers fill in the gaps shall we say papering over the cracks

    JLR wouldn't be functioning in this country right now without freelancers trust me !!

  16. #16

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    I don't really know enough about this to comment but is there anything to stop them working at the same time at the same time as claiming? Obviously can't do that unless you are able to work from home but imagine that is a sizable minority.

  17. #17

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    yeah looks ok in principle better than what i expected

    i wish when all this is over the government can make taxation so much easier for self employed people . i notice a few on here and other places think that a lot fiddle the books etc which isn't the case in most cases just use the current laws to gain maximum advantage

    Its the system that's wrong not the self employed people that work within the system . IR35 needs to be looked at and refined for starters .How do you tax people fairly that work with money transactions etc ?
    Mate lets be honest, I worked self-employed in construction and everyone I know, plumbers, sparkys, carpenters all claim 10-15k a year and earn around 30k I can literally name 10 people even in my small network of friends.

  18. #18

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    well i could argue all night with your logic and can see your 180 degrees where i,m coming from but you are right HMRC are idiots !

    the simple solution is stop medium and large companys stop using freelancers full stop not even giving them the option to see if they are in or out of IR35. job done

    the major problem with that is this country is seriously under skilled in science and engineering for example . the current crop of undergraduates are not up to scratch in many areas are now re skilling going back to do apprenticeships basically on the job training .freelancers fill in the gaps shall we say papering over the cracks

    JLR wouldn't be functioning in this country right now without freelancers trust me !!
    I'm well aware of that and don't disagree.

    Where we probably disagree is that, certainly in IT, there are far, far too many who fail to grasp that running a Ltd means you are running a business. Working practices always trump contract because they are the actuality of the working relationship. Where a client demands contractor stop working on Project X and instead work on Project Y, something not covered in a statement of work, then there isn't always imo a B2B relationship there because client clearly expect a temp.

    The company I run has had contracts terminated at times due to not performing client demands external to agree contract without proper assessment of the work required and subsequent contractual amendments as a result.

    So basically both clients and a lot of contractors need to wise up in a lot of ways.

  19. #19

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    chris lee i haven't got a scooby doo how electricians and plumbers work etc in terms of taxation or sole traders for that matter

    that's why i mentioned cash transactions . There are quite a few ways you can be self employed or claim to be self employed

  20. #20

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    The whole system needs cleaning up, especially in construction. I’m genuine self employed, work for myself mainly on domestic private work but the poor lads who are really by all intents and purposes employed, not self employed. They aren’t self employed by choice, they’re used like cattle by unscrupulous (on the whole) middle men who are used by the main contractor. No holiday pay, sick pay etc, it’s a disgrace, it’s bogus self employment, these middle men drop them like a shit house seat at a whim, no come back, no means of a challenge to the decision, here today, gone tomorrow. Many of these poor buggers live week to week and now have to wait until, at the earliest, June for some financial help. All this after the wettest autumn and winter on record when, for the outdoor workers who only get paid on production, were most probably earning less than Echo boys. I fear for their survival over the next few months.

  21. #21

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    I don't really know enough about this to comment but is there anything to stop them working at the same time at the same time as claiming? Obviously can't do that unless you are able to work from home but imagine that is a sizable minority.
    It's a good point, and one I'm confused about.

    You could have someone who's done well over the last 3 years and doesn't get a payment but re-invested a lot of their profit from last year into their business, but their work has dried up overnight.

    And another who's done okay - gets £7.5K in June but is really busy between now and then anyway and gets a win - win.

    Suppose all this is done very quickly and will never be perfect.

  22. #22

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    I run a consultancy business and the model is I pay both myself and my wife wages and dividends.

    Yesterdays announcement means that I'll just get 80% of the £1k per month we pay ourselves should the contract be terminated due to CV19.

    So all that profit that the government is saying is income from a disguised employment when they want to collect tax, isn't income from employment when paying it out?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    not a bad result for the SE'ed today

    treated fairly and equally with the PAYE

    well done the Government

    Yep, just remember this act when your tax bill goes up. I'm sure you will.

  24. #24

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    Yep, just remember this act when your tax bill goes up. I'm sure you will.
    As a self employed person I’d have no qualms about my tax bill rising. I would then expect to able to claim sick pay and unemployment benefit should the situation arise. I was out of work a few years back, filled in the relevant claim forms, waited a while before receiving a letter stating that I was entitled to £0.00 benefit, very helpful. Tax paid up to date as well as N.I. contributions, yet no help at all. It’s been a hard old slog sometimes over the years being self employed, we work whilst ill, raise our tax but give us the benefits as well.

  25. #25

    Re: Self Employed Help, Coronavirus Bill

    Quote Originally Posted by Toadstool View Post
    I run a consultancy business and the model is I pay both myself and my wife wages and dividends.

    Yesterdays announcement means that I'll just get 80% of the £1k per month we pay ourselves should the contract be terminated due to CV19.

    So all that profit that the government is saying is income from a disguised employment when they want to collect tax, isn't income from employment when paying it out?
    I assume your wife works in a meaningful at the consultancy? If so, then the company is a legit business.

    If it's a limited company then directors, which I assume both you and your wife are, will get zip.

    However... this exculsion really craps all over HMRC's attempts to label Ltd company contractors as "disguised employees".

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