Quote Originally Posted by Maurice Swan View Post
why is that important?
Well, you're gibbering a load of bollocks about a police state, so I wondered where you were witnessing this. I've had a quick look through your posts and it appears that you actually live in France. Is that correct?

I live in North Cardiff. At the moment I'm still working every day. Although I wouldn't classify myself a key worker, some of the work the government agency I'm employed by does is crucial to the UK's maritime industry and the safety of the public. Therefore, I've volunteered to go into work each morning and get things up and running so that 40 of our 43 staff can work from home during these difficult times.

I'm getting dropped into work by my partner each morning and then walking home mid-afternoon through the streets of Splott, Cathays, Heath, Birchgrove and Rhiwbina. The journey takes me about an hour and a half. On my travels in and out of work and on my trips to the local supermarkets to shop for my elderly parents, I haven't seen a single policeman or police vehicle at any stage. Not one. I've seen a few members of the public acting like idiots, but no policemen whatsoever.