Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
For your information, I haven't visited any doctor, psychiatric or otherwise, for around 22 years. I'd say that was down to judgement more than luck as I'm likely choosier than most about what I consume. That 22-year stretch would be closer to 30 years but for my own stupidity after busting a leg when rat-arsed. But I learnt from that experience by not getting close to paralytic since.

On a personal level, having checked my PMs here, you once sought the advice of yours truly on 27-11-2018. I advised the purchase of a specific asset class to help protect your wealth (in an environment of a collapsing economic and financial system, as we are now experiencing). Whether you chose to invest or not I have no idea. But I can inform you that that advice was more than sound as it stands 37% higher today than then and is the number one performer over the past 18 months.

Perhaps this crank is a little more clued-up than you are? Whether that's the case or not, should you seek any further advice concerning absolutely anything the response will be along the lines of: Foxtrot Oscar, you ungrateful ****.
You do come over as obsessed with things apocalyptic but if it makes you happy good luck to you