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Thread: The Donald Trump thread

  1. #6026

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    So Trump was in the wrong place at the wrong time because during the electoral process the FBI were generally inadequate in procedure when serving FISA warrants, Have I got that right? So on that basis whoever got elected would have been in the wrong place at the wrong time?
    They were tasked to stop him, but it's fairly obvious that's not the only thing they were up to. Not to mention people like you were sold the Russia collusion BS, and then spent next 3 years inadvertently trying to cover up a huge conspiracy. You have been way out of your depth since Day 1, and still the penny hasn't dropped has it

  2. #6027

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Thanks. for your scattered thoughts. I don't know if you noticed but there are a bunch of idiots over on the main board giving your hero all sorts of shit about the way he has been managing the country since he was legitimately elected. Surprised you haven't put them in their place yet!

  3. #6028

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Thanks. for your scattered thoughts. I don't know if you noticed but there are a bunch of idiots over on the main board giving your hero all sorts of shit about the way he has been managing the country since he was legitimately elected. Surprised you haven't put them in their place yet!
    Rank and Vile – DOJ Inspector General Identifies 93 Percent Non-Compliance Within FISA Review – Issues So Bad IG Presents Interim Report Before Reviewing Details

    ♦ Within the 29 FISA applications reviewed, four were completely missing the Woods File. Meaning there was zero supportive evidence for any of the FBI claims against U.S. persons underpinning the FISA application. [ie. The FBI just made stuff up]

    ♦ Of the remaining 25 FISA applications, 100% of them, all of them, were materially deficient on the woods file requirement; and the average number of deficiencies per file was 20. Meaning an average of twenty direct statements against the target, supporting the purpose of the FISA application, sworn by the FBI affiant, were unsubstantiated. [The low was 5, the high was 63, the average per file was 20]

    ♦ Half of the FISA applications reviewed used Confidential Human Sources (CHS’s). The memo outlines that “many” of applications containing CHS claims had no supportive documentation attesting to the dependability of the CHS.

    ♦ Two of the 25 FISA applications reviewed had renewals; meaning the FISA applications were renewed to extended surveillance, wiretaps, etc. beyond the initial 90-days. None of the renewals had any re-verification. Both FISAs that used renewals were not compliant.


  4. #6029
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    So, correct me if I am wrong, the FBI are accused of making the same type of procedural errors in cases that have feck all to do with people who left the Trump campaign as they did in the last two FISA applications on Carter Page.

    The Deep State is so devious that when undermining the campaign and then the legitimate election of a President of the USA that they fecked up loads of other applications just to cover their tracks. Seems like 45 wasn't so special at all?
    So it is cock up not conspiracy!

    If only Gluey had bothered to tell us 4 years ago we could have saved so much trouble following him up and down his fantasy rabbit holes.

    Of course we now have the usual bolt hole excuse of 'they tried to conspire but they were too incompetent' - which must surely cover every possible base without the need for evidence or explanation.

    Bleeding ear drums in a deranged echo chamber!

  5. #6030
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

  6. #6031

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Say it every time, but that's his best one yet.

  7. #6032

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    So it is cock up not conspiracy!

    If only Gluey had bothered to tell us 4 years ago we could have saved so much trouble following him up and down his fantasy rabbit holes.

    Of course we now have the usual bolt hole excuse of 'they tried to conspire but they were too incompetent' - which must surely cover every possible base without the need for evidence or explanation.

    Bleeding ear drums in a deranged echo chamber!
    You forgot about the insurance policy, this was a targeted operation. It looks like you are giving lardy & cyril a run for their money in the stupidity stakes

  8. #6033
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    You forgot about the insurance policy, this was a targeted operation. It looks like you are giving lardy & cyril a run for their money in the stupidity stakes
    I'll take that as a compliment. Another example of 'perverse inversion theory' - the one where the idiot runs around the playground calling all,the other kids idiots.

  9. #6034

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    I'll take that as a compliment. Another example of 'perverse inversion theory' - the one where the idiot runs around the playground calling all,the other kids idiots.
    What are we looking at here, it's the targeting of the political opposition right? So who's giving the orders, and for what reason? Your comrades in Mosköw might get away with this sort of thing, but it doesn't happen in America. This story is far from over, in fact, it's only the beginning!

  10. #6035

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    So it is cock up not conspiracy!

    If only Gluey had bothered to tell us 4 years ago we could have saved so much trouble following him up and down his fantasy rabbit holes.

    Of course we now have the usual bolt hole excuse of 'they tried to conspire but they were too incompetent' - which must surely cover every possible base without the need for evidence or explanation.

    Bleeding ear drums in a deranged echo chamber!
    The website he slavishly regurgitated during that period got kicked off twitter for calling Coronavirus a hoax. Now they are still portraying it as a "Blue Plague" (i.e. something massively over exaggerated by the media, Democrats and most bizarrely, doctors and nurses from New York who don't wear MAGA hats. In this latest Conspirathon, Dr Antony Fauci is part of the plague team.

    No wonder CTH VIP card holders are so bemused and disorientated these days!

  11. #6036

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    The website he slavishly regurgitated during that period got kicked off twitter for calling Coronavirus a hoax. Now they are still portraying it as a "Blue Plague" (i.e. something massively over exaggerated by the media, Democrats and most bizarrely, doctors and nurses from New York who don't wear MAGA hats. In this latest Conspirathon, Dr Antony Fauci is part of the plague team.

    No wonder CTH VIP card holders are so bemused and disorientated these days!
    Talking of the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and chief advisor to the president, this bit of advice to the public hasn't aged too well.


  12. #6037

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    I'll take that as a compliment. Another example of 'perverse inversion theory' - the one where the idiot runs around the playground calling all,the other kids idiots.
    Take the last post as proof. I'm not Pavlov...honest!

  13. #6038
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    What are we looking at here, it's the targeting of the political opposition right? So who's giving the orders, and for what reason? Your comrades in Mosköw might get away with this sort of thing, but it doesn't happen in America. This story is far from over, in fact, it's only the beginning!
    Hardly my 'comrades'. Not since the Stalinist victory of the 1930s anyway. In fact not anyone's comrades any more - even the old Tankies on the Anglo-Bulgarian Friendship Society who organised all those cheap, crap holidays!

    What political system do you think is in place in Russia?

    An authoritarian strong man in Putin, heading a bureaucratic caste of state functionaries, presiding over an economy dominated by oligarchs who privately own former state assets that they stole in the Yeltsin era, and which uses a significant military and much more significant intelligence and cyber-crime capacity to influence international politics and finance to the advantage of the ruling caste. In doing that they seek to promote those - like your hero Trump - who will support their interests - whether that is geo-political or simple money laundering through Florida real estate deals!

    Hopefully exposure of that sordid story is far from over. In fact.... only the beginning!

  14. #6039

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    A new war on drugs is currently underway, consisting of 22 nation's going after the major drug cartels, or is it cover for something else?

  15. #6040

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

  16. #6041

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Take the last post as proof. I'm not Pavlov...honest!
    Fauci is the latest that the Trumpettes are going for. Wailin' Wales Bales always runs with that crowd, no matter what.

  17. #6042

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Fauci is the latest that the Trumpettes are going for. Wailin' Wales Bales always runs with that crowd, no matter what.
    I like Dr Fauci, but some people may not trust him due to the love letters he sent Hillary Clinton. The bloke is on the record, so it's his reputation that is on the line. I think Trump likes him too, as he could be the perfect fall guy if he got any of his calculations wrong. Don't fortget he was still playing down the severity virus as recently as Feb 19, before pivoting to a position that saw the shutdown of the US economy.

  18. #6043

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I like Dr Fauci, but some people may not trust him due to the love letters he sent Hillary Clinton. The bloke is on the record, so it's his reputation that is on the line. I think Trump likes him too, as he could be the perfect fall guy if he got any of his calculations wrong. Don't fortget he was still playing down the severity virus as recently as Feb 19, before pivoting to a position that saw the shutdown of the US economy.

    Right on cue. Monkey see.....monkey do!

  19. #6044

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post

    Right on cue. Monkey see.....monkey do!
    They don't miss a trick do they, nothing can be hidden anymore. If it wasn't for the CTH you and lardy would have gotten away with your constant lies and BS regarding the Russia collusion hoax, so I can see why you and other fraudulent narrative engineers dislike them!

    BTW I saw it on Twitter like everybody else ...

  20. #6045

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Meanwhile, whilst Americans die arse in chief talks about how popular he is on Facebook:


  21. #6046

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Meanwhile, whilst Americans die arse in chief talks about how popular he is on Facebook:

    Wow, I never realised he was that popular.

  22. #6047

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Clueless Cyril really needs to learn the difference between if and when, TDS has pickled his brain

  23. #6048
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Clueless Cyril really needs to learn the difference between if and when, TDS has pickled his brain
    I have to be fair WB , I do admire your perseverance and knowledge with this matter , someone has also very kindly linked you to the Bob Marley band ( Wailin' Wales Bales*) which Im sure is very helpful and insightful in these very troubling times.

    I find peoples hatred and fixation of Trump fascinating , whilst there is so much awful news around us , why some feel the need to avidly follow a foreign leader ramblings some 4,255*miles away is very strange habit .

    I think your observed TDS behaviour pattern , amongst a few is is an extremely interesting discovery .

    How many post now on this matter ???

    How few comments on home matters is also interesting???

    Take care all, and those around you .

  24. #6049

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I have to be fair WB , I do admire your perseverance and knowledge with this matter , someone has also very kindly linked you to the Bob Marley band ( Wailin' Wales Bales*) which Im sure is very helpful and insightful in these very troubling times.

    I find peoples hatred and fixation of Trump fascinating , whilst there is so much awful news around us , why some feel the need to avidly follow a foreign leader ramblings some 4,255*miles away is very strange habit .

    I think your observed TDS behaviour pattern , amongst a few is is an extremely interesting discovery .

    How many post now on this matter ???

    How few comments on home matters is also interesting???

    Take care all, and those around you .
    Did you realise when you broadcasted that you wouldn't give up being a wind up merchant as a New Years Resolution that your limited talent then would degrade so quickly in just 3 months?

  25. #6050

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Did you realise when you broadcasted that you wouldn't give up being a wind up merchant as a New Years Resolution that your limited talent then would degrade so quickly in just 3 months?
    Cringe factor I thought 10000000 😬

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