I have pondered on this myself. As a 70+ year old I am obliged to stay at home 24/7, so here I am in splendid isolation for the last 2 weeks and maybe many more weeks yet. It's not too bad, just missing face to face contact with friends and family. Even when this episode is deemed to be officially "over" and I go out and about once again, how can I be sure that there still aren't a significant number of folk who are asymptomatic also out and about? Might it not have been better that I had caught the virus now and thereby got some immunity? The problem is I would never know if I had got the milder form of the disease, or if not, it would have killed me anyway!

I wouldn't put any store in getting the vaccine - that's going to be a very long way off and, not unreasonably, us geriatrics are going to be way down the priority list!