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Thread: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

  1. #26

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    I wonder if the prime motivation of some in this thread is to defend Premier League footballers in general or to defend the Conservative party?

  2. #27

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I wonder if the prime motivation of some in this thread is to defend Premier League footballers in general or to defend the Conservative party?
    Mine is to defend workers and not put the responsibility of bosses on to footballers.

  3. #28

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by chrisp_1927 View Post
    Footballers wages are obscene. But there is only 1 set of people that I blame for that. The people that pay the obscene TV subscriptions for sky sports etc. That's where the majority of the money comes from. I'm no socialist, but I would love to see football fans around Europe come together with a specific set of demands before they give any money to football clubs or sky again, £20 max ticket price and £10 a month for sports subscription. It'll never happen, but I'd love to see it
    That's bollocks, I'm afraid. The fans had no choice in the formation of the premier league. They didn't choose for the majority of fans to be priced out of subscribing.

    The fans who do pay can't go elsewhere for top flight English football (legally anyway) as this is a monopoly. We'd all love it to be free to air again and it's not the fans fault that it isn't. If sky and the PL were still making big money they wouldn't care if only 500 people subscribed, and in those circs it also wouldn't be the subscribers fault.

  4. #29

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I wonder if the prime motivation of some in this thread is to defend Premier League footballers in general or to defend the Conservative party?
    For me it's highlighting the lies of the Prem clubs but if you want to politicise it, carry on.

  5. #30

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Mine is to defend workers and not put the responsibility of bosses on to footballers.
    Yes, I have some sympathy, albeit limited, for Premier footballers here. Even when they're playing every week, they're there to be shot at when it comes to their pay, but, as I said earlier in this thread, I'd say that their union has an almost impossible job in persuading the public that they shouldn't take a compulsory wage cut currently.

    I'm pleased to not be cynical enough to read that article and think it was a fake, but,if it is,the points being made by the player are, I believe, still entirely fair ones.

    I should also say that I agree that there are others within the game with more responsibility in matters like this than individual players, hence that limited sympathy I mentioned.

  6. #31

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    Funny how the majority of posters are taking this as a genuine interview presumably because it corresponds with their own views, political and otherwise. If it was the other way around no doubt they would jump on it straight away and accuse it of being a load of made up twaddle produced by the interviewer (which it almost certainly is).
    The interviewer is a well respected journalist who I’ve followed for about 15 years. I trust what he writes. There would be too much to lose and nothing to gain by making this up. Plus these interviews have been going on for a while.

    Why do you not believe it?

  7. #32

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Mine is to defend workers and not put the responsibility of bosses on to footballers.
    I’ve always had a similar view but this interview has changed my mind a bit to be honest. Imagine having half a million in your bank every month, surely it becomes mostly useless after a few years.

    Would it not be better to do some good with it rather than just let it all mount up?

  8. #33

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I wonder if the prime motivation of some in this thread is to defend Premier League footballers in general or to defend the Conservative party?
    It’s mad isn’t it.

  9. #34
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    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Mine is to defend workers and not put the responsibility of bosses on to footballers.
    I agree. Some of the chairmen who are furloughing (a nice word for taking money out of the National Coffers which could be redirected elsewhere) unimportant staff (let's be honest here, that's how they view their staff) have taken no pay cut, or 20% off a wage that is £150k a week.

    Vincent Tan has so much money, he has invested into a sport he doesn't know, but pay the cleaner's for the next two months - nah that is too much to pay.

    They are scared to upset their prize assets. The world is going to be a different place after this. At the very least, we have all had a massive shock and rethought our priorities. At the worse, we will have seen a loved one, or a friend, or a colleague die. And what these clubs are gradually doing is alienating people whose viewpoints on what is important have changed.

    How many of us are actually missing football at this moment? I'm not, I'm missing visiting my parents today for a nice lunch.

  10. #35

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    I do agree how come Hancock doesn’t ask Tory donors (or any other party donors to make a contribution.

    Tory donors such as crispin odey has made millions by shorting the market since the virus was in the news. Same for Marshall Wace.

    Shows what hypocrites politicians are.

  11. #36

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    I agree. Some of the chairmen who are furloughing (a nice word for taking money out of the National Coffers which could be redirected elsewhere) unimportant staff (let's be honest here, that's how they view their staff) have taken no pay cut, or 20% off a wage that is £150k a week.

    Vincent Tan has so much money, he has invested into a sport he doesn't know, but pay the cleaner's for the next two months - nah that is too much to pay.

    They are scared to upset their prize assets. The world is going to be a different place after this. At the very least, we have all had a massive shock and rethought our priorities. At the worse, we will have seen a loved one, or a friend, or a colleague die. And what these clubs are gradually doing is alienating people whose viewpoints on what is important have changed.

    How many of us are actually missing football at this moment? I'm not, I'm missing visiting my parents today for a nice lunch.
    Very well put.

  12. #37

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    It’s mad isn’t it.
    So employers at football clubs cynically plan to abuse a scheme designed to help companies, mostly small, get through immediate cash flow issues by trying to get other employees to be paid less.. and people are ecstatic.

  13. #38

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Yes you clearly are confused

    I fully agree that premier league players should contribute and hancock , the tory health minister , who had donations from private healthcare companies during the election campaign should get his rich backers to stump up too
    No you seem to be confused by some basic maths and simple understanding of commerce:

    Donations to the Tory party (and those to most political parties) are a drop in the ocean compared to what basic (try to understand that part) wages of a Prem League footballer. Additionally, some cretins are calling for other ‘high earners’ to contribute.

    Do people ACTUALLY realise that no one, not CEOs, bankers, hedge fund managers whoever, earn a WEEKLY wage anywhere near that of a Prem League footballer? They may get big bonuses (er, just like Prem League footballers ALSO do) and/or shares to make up sizeable annual pay packets but most dullards simply don’t get this. And all they have to do it look at the financial report of any public company. It really is comical that people don’t know this.

    So please try harder. I know that it is difficult for you.

  14. #39

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobby Dandruff View Post
    No you seem to be confused by some basic maths and simple understanding of commerce:

    Donations to the Tory party (and those to most political parties) are a drop in the ocean compared to what basic (try to understand that part) wages of a Prem League footballer. Additionally, some cretins are calling for other ‘high earners’ to contribute.

    Do people ACTUALLY realise that no one, not CEOs, bankers, hedge fund managers whoever, earn a WEEKLY wage anywhere near that of a Prem League footballer? They may get big bonuses (er, just like Prem League footballers ALSO do) and/or shares to make up sizeable annual pay packets but most dullards simply don’t get this. And all they have to do it look at the financial report of any public company. It really is comical that people don’t know this.

    So please try harder. I know that it is difficult for you.
    It's not difficult at all , I understand far more than you think

    The basic plank of this is that hancock , a wealthy man , backed by ****ing tory private healthcare companies is all of a sudden saying we are all in this together to make plebs like you shout hurrah

    It starts with him and his two faced , corrupt government led by a racist , with a cough

  15. #40

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    It's players like this who make me sick..

  16. #41
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    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I see the PFA have come out this morning criticising plans for a 30 % wage cut for Premier League players arguing about the lost tax revenues this would result in - I think they are on a loser there when it comes to public opinion.

    This bloke strikes a chord with me because even if I were, say, in my thirties now, I could easily live the rest of my life in a manner which I would call comfortable for the rest of my life on two months payment for a good Premier League player as long as the money was invested sensibly.
    The tax point made by the PFA is bogus and a huge own-goal (wink). Why don't they just donate the entire 30% to the NHS? Issue solved.

  17. #42
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    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobby Dandruff View Post
    No you seem to be confused by some basic maths and simple understanding of commerce:

    Donations to the Tory party (and those to most political parties) are a drop in the ocean compared to what basic (try to understand that part) wages of a Prem League footballer. Additionally, some cretins are calling for other ‘high earners’ to contribute.

    Do people ACTUALLY realise that no one, not CEOs, bankers, hedge fund managers whoever, earn a WEEKLY wage anywhere near that of a Prem League footballer? They may get big bonuses (er, just like Prem League footballers ALSO do) and/or shares to make up sizeable annual pay packets but most dullards simply don’t get this. And all they have to do it look at the financial report of any public company. It really is comical that people don’t know this.

    So please try harder. I know that it is difficult for you.
    Not true. See https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/905646...ichest-people/

  18. #43
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    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    If this was true (and i'm not saying that it isn't) The player in question would be known by the wider public (If they actually gave a shit) This isn't the kind of stuff that is top secret, sworn to secrecy etc, players would tell journos, their mates and missus, it would be common knowledge in the football world. He's apparently giving away a load of his wages, not devised a fool proof formula to stop poverty and disease.
    I can't agree with that. Who knew George Michael was such an awesome secret philanthropist until he died?

  19. #44
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    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by tell it like it is View Post
    Jug ears Lineker this morning said all "high earners" should have wage cuts.

    Nobody seems to want to explain how the hole caused by loss of all that tax will be filled.

    As far as the Prem, it's crap. Liverpool who made 48m profit last season, can't pay 20k a year max workers? Utter bollocks. The government scheme was intended to help small businesses facing cash flow issues get through this - not for large companies to take the piss and get taxpayer subsidies. Lower league and non-league clubs you can understand would be in need of that help, but the rest? Crap.

    Unnamed player claims to have given 200k a month to charity for 3 years? Bollocks. Conveniently unidentified player, the sneering political tone of the conversation... DHOTY candidate.
    The foregone pay isn't going to disappear. They could just donate the entire amount to the tax authorities or donate it.

  20. #45

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    Well I never , who is the dullard now Bobby?

    Dyson is a massive contributor to the tory party and was behind the brexit campaign

    Maybe now he can earn his corn by sorting out some breathing equipment , hes got enough ****ing money to play with

  21. #46

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    I can't agree with that. Who knew George Michael was such an awesome secret philanthropist until he died?
    Good bloke george micheal

  22. #47

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobby Dandruff View Post
    No you seem to be confused by some basic maths and simple understanding of commerce:

    Donations to the Tory party (and those to most political parties) are a drop in the ocean compared to what basic (try to understand that part) wages of a Prem League footballer. Additionally, some cretins are calling for other ‘high earners’ to contribute.

    Do people ACTUALLY realise that no one, not CEOs, bankers, hedge fund managers whoever, earn a WEEKLY wage anywhere near that of a Prem League footballer? They may get big bonuses (er, just like Prem League footballers ALSO do) and/or shares to make up sizeable annual pay packets but most dullards simply don’t get this. And all they have to do it look at the financial report of any public company. It really is comical that people don’t know this.

    So please try harder. I know that it is difficult for you.
    The donors I mentioned made ten million in the last month.

  23. #48

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    The donors I mentioned made ten million in the last month.
    Bobby's done a runner

  24. #49

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    The foregone pay isn't going to disappear. They could just donate the entire amount to the tax authorities or donate it.
    So what you're saying is you're happy for incredibly rich clubs to abuse a system designed to help businesses who may end up with cashflow issues by treating low paid staff like shit because highly paid players could take pay cuts, oh and pay the missing tax voluntary hence getting effectively taxed twice... whilst the incredibly rich clubs get taxpayer money.

    You seem to want to blast highly paid players rather than putting the blame at the clubs.

    If you're talking lower league / non-league clubs, where there isn't the cash slushing around, that's a different story - even than, that just shows how badly run football clubs are when it comes to business. Too many spend what they don't have, in that case the lower paid staff should absolutely be taken care of.

  25. #50

    Re: Great Interview with a Premier League player who gives all his wages to charity

    Quote Originally Posted by tell it like it is View Post
    So what you're saying is you're happy for incredibly rich clubs to abuse a system designed to help businesses who may end up with cashflow issues by treating low paid staff like shit because highly paid players could take pay cuts, oh and pay the missing tax voluntary hence getting effectively taxed twice... whilst the incredibly rich clubs get taxpayer money.

    You seem to want to blast highly paid players rather than putting the blame at the clubs.

    If you're talking lower league / non-league clubs, where there isn't the cash slushing around, that's a different story - even than, that just shows how badly run football clubs are when it comes to business. Too many spend what they don't have, in that case the lower paid staff should absolutely be taken care of.
    Isn't that exactly what hes saying ?

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