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Thread: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

  1. #1

    Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Son of a factory worker and an NHS nurse

    State schooled


    Represented families of striking dockers who had benefits cut off

    Represented mineworkers when it sued the tory government for failing to provide transitional relief for unemployed miners

    Published a legal document to widespread acclaim that the 2003 invasion of Iraq would be unlawful

    Took the last labour government to court over its decision to deny welfare benefits to asylum seekers

    As director of public prosecutions he prosecuted mp's who cheated on their expenses

    Changed prosecution guidelines on violence towards women

    The odious daily mail and daily telegraph have already gone on the attack ...

    High flying law man desperate to stress his working class credentials ! spouts the telegraph

    After this governments shocking response to the coronavirus, the right wing press are fearing a 1945 swing to labour and keir starmer has got them worried

    Let's have it

  2. #2

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    I'd hardly call the governments response "shocking" the amount of financial help they've made available will probably see the tories ok in the next election...

    Add to that the fact we will be out of the EU - when most EU countries are having a worse time of it than us.

  3. #3

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Son of a factory worker and an NHS nurse

    State schooled


    Represented families of striking dockers who had benefits cut off

    Represented mineworkers when it sued the tory government for failing to provide transitional relief for unemployed miners

    Published a legal document to widespread acclaim that the 2003 invasion of Iraq would be unlawful

    Took the last labour government to court over its decision to deny welfare benefits to asylum seekers

    As director of public prosecutions he prosecuted mp's who cheated on their expenses

    Changed prosecution guidelines on violence towards women

    The odious daily mail and daily telegraph have already gone on the attack ...

    High flying law man desperate to stress his working class credentials ! spouts the telegraph

    After this governments shocking response to the coronavirus, the right wing press are fearing a 1945 swing to labour and keir starmer has got them worried

    Let's have it
    The Sun will be on the attack soon (if they're not already) as Starmer was head of public prosecutions during the hacking scandal.

  4. #4

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    It doesn't matter who the leader is, the sun will paint them as an incompetant clown and the public will lap it up.

  5. #5

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by Toadstool View Post
    I'd hardly call the governments response "shocking" the amount of financial help they've made available will probably see the tories ok in the next election...

    Add to that the fact we will be out of the EU - when most EU countries are having a worse time of it than us.
    The response has been dreadful , told months ago to prepare , told the herd immunity idea was not going to work , told months ago to go into lockdown meanwhile johnson goes round shaking hands , hancock three weeks ago tells the NHS they will get the protective equipment they need ....still not getting it

    Total incompetence

  6. #6

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    The Sun will be on the attack soon (if they're not already) as Starmer was head of public prosecutions during the hacking scandal.
    Hmm, Robin Hood trial springs to mind.

  7. #7

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Son of a factory worker and an NHS nurse

    State schooled


    Represented families of striking dockers who had benefits cut off

    Represented mineworkers when it sued the tory government for failing to provide transitional relief for unemployed miners

    Published a legal document to widespread acclaim that the 2003 invasion of Iraq would be unlawful

    Took the last labour government to court over its decision to deny welfare benefits to asylum seekers

    As director of public prosecutions he prosecuted mp's who cheated on their expenses

    Changed prosecution guidelines on violence towards women

    The odious daily mail and daily telegraph have already gone on the attack ...

    High flying law man desperate to stress his working class credentials ! spouts the telegraph

    After this governments shocking response to the coronavirus, the right wing press are fearing a 1945 swing to labour and keir starmer has got them worried

    Let's have it
    Sludge, you sadly ignore the bleeding obvious following facts.

    1) He's dull as dishwater with the personality of a wet cabbage.

    2) Getting rid of incompetent cocknuggets like Burgon hasn't gone down well with many, some seeing it as a purge of Corbynistas as opposed to getting rid of incompetent shitbiscuits.

    3) The "author" of Labour's disjointed Brexit approach won't go down too well with Labour leave voters.

    4) Many Corbynista members are leaving ( or claiming to ) to join Galloway's latest ego driven project, "WorkersPartyGB". Could well fragment Labour vote.

    5) Starmer will have to get through EHRC report and face the problem he was silent about antisemitism at the time whilst having a Jewish wife and kids.

    6) Most of the far left antisemites finding out he has a Jewish wife and kids will target antisemitism at him as a result.

  8. #8

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    The response has been dreadful , told months ago to prepare , told the herd immunity idea was not going to work , told months ago to go into lockdown meanwhile johnson goes round shaking hands , hancock three weeks ago tells the NHS they will get the protective equipment they need ....still not getting it

    Total incompetence
    Totally agree Sludge.

  9. #9

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by tell it like it is View Post
    Hmm, Robin Hood trial springs to mind.
    Care to explain what you mean by that?

  10. #10

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    Care to explain what you mean by that?
    The allegations of his conduct in that case. Mostly, him apparently being the driving force against opposing an appeal on numerous occasions, spending a decent amount of money in the process.

  11. #11

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by tell it like it is View Post
    The allegations of his conduct in that case. Mostly, him apparently being the driving force against opposing an appeal on numerous occasions, spending a decent amount of money in the process.
    How much did it cost as a result of Starmer's conduct? I haven't seen the allegations so it'd be interesting to read why his conduct is being called into question by yourself and, I assume, others.

  12. #12

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    How much did it cost as a result of Starmer's conduct? I haven't seen the allegations so it'd be interesting to read why his conduct is being called into question by yourself and, I assume, others.
    The allegations were that CPS didn't oppose the appeals, Starmer however overruled the advice.

    Tbh, that's just minor compared to the rest of the points - Corbynistas aren't going to be happy one bit and that's his biggest problem right now, a divided party.

    At this point in time, I don't see Labour making gains for quite a while. It's all up in the air whilst covid019 and Brexit are around; key battles and leaders will be those after Johnson and Starmer.

  13. #13

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by tell it like it is View Post
    The allegations were that CPS didn't oppose the appeals, Starmer however overruled the advice.

    Tbh, that's just minor compared to the rest of the points - Corbynistas aren't going to be happy one bit and that's his biggest problem right now, a divided party.

    At this point in time, I don't see Labour making gains for quite a while. It's all up in the air whilst covid019 and Brexit are around; key battles and leaders will be those after Johnson and Starmer.
    I only made one point about him being involved with the NOTW hacking scandal case and was intrigued by your response about it being a "Robin Hood trial" (for which I'll be completely honest... I still don't understand the correlation of your responses to Robin Hood at all, sorry).

  14. #14

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    How much did it cost as a result of Starmer's conduct? I haven't seen the allegations so it'd be interesting to read why his conduct is being called into question by yourself and, I assume, others.
    Anti-Semite, terrorist and IRA sympathiser, Czech Spy, anti-monarchist

    Bit dull, once continued a prosecution against someone tweeting to blow up an airport, married to a jew and a knight of the realm

    You can see why some of the attack lines are struggling to get a firm hold at the outset can't you!

  15. #15

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    I only made one point about him being involved with the NOTW hacking scandal case and was intrigued by your response about it being a "Robin Hood trial" (for which I'll be completely honest... I still don't understand the correlation of your responses to Robin Hood at all, sorry).
    It was an idiot that tweeted he would blow up Robin Hood Airport Doncaster because his flight was cancelled or something

  16. #16

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Anti-Semite, terrorist and IRA sympathiser, Czech Spy, anti-monarchist

    Bit dull, once continued a prosecution against someone tweeting to blow up an airport, married to a jew and a knight of the realm

    You can see why some of the attack lines are struggling to get a firm hold at the outset can't you!
    Yeah... But apart from all of that, I think they secretly like him.

  17. #17

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    It was an idiot that tweeted he would blow up Robin Hood Airport Doncaster because his flight was cancelled or something
    Chief prosecutor ‘forced staff’ to pursue Twitter case
    Lawyers at the crown prosecution service had wanted to drop a case against a man who had made a joke about ‘blowing up an airport’

    KEIR STARMER, the director of public prosecutions (DPP), stopped his staff from dropping a case against an accountant who joked on Twitter that he wanted to blow up an airport, it was claimed today.

    Paul Chambers, 28, wrote the message in a moment of frustration when Robin Hood airport, in south Yorkshire, was closed because of heavy snow.

    Chambers was later found guilty of sending a menacing tweet but had the conviction quashed in the High Court in London on Friday.

    The Observer reported today that crown prosecution service (CPS) lawyers told Chambers they saw no public interest in opposing his appeal, but Starmer allegedly overruled them at the last minute.

    Chambers told the newspaper he was “bitterly upset” at Starmer's decision to prosecute.

    He said: “Mr Starmer was prepared to put me through the worry of yet another hearing, waste yet more taxpayers' money and waste the time of the Lord Chief Justice.”

    Doncaster magistrates found Chambers guilty, in May, 2010, which led to him losing two jobs and gaining a criminal record.

    His tweet, in January, 2010, had read: “Crap! Robin Hood airport is closed. You've got a week and a bit to get your shit together otherwise I am blowing the airport sky high!!”

    Chambers launched an appeal and gained support from comedians Stephen Fry and Al Murray, who argued people had a right to make bad jokes.

    The CPS sent Chambers and his solicitor papers stating that it agreed it should not fight his appeal.

    A spokesperson for the CPS, which spent £18,000 fighting the case, insisted the DPP did not overrule his subordinates and it had at one stage considered conceding the appeal, but it had not been possible as only the High Court could overturn a crown court finding.

    Chambers said after getting his conviction quashed this week that he had never thought anyone would take his “silly joke” seriously.

    He said: “I am relieved, vindicated - it is ridiculous it ever got this far.”

  18. #18

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    It was an idiot that tweeted he would blow up Robin Hood Airport Doncaster because his flight was cancelled or something
    Ok, does that mean 'tell it like it is' is saying that a trial resulting from a joke about blowing up an airport can be equated to a trial about journalists hacking dead children's families phones?

    My mind didn't go anywhere near that logic, sorry.

  19. #19
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by tell it like it is View Post
    Sludge, you sadly ignore the bleeding obvious following facts.

    1) He's dull as dishwater with the personality of a wet cabbage.

    2) Getting rid of incompetent cocknuggets like Burgon hasn't gone down well with many, some seeing it as a purge of Corbynistas as opposed to getting rid of incompetent shitbiscuits.

    3) The "author" of Labour's disjointed Brexit approach won't go down too well with Labour leave voters.

    4) Many Corbynista members are leaving ( or claiming to ) to join Galloway's latest ego driven project, "WorkersPartyGB". Could well fragment Labour vote.

    5) Starmer will have to get through EHRC report and face the problem he was silent about antisemitism at the time whilst having a Jewish wife and kids.

    6) Most of the far left antisemites finding out he has a Jewish wife and kids will target antisemitism at him as a result.
    Barely a fact in sight. Plenty of rabid poison, distortion, invention and hysterical waffle, though.

    Starmer wasn't silent about the 'Labour antisemitism crisis', although why having a Jewish wife and kids is relevant to anything is beyond me. He clearly called out the genuine examples of antisemitism that were uncovered (although Labour is less infected than the Tories). Those people - where they turned out to be Labour members - should rightly be thrown out.

    But just maybe he didn't want to jump on the campaign to cynically misuse the allegations to attack Corbyn, and maybe he was uncomfortable with the suspensions and expulsions of anti-racist, anti-Zionist members (very often Jewish) who were targeted for their support of Palestinians and opposition to Israeli abuses and crimes. They accounted for at least a large minority of the cases.

    I hope that is true, but his actions (and those of Long-Bailey and Nandy) since he announced he was standing - endorsing the BOD demands etc - suggests not.

  20. #20

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Barely a fact in sight. Plenty of rabid poison, distortion, invention and hysterical waffle, though.

    Starmer wasn't silent about the 'Labour antisemitism crisis', although why having a Jewish wife and kids is relevant to anything is beyond me. He clearly called out the genuine examples of antisemitism that were uncovered (although Labour is less infected than the Tories). Those people - where they turned out to be Labour members - should rightly be thrown out.

    But just maybe he didn't want to jump on the campaign to cynically misuse the allegations to attack Corbyn, and maybe he was uncomfortable with the suspensions and expulsions of anti-racist, anti-Zionist members (very often Jewish) who were targeted for their support of Palestinians and opposition to Israeli abuses and crimes. They accounted for at least a large minority of the cases.

    I hope that is true, but his actions (and those of Long-Bailey and Nandy) since he announced he was standing - endorsing the BOD demands etc - suggests not.
    I was gonna reply to this total bollox but you've done a decent job.Tells it like it is be fecked.

  21. #21

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Barely a fact in sight. Plenty of rabid poison, distortion, invention and hysterical waffle, though.

    Starmer wasn't silent about the 'Labour antisemitism crisis', although why having a Jewish wife and kids is relevant to anything is beyond me. He clearly called out the genuine examples of antisemitism that were uncovered (although Labour is less infected than the Tories). Those people - where they turned out to be Labour members - should rightly be thrown out.

    But just maybe he didn't want to jump on the campaign to cynically misuse the allegations to attack Corbyn, and maybe he was uncomfortable with the suspensions and expulsions of anti-racist, anti-Zionist members (very often Jewish) who were targeted for their support of Palestinians and opposition to Israeli abuses and crimes. They accounted for at least a large minority of the cases.

    I hope that is true, but his actions (and those of Long-Bailey and Nandy) since he announced he was standing - endorsing the BOD demands etc - suggests not.
    EHRC report was due soon, so...

    It's interesting to see Labour supporters picking up on minor points and ignoring the major ones, namely Corbynistas claiming a purge is ongoing... civil war beckons within Labour.

    Can you provide this evidence that Labour have less antisemitism than Tories? Please don't cite the oft-mentioned poll which refers to self-identifying voters rather than members.

  22. #22

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Barely a fact in sight. Plenty of rabid poison, distortion, invention and hysterical waffle, though.

    Starmer wasn't silent about the 'Labour antisemitism crisis', although why having a Jewish wife and kids is relevant to anything is beyond me. He clearly called out the genuine examples of antisemitism that were uncovered (although Labour is less infected than the Tories). Those people - where they turned out to be Labour members - should rightly be thrown out.

    But just maybe he didn't want to jump on the campaign to cynically misuse the allegations to attack Corbyn, and maybe he was uncomfortable with the suspensions and expulsions of anti-racist, anti-Zionist members (very often Jewish) who were targeted for their support of Palestinians and opposition to Israeli abuses and crimes. They accounted for at least a large minority of the cases.

    I hope that is true, but his actions (and those of Long-Bailey and Nandy) since he announced he was standing - endorsing the BOD demands etc - suggests not.
    'anti-racist, anti-Zionist members (very often Jewish) who were targeted for their support of Palestinians and opposition to Israeli abuses and crimes. They accounted for at least a large minority of the cases.'

    You're right except that they accounted for ALL the cases. And they were all bogus smears orchestrated by Labour's anti-Corbyn wing together with Zionist lobbying groups. This is proven and documented. Look at Al Jazeera's The Lobby, or the video produced after the election by the bogus political charity the 'Campaign Against Anti-Semitism', where they gloat over bringing him down successfully(I took a copy before the CAS took it down).

    Corbyn failed to stand up to all this and instead started apologizing, showing the weakness and poor leadership which characterized his tenure. He should have made clear that the opposition to Israel's policies toward the Palestinians is not against Jews, Judaism or Jewish identity: it's against colonialism, against states which allocate rights according to race, against countries which steal other people's land through force, and it's in support of international law and justice in human affairs. Many self-defined Jews throughout the world know this and that's why they oppose what Israel is doing.

    I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of resignations from Labour if Starmer carries on in the same way.

  23. #23

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff Mansfield View Post
    'anti-racist, anti-Zionist members (very often Jewish) who were targeted for their support of Palestinians and opposition to Israeli abuses and crimes. They accounted for at least a large minority of the cases.'

    You're right except that they accounted for ALL the cases. And they were all bogus smears orchestrated by Labour's anti-Corbyn wing together with Zionist lobbying groups. This is proven and documented. Look at Al Jazeera's The Lobby, or the video produced after the election by the bogus political charity the 'Campaign Against Anti-Semitism', where they gloat over bringing him down successfully(I took a copy before the CAS took it down).

    Corbyn failed to stand up to all this and instead started apologizing, showing the weakness and poor leadership which characterized his tenure. He should have made clear that the opposition to Israel's policies toward the Palestinians is not against Jews, Judaism or Jewish identity: it's against colonialism, against states which allocate rights according to race, against countries which steal other people's land through force, and it's in support of international law and justice in human affairs. Many self-defined Jews throughout the world know this and that's why they oppose what Israel is doing.

    I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of resignations from Labour if Starmer carries on in the same way.
    15000 pages submitted to EHRC must really piss you off. Bogus charity?

    Are you Splott Dai's best friend? He's well known for his views.

  24. #24

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    It was all going so well and then Starmer appointed Ed Milleband to his shadow cabinet !! What a joke. Another ten years in opposition beckons. As the OP said - ‘lets have it’

  25. #25

    Re: Keir Starmer, the leader the tories fear the most

    Quote Originally Posted by tell it like it is View Post
    15000 pages submitted to EHRC must really piss you off. Bogus charity?

    Are you Splott Dai's best friend? He's well known for his views.
    Was that the Splott David who last posted 18 months before you joined the Board or a different one?

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