Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
Boris Johnson is a terrible person. And unfortunately a very powerful one. You don't know anything about me, but apparently I'm a wrong 'un. I'm fortunate enough to not care what you think about me. Or what you think about anyone else for that matter. But if you want to talk about a wrong 'un. Look no further than Boris Johnson. I consider him my enemy. I consider him the enemy of people and things that I care about. The world will be a better place without him.
Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
What on earth are you talking about now ?

A wrong un ? What do you mean by this ?

Who made you the message board policeman ?

I have simply asked who takes over if the prime minister dies , which he may well do

What are you getting all uppity with me for ?
It’s quite clear what I mean.
You say rotter...I say wrong’un.

I’ve been on this board since about 1998 and have posted on and off.

I seldom feel a desire to look up my password to post until folk like you and NYC Blue spew their shite!

You constantly post strong opinions about politics, how shite Wales is compared to Bradford or Manchester and general Tw&ishness.

And you are a born Jack, judging everybody else.

If you want to post your opinions as regularly on a public forum as you do...don’t get bent out of shape when they are shot down.