Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
Or is it because of his political actions?

Personally, I hope Boris makes a full recovery. While I don't believe he's a good man, I don't believe he deserves to die right now either. Leaving any sentiment aside, I think it will be interesting to see how he approaches politics, his leadership and life in general if and when he does recover.

That said, I could make a list right now of people I believe the world would be a better place without, and Trump and Putin would most definitely be on it. I finished watching a three-part Channel 4 documentary on Putin earlier today. His is an amazing story and it was great television. Seriously evil bastard, though. Death for him tomorrow wouldn't be too soon as far as I'm concerned, but it would be too late for plenty of the political opponents he's had murdered.
I don’t think Boris has been involved long enough or deeply enough to warrant the same rancor as the two mentioned above.
Maybe his position on Brexit....but again the nation voted democratically.

Putin is as frightening as they come to me.
That being said, some countries can be better off under such regimes like and fragment into worse situations without them (Years after Tito and Hussein spring to mind).

I’m a sympathetic isolationist nowadays as far as policing the world goes.

I’m not sure what to say about Trump.

I campaigned for Obama, had lunch in the West Wing and admire him still.
I do know that I trusted Hillary less than Trump.
I think that Trump genuinely cares about the US is trying to bring manufacturing back and wants to interfere less as a “Global Policeman”.
He’s most certainly unstatesmanlike and quite worrying with his Twitter rhetoric.

I get to vote in this years Presidential election For the first time and I probably won’t.

General politics have become way too intersectional and that’s why popularism is winning.

In my opinion anyway.

BTW...Thank you for sending me the Joe Dwyer book a good few years ago!